The magic wave coming from behind caught Nadia's attention. She turned her head to look over and found that her companion had passed out.

Without even thinking about it, she took a step back, and the silver wings spread out behind her, and she flew up because of it.

A black smoke suddenly rose into the air, and she pointed her wand at the opponent, and the sneak attacker easily deflected the curse.

Nadia raised her other arm and a short crossbow shot out, it was black and barely visible in the dark, but her pursuer avoided it anyway.

She smiled slightly, turned her head and flew towards the maze at high speed, followed by the people behind.

But not long after, the shot arrow turned around and came after it, looking like a hissing rattlesnake.

"You can't get rid of it." Nadia laughed and said, "Once you are targeted by it, it won't stop unless you die!"

Those who pursued her were silent.

"Don't think it will stop after killing me!" Nadia continued to say loudly, "It comes from the maze. As long as the maze exists, you won't..."

Nadia raised her wand, blocking the spell.

"Bastard!" She cursed dissatisfiedly, and turned her head to look down at the ground, as if thinking about where to land.

At this moment, a cloud of black mist suddenly flew up from the ground, with a pair of white eyes inside.

She was taken aback, but still nimbly avoided the impact of the black mist, but in this way she would have to face two enemies.

"Messenger, help me!" she yelled.

But no one answered her.

"Are you calling on your god?" she heard a voice say.

"Who?" She looked around.

"I know you are enshrining the god of death." The voice continued to appear in her mind, "Pluto is not an auspicious god, even the ancient Romans did not set up his temple in Rome."

"Instead, they believed in other gods, because those missionaries said that believing in those gods would give them eternal life." Nadia smiled sarcastically. "They are afraid of death."

"Aren't you afraid?" the voice asked coldly.

"Everyone has to die." Nadia said calmly, "I will become a star after I die."

"I heard this." The voice in her head said grimly, "Every element in our body comes from a star. When we die, our body will return to the starry sky, and the atoms of our body will spread throughout the universe. part of another planet, another life."

"It's a beautiful way of saying it, isn't it?" Nadia said fascinated.

"But you want to leave this place." The voice said, "Leaving Palodo, you don't want to be a priest of death at all, do you?"

Nadia's eyes widened.

"Who are you?" she asked anxiously.

"The one who wants to defeat the god of death." The voice said with a smile, "no one is closer to eternal life than me."

"You blasphemer!" Nadia looked around angrily.

"Get out of here while I'm in a good mood." The voice said coldly, "Otherwise I'll kill you."

"Do you dare to show up? Coward." Nadia said with a smile, "Or do you only sneak behind?"

A figure flew up from the ground.

He looked like a Saker on target, his red eyes fixed on her, and Nadia dodged away.

Now she was being chased by three people.

She turned around and flew into the magic circle at lightning speed.

Severus, Felix, and Voldemort landed one after another.

"What next?" Severus asked.

"Where was the crossbow just now?" Voldemort asked.

Severus brought it out, bound with some sort of glowing rope.

"What spell is this?"

"The bondage of light and shadow, you taught me," Severus said.

Voldemort looked into Severus' eyes again.

"I know the spell," said Voldemort after a moment, "but I don't remember teaching you."

Severus had no expression on his face.

"How do you know this spell can bind it?" Voldemort stared at Severus in circles.

"Intuition." Severus replied calmly.

"Intuition?" Voldemort laughed. "Since when have you believed in that?"

"Just like you, you broke into this maze with the answer you guessed intuitively, you chose Potter to be a threat that must be eliminated, and you also got the Philosopher's Stone. You only thought about how to get it, but never thought that this is the White Wizard A trap for you, isn't it?" Severus said slowly and in a low voice.

Felix stepped aside.

"You think this is a trap?" Voldemort asked.

"I think there's a risk," Severus said, "but you seem to have information that I don't know about. Tell me, how about we find the loopholes together?"

"Do you think I'm a fool?" said Voldemort, laughing.

"You're a smart man." Severus curled the corners of his mouth and smiled provocatively, "It's just that your mind is not clear sometimes, and it's easy to get carried away by arrogance."

"Are you not afraid of death at all?" Voldemort smiled with narrowed eyes, but everyone could feel his rapidly rising anger.

"There are many things worse than death in this world, but I don't think you will understand." Severus said slowly. "You have so much more than me, why are you still not satisfied?"

"If you want to talk about a handsome face, I'd rather not have it, and I don't want anything from my humble Muggle father!"

"I am the same, but we are all father's sons, you and your father, I and my father are similar, I never thought that I could be so like him." May grow good trees."

Voldemort watched Snape grit his teeth.

"Remember our agreement, I'll give you what you want, and you won't be able to trouble her again." Severus continued to smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will trouble you?"

"I beg your forgiveness, my lord," Severus said, bowing to Voldemort in a mocking manner.

"You'll regret it," said Voldemort restrainedly.

"Unless we survive today." Snape looked fearlessly into Voldemort's red eyes. "Tell me you know."

Voldemort hissed and circled Severus.

"Do you remember how I taught you Occlumency before?"

"I already knew..."

"But I helped you strengthen it, I remember, in your memory, you were lonely when you were a child, and often played alone in the dark with your wand shooting flies on the ceiling." Voldemort stared into Severus' eyes.

"Yes." Severus said calmly.

"That's an amazing talent. Some people can't even aim at a fixed target in a well-lit place, let alone a target as small as a fly. I need you to use the confusion spell to make those arrows attack each other. Can you do it, Severus?"

"Confusion spell?"

"That's your housekeeping skill. Without that spell, you probably wouldn't be able to make her obedient by yourself, right? Snot-nosed." Voldemort said sarcastically.

Severus stared at Voldemort full of hatred for a while, and suddenly aimed his wand at the black crossbow on the ground.

It shuddered for a while before it fell silent, and Severus removed the light and shadow restraint above it.

The crossbow didn't hit Severus' heart, but a big hairy monster that was stalking over here.

"It seems that I guessed right, even the Goblet of Fire can be confused by the Confusion Curse." Voldemort returned his gaze to Severus. "I have always underestimated you."

"Don't think too highly of me, I'm far less powerful than you." Severus smirked, "Without the Elder Wand, you are still so incomparable to destroying Hogwarts' defensive magic just by yourself , the Dark Lord."

"Do you think I can't do anything with you as long as I can't find the Goblet of Fire?"

"I don't think so." Severus said hypocritically, "You're a wand-wielding ghost after all, much better than Barrow."

Voldemort kept smiling.

"Before Harry Potter returned to Godric's Hollow, Nagini went to Bathilda Bagshot's house, and she found a basement with a lot of interesting things, including Grindelwald and Deng The information collected by Bullido when he was looking for the Deathly Hallows." After a while, Voldemort said, "Grindelwald is regarded as the apprentice of the three Petrill brothers, but he did not find the Gaunt's castle in England because it has become ruins. Yes. Human beings are so funny sometimes, driving out the original owner of the house, letting it run down, and not letting the homeless people live in it. This reminds me of one thing, my poor mother, she did not go to At school, and having never touched a wand at home, let alone learned magic, she probably doesn't know the value of a few pages any more than she knows the value of a locket around her neck."

"And you went home?" Severus asked.

"If you want to call it 'home'." Voldemort sighed, "It is said in fairy tales that the third child is the most humble and wisest, because he lived the longest and escaped the pursuit of death, but I think the most The smart one should be the second child."

"He just wanted to resurrect the woman he loved," Severus said.

"Don't be fooled by fairy tales, that stone can bring him endless armies."

"But no matter how powerful this army is, it can't bring back the man he loves the most," Severus said. "Do you remember the story of the school motto, Do Not Disturb the Sleeping Dragon, Master."

"A sad story," said Voldemort. "Salazar Slytherin lost his mother."

"His father lost his wife," said Severus. "If the three Peverell brothers were Mongnius Hagrid's apprentices, who was Mongnius Hagrid's teacher?"

Voldemort froze.

"If, I mean if, Mungnes Hagrid's teacher was Salazar Slytherin's father, then you can so easily solve a riddle that no one else can get in their lifetime, there is an explanation Already," Severus said, "Is there anything special about this light and shadow bondage?"

"That's the spell I used to bind Nagini in the dock," said Voldemort.

Severus suddenly realized "No wonder the basilisk listens to you."

Both fell silent.

"What is he going to all this trouble for?" Voldemort asked.

"Do you know what the order of the kingdom of heaven is?"

Voldemort narrowed his eyes.

"I don't need to know the correct order, at least tell me what is." Severus asked.

"Power, fame, intrigue, knowledge, love and being loved." Voldemort hesitated for a moment and said.

"Not so bad," Severus said, staring at Voldemort.

"I'll tell you after the next level is over." Voldemort turned his head and walked deep into the maze.

Severus cursed silently, followed him, and Felix followed tremblingly, looking completely dazed.

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