Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1110 Ambush Claw

According to legend, during the 12th and 13th centuries, when Charles the Lionheart participated in the Crusades, a group of thieves who were good at using bows and arrows were active in Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

In the ballad, people call that group Robin Hood.

If you are a poor person, you must feel that he is a hero if there is such a grand thief who helps you resist the excessive expropriation of officials.

If you are a wealthy person, and there is such a peasant rebel hiding in the forest ready to assassinate you at any time, you will probably hate these "rogues" to the bone.

Dark forests are best for ambushes. Although the black crow sculptures hidden in the laurel forest are still, it is hard not to be vigilant.

Unlike iron swords, archers are easy to train.

Britain in the Middle Ages was far less wealthy than France, and even the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire was to resist the French invasion of Italy.

France was once very strong, and it was precisely because of its strength that it had enough military spending to arm its heavy cavalry.

However, in the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, the British longbowmen caused heavy damage to the French army. In the Battle of Agincourt, the British longbowmen killed tens of thousands of French troops at the expense of more than 100 people.

During World War II, because of France, an unreliable ally, Britain had to implement the Dunkirk retreat, although it was called a "great victory" in history.

Severus looked at Voldemort, who stood guard on the other side of Lyle Mayer.

Without the ring in Lyle's hand, the mechanism of the labyrinth would not be activated, and at the same time, the final gate could not be opened.

It seems that neither Voldemort nor Lyall, who smells like alcohol, are unreliable allies. It seems that they can only rely on themselves to leave Severus alive, and this is also a taboo in Legion warfare.

Not only the number of people participating in the war, but also medieval Europe was far inferior to the East in terms of coordination.

Whoever has an "ally" who can reconcile at any time for the sake of interests, and who can turn against him at any time for the sake of interests, will do his own thing like they do now, and everyone has their own calculations in their hearts.

This was even the case when the warlords in the East were in a melee. Every warlord wanted to become emperor, but they felt that the time had not come, so they could only temporarily separate one side.

So many people miss Rome not only because of the victory and glory brought by the Roman Empire legions, but also because of the quick response of a unified Rome. Unlike the democracy in Greece, when the quarrel is over and the voting is over, the enemy has already hit the door.

The British philosopher Locke once said: Without private ownership, there is no harm.

Private ownership satisfies individual selfish desires, but it is not good for the collective.

In the Middle Ages, there was a rule not to kill the nobles and kings of the enemy army, as long as the other party paid enough ransom. Prince John did not save Charles the Lionheart for his own selfishness. He is also the heir to England and France.

He would not be sad at all when his brother died, but would feel happy instead.

However, Charles the Lionheart did not die in the battle with Saladin for Jerusalem. Although he was defeated, Saladin sent him and the remaining troops home.

Instead, when he avenged the French king, his lion heart was dug out and placed in Rouen Cathedral.

And the arrow that hit his left shoulder was not from the enemy.

In order to raise military expenses, Charles the Lionheart was more cruel than his younger brother Prince John. Even if he paid enough money, he could not only avoid the death penalty, but he could even sell London.

There are contradictions between civilians and soldiers. A king who is loved by soldiers may not be loved by civilians.

As for why Charlie the Lionheart is so popular among the common people, perhaps it has something to do with the folk songs that praise Robin Hood and rebuke Prince John.

But nobles are not commoners, and will not be fooled by songs.

The "servant" killed the "master", the "master" killed the "servant", and the living victor had the last laugh.

Many people dislike ravens as opportunistic scavengers, but they are very intelligent.

Extraordinary wisdom is a kind of wealth, and this kind of wealth can be used in many ways like money.

Ravenclaw is not all crazy, there are Rohart who is good at management, he is indeed "smart" in a sense. At least Severus Snape was just an annoying schoolteacher, Rohart had so many admirers.

Snape raised his wand, and before the others could react, a Confusion Curse hit the hidden arrow shot out of the darkness.

"It's the raven statue!" said Snape, and the Confusion Charms shot from his wand.

Voldemort's light and shadow restraint bound the raven sculptures that hadn't had time to transform.

Lyle Meyer ran away with his head in his arms and hid behind a stone, not daring to look up at all.

These arrows all have eyes, aiming at the heart of the passers-by. They don't miss like the arrow that shot Charlie, so they can't make mistakes, and even an oversight can be fatal.

You can't help but hold your breath when you're fully focused, and seconds can feel like years.

Unlike other spells, the Confusion Curse makes crackling sounds and flashes of light. It is silent, and it is released very quickly. The victim is often too late to prevent it. Those crossbow arrows that have been cast by the Confusion Curse will turn around after trembling for a while Shooting at the raven sculptures that haven't had time to transform, they make a crisp sound that only metal impacts can make, just like the impact of long swords when knights are fighting.

"咚咚", "咚咚"

The heart replaced the mind and became the master of the body, the nerve response was faster than the thought, and before the brain could react, the dangerous instinct had ordered the hand to move first.

From the visual signal received by the eyes to the movement of the hands was only an instant, Snape was faster than a crossbow bolt. But there are also times when he has no time to react, a clever dodge can not only avoid the fatal blow, but also stand in a favorable attacking position.

While an ambush will give you the upper hand, it doesn't always win.

Before the evolution of intelligence, human ancestors had already relied on instinct to survive in the forest.

This memory is passed down along with the DNA, and the memory stored in the muscles and skin often appears suddenly when people do not expect it.

A wonderful feeling arises from the two kidneys and spreads to the whole body at a seemingly slow but fast speed. It is the happiness brought by adrenaline.

It can make people's breathing faster, heartbeat and blood flow faster, pupils dilated, release the energy stored in normal times, and provide more energy for the body, just like burning life

Dangerous, but exciting, adrenaline brings pleasure that is different from dopamine secreted by the brain.

So even in such a precarious situation, Snape actually laughed, but he didn't laugh like Voldemort, his eyes gleamed in the dark like a nocturnal animal.

No one likes to suffer, and no one wants to be the weak side. However, not all choices made by thinking through the brain are correct and wise. A smart negotiator will try to make the other party feel like he "won" and that he didn't make a stupid decision.

Many people think that Saladin let go of Charlie the Lionheart because he was in awe of his character.

This may be due to the cultural differences between the East and the West. Many Westerners do not understand the idiom "militarism", and the desert country where Saladin lives happens to be the midpoint of the Silk Road between the East and the West.

So, who has the real "heart of a lion"?

In addition to representing lies, unfaithful and lazy servants, crows also represent in alchemy to get rid of the bondage of matter to the soul through meditation, and go to the deepest darkness of the soul. This process is extremely painful, like experiencing a long death .

But as long as you overcome it, you can experience infinite happiness.

Know what it is to die, and you can understand what it is to be alive.

As if undergoing rebirth, the world will become completely different from before, although it will still be the same.

Hidden arrows in the dark keep coming, but as long as you get through the initial one, it will get better in the future.

The damage caused by internal friction is greater than the damage caused by the enemy, and it won't take long for the rain of arrows to stop, provided they can survive until then.

Victory seemed to be only a matter of time, after all Severus and Voldemort were dealing with an inflexible pile of metal, not a cunning kind.

When the common enemy is eliminated, the former master and servant who fought side by side will change again.

Just like the wizarding world after the death of both Voldemort and Dumbledore, they united for the common enemy to let go of the past contradictions, but with the death of the common leader and the disappearance of the great enemy, the contradictions of each will be highlighted again.

"Sura" is one of the six paths of reincarnation in Buddhism. During life, he is particularly obsessed with right and wrong. Human beings who like to compete may be reborn in this path after death. People usually use "Sura field" to describe the tragic battlefield. Later, it was often extended as a place where fierce battles took place, and it was called the death pit.

In fact, as long as we are united, differences in habits and languages ​​will not be an obstacle.

But it's a pity that some people are obsessed with being the evil ghost that can crawl out of the Shura field.

How long can this kind of happiness where all living beings die and I live alone last?

Maybe he only knows when he is so lonely that no one is with him.

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