Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1115 Confidentiality Agreement

to the lucky adventurer

By the time you read this letter, I should have been dead for a long time.

Maybe you will hate me, loathe me, and even want to dig up my cemetery, hang my corpse and whip me. Unfortunately, you will never find out where my remains are buried.

Because maybe it's already the building block for the next galaxy.

Being able to get to this point proves that you, like me, are people who don't like sensationalism and nonsense. As long as you meet my following three conditions, you can enter the next level and get my inheritance, otherwise I have no choice but to ask you to go back the same way.

One, you can't tell anyone about this place or anything related to this place.

Two, you can't use anything you learn here to get rich.

Three, take good care of my heirs.

As long as you violate any of these three agreements, you will be regarded as a breach of contract, and you will be punished to the point of crying and regretting your mistakes.

So, promise me, keep the promise, will you?

Thank you for this life and getting to know you.

Mongnes Sessius Hagrid

Voldemort finished reading the contract written in Greek.

Pomona thought it would be some kind of harsh conditions, or some kind of trap, plus some praise and obscure rhetoric.

The first one is easy to understand. None of the three Peverell brothers said that they inherited what they learned.

As for the second clause, it is more difficult to understand.

The wizards who obtained the Elder Wand used it to cause killings, and robbed people after killing people. Is this considered a breach of contract?

Grindelwald intends to use the resurrection stone to resurrect an army of ghouls, and of course he will collect taxes after becoming the ruler of the world.

This should be regarded as a breach of contract, because Grindelwald was locked up by his old lover.

The Potter family's invisibility cloak is not known to be associated with any scandal, except that Henry Potter called wizards to participate in the First World War.

To be invisible is to cover one's own possessions, but to go to war openly is to expose one's self.

The First World War was due to the issue of interests, and obtaining interests for the United Kingdom is considered a breach of contract?

The prohibition of wizards from taking part in the Muggle Wars was not only a requirement of the International Statute of Secrecy, it was also a curse.

There is no evidence that Evangeline Orpington was involved in the Crimean War, nor that Queen Victoria's blood disease was linked to the wizard's involvement in the Crimean War.

This is a conjecture, an assumption, but it is a rule that many wizards abide by.

If Britain is conquered by other nations, the land will also change its owner. Originally, the Anglo-Saxons and Normans were not the aborigines of this land.

Nor were Italian wizards involved in the Muggle wars around the Alps.

Even the Italian Ministry of Magic is not set up in the capital Rome like the British Ministry of Magic, but in remote Sardinia.

There is an old European proverb that when the king, the rich man and the bishop order the soldiers to kill two other people, what does the soldier choose...

"This is a trap." Severus said suddenly, "I made an unbreakable oath with Malfoy. I will take care of her son. I didn't say a time limit. The last one means that you will take care of Rubeus Hagrid for the rest of your life." .”

Pomona couldn't help sticking out her tongue.

It was Tom Marvolo Riddle who had framed Hagrid for dropping out of school, and he'd gotten a trophy for it or something. Now it was Tom's turn to take care of Hagrid who was about to lose his job.

The Forbidden Forest has already belonged to the horse people. Hagrid has a good character, but he found a companion for Aragog, so that he is not so lonely. In the end, eight-eyed spiders are everywhere in the Forbidden Forest, which seriously damages the "horse horse". Human territory", so he can no longer "peacefully coexist" with the horse people as in the past.

That way Hagrid wouldn't be able to be a warden, and if he couldn't be a warden, he wouldn't have a job, unless Hagrid could go back to being a professor of Care of Magical Creatures.

It's just that Lucius Malfoy had to drop the charges against Rubeus Hagrid and forgive Chicken for scratching his only son, Draco Malfoy.

Even Voldemort wanted to protect Rubeus Hagrid like Albus Dumbledore, and put an end to the trouble he caused.

Pomona looked at Voldemort, who was holding the contract as if he was about to burn it with flames.

"Anna is right, Mungnes Sessius Hagrid is an interesting man." She whispered in Severus' ear.

Now the old bat is in a good mood, with a smile on his face.

"How do I sign it?" Voldemort asked. "Should I use blood as ink?"

"It's fine for ordinary people, but it's not effective for you." Lyle said, "Don't play tricks with him. People who play tricks often suffer their own consequences."

"Pen and ink," said Pomona. "Iron and Cygnus."

Maybe Voldemort was racking his brains about signing the contract, so he ignored her nonsense.

"What else?" Lyle said with a smile on his face.

"Leo and gold, Hercules and silver, Virgo and antimony, Lyra and copper, Corvus and lead, and, as I just said, Cygnus and iron, am I right?" Pomona asked energetically.

"This maze has seven floors, it seems that there is one more?" Lyle said.

"Why is Virgo antimony? Isn't Virgo's lucky metal nickel?" asked Xenophilius. "Why antimony?"

"I remember you saying that Virgo's lucky metal is mercury." Severus asked in a drawn-out tone, narrowing his eyes.

"Some people don't become kings just because they're lucky," interjected Lyle, "and it's not because they're good at scheming either."

"Prince?" asked Pomona.

"This is one of the master's favorite books. Have you read that book, miss?"

"It's a really interesting book," Pomona said.

"Most women think that book is very boring, except for Miss Anna, of course, now you have to be added." Lyle said politely, "There is a sculpture carved in the shape of Miss Anna, it seems that there will be another book soon. We're going to add a sculpture."

"I don't think that's very likely. People from the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards will be here soon," Pomona said.

Although a slave trader, "Lyle"'s conversation makes it difficult to dislike him, except for his religious fanaticism.

"Lyle" regarded Mungnes Hagrid as a god, which is not uncommon among Death Eaters.

Self-deification is also one of the vices of human beings, but in the past this habit was limited to the monarch, because he had the privilege of deifying himself.

Both Augustus in the West and emperors in the East have done this. The divine right of kings is also one of the ways to skip bloodlines and "legally" inherit the crown.

The Habsburg family obtained the right to inherit the Spanish throne through blood, and because of the severance of the heir, Spain fell into a state of "ownerlessness".

All heroes can compete for this land of no man. Spain is just opposite the United Kingdom. It is a place where many Muggles like Vernon go on vacation. The United Kingdom can also participate in the Spanish War for the Throne. It's just that Britain was in the internal troubles of Protestantism and Catholicism at that time, and he had no time to care about it.

After the war is over, treaties must be signed. These treaties mainly involve indemnities. The defeated country not only has to bear the losses of the defeat, but also pays money, which will greatly consume national power.

Germany has paid the indemnity for World War I, and now it has to pay for World War II. Unless they don't want to hang out in the Western world, they must abide by the rules of the game.

It does drag them down, but it's like a person running with sandbags, at first he runs slower than others, then after training he runs as fast as others, and when he removes the sandbags, he runs faster Just faster than others.

What is easy for ordinary people is difficult for Voldemort, because his "realm" is different from that of ordinary people.

Although he was once a "poor" orphan who grew up in a Muggle orphanage.

Pomona waited patiently for him to think slowly, as the goblin said: Don't sign anything.

The house-elf signed a magical contract with humans and eventually became the slave of a human wizard.

At this moment, the maze in Voldemort's mind must be more complicated than the empty maze around them. It is good to be cautious. Even if the final result of his thinking is not to sign, then let's not sign. They can think of other ways.

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