Severus aimed his wand at the pedestal on the back of the phoenix sculpture, and Pomona could see the words written in Latin on it through the fluorescent light.

"He who is clean, all things are clean." She muttered in English.

"That's an excerpt from the book of Paul Datitus," said Draco Malfoy's godfather. "When I saw it, I knew there was nothing wrong with this place."

Titus is one of Paul's letters in the New Testament, often referred to as Paul's "Shepherd's Letter".

Paul wrote to his co-worker and longtime partner Titus. Titus had parted ways with Paul and remained himself on the island of Crete, a difficult responsibility, since the island was said to have once been the residence of the "Father of Gods and Men."

The water was as clean as "holy water," and it was safe to jump in, but Pomona was still pissed.

"Why didn't you tell me!" She pushed the old bat hard, and then she remembered that he was injured, and just about to regret it, Severus looked at the wounds cut by the shortbow, and they were all healed, As if he hadn't been hurt.

"It seems that this water, like the tears of the phoenix, has the ability to heal wounds." Severus said, took out an empty potion bottle, and used his wand to make the water in the pool of tears float into the bottle.

There may be space magic in the bottle. Pomona watched him keep filling it, probably as much as an oak barrel, and then he poured a small bottle of golden solution into it, and it quickly melted into the transparent water. traced.

"What's this?"

"Eternal Elixir, it can prolong the potion ingredients that are prone to failure. I used it to prolong the power of Fenrir's blood when I made wolf bind juice." Severus sneered, "You can tell Albus Dumbledore. I know he's wanted the recipe for a long time."

Pomona didn't want to be a part of the undercurrent that was simmering between the two men.

Albus can't see through "name", he's already the discoverer of 12 uses of dragon's blood, but he wants more.

Severus guarded against Albus, but in the end Severus handed over the improved formula of Wolfsbane Potion, and even gave up the Prince Award selected by the Extraordinary Pharmacists Association to others.

Albus is an authority in academics, and no one dares to question him. It is almost impossible for an unknown person to defeat the ultimate boss of the "Matthew Effect".

This is the case in academia. Edison, the king of inventions, did not have so many inventions. A person's energy and time are limited, and many of them were bought by him.

In The Life and Lies of Albus by Rita Kiester mentions Ivan Dillonsby, who claims to have discovered eight uses of dragon's blood before Albus.

Ordinary children probably wouldn't be able to see the ferocious side of the wise and kind "grandpa" with white beard and half-moon glasses.

This is the power of authority. Young geniuses have no chance to stand up in front of old authorities.

Perhaps Slughorn could match Albus on that, but Albus pushed Slughorn away with Severus.

There are also conflicts between them. If it weren't for the bait of Harry Potter, the old slug would not easily agree to Albus' request.

Just now Pomona jumped into the pool without hesitation after hearing what Severus said. She thought the water in the pool was sulfuric acid.

"Can I drink Phoenix tears?" Pomona asked.

"Guess what." Severus looked at her strangely.

If the "authority" said that the tears of the phoenix could be drunk, there would still be blind followers who would drink them, provided that they had a way to obtain this precious potion.

Similarly, when Albus said that Harry was the seventh Horcrux, no one would question it at all.

After climbing out of the pool, the clothes stuck to her body, and even though there was no wind in the maze, she still felt very uncomfortable.

She didn't dare to use a magic spell to dry it, for fear of destroying its special function, so she could only let it "dry naturally" while walking.

It has to be said that the seventh-floor maze is a good place for cannibalism. Seeing the treasure right in front of them, some people can't help but kill their accomplices, and then eat it all by themselves.

She took out her invisibility cloak.

"Oh, my God." She exclaimed, "Why is there a hole?"

Severus paused, also looking at the slit in her cloak.

"We used it once when we flew from the fourth floor of the maze to the second floor, and it was still fine before." Pomona said distressedly.

"Tebo Warthog's skin is not the fur of an Invisible Beast. You can thank us for escaping such a large gash in the body armor." Severus pushed his finger through the hole." I remember that the Potter family's invisibility cloak has been used for so many years without any damage."

"Why... oh." Pomona remembered that Albus had borrowed the Potters' Invisibility Cloak to use.

"That 'magic circle' the Dark Lord said was part of the prison." Severus ignored her abnormality and continued, "It is to prevent the things inside from escaping."

Pomona took out the wine bottle she just got.

"What's this?" Severus asked.

"Anna gave it to me," said Pomona with vigor.

"Who's Anna?" Severus frowned.

"I don't know, she said she was a memory."

Severus tried to take the bottle over, but retracted before touching it.

"What's wrong?"

"Can't you feel it?" Severus said. "It's as hot as a soldering iron."

Pomona put it in front of her eyes, and she felt that the bottle was of normal temperature.

"Take it with you, maybe it will be of other use." He stared at the wine bottle and said.

"Anna said it can hold that thing."

"Who is Anna?"

"She said she was a memory."

Severus was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, Pomona quickly put on the invisibility cloak, and followed.

They continued walking along the line drawn on the ground, and they didn't know if it was because of the water in the pool. The feeling of fatigue disappeared, as if they had a good night's sleep and felt light all over their bodies.

They never encountered Xenophilius, Voldemort, or "Lyle" and Nadia, and finally came to the front of the temple without any danger.

Tom Riddle was already waiting for them at the bottom of the steps, with his back turned to them, looking up at the temple on the hillside.

The temple is in Greek style, and all the reliefs are painted with a layer of gold, which looks extraordinarily magnificent against the white marble.

There are not only three sculptures on both sides of the steps, there are 10 sculptures in total. Not all of those sculptures are mages, but there are also people wearing armor and people holding sickles. Obviously, they all abide by the contract and will not let themselves come here Tell no one in secret.

"Xenophilius met a black eagle sculpture, what did you meet?" Tom Riddle asked.

"A weeping phoenix." Severus said flatly, "What about you?"

"A serpent of quicksilver," said Voldemort. "Ravenclaw means Raven's Claw. Why do you use an eagle as the symbol of the academy?"

"Where's Xenophilius?" Pomona asked.

"He went to collect the liquid in that wine glass." Voldemort said indifferently, "Don't worry, I can't kill him now."

"Glass?" Severus asked.

"A stone sculpture about the size of a urn." Voldemort turned around, and the crow was standing on his shoulder.

"Did you drink the contents?" Pomona asked.

"Unicorn blood looks like mercury." Voldemort said, "Although I didn't drink its blood, I could feel its rhythm. The thing in that wine glass was similar to unicorn blood, but it was not as silvery." gloss."

"We also encountered substances similar to phoenix tears." Severus took out the bottle from which the pool water was collected just now. "It seems that they should be related to 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde and natural vanillin."

Tom tilted his head in thought.

"They're the same thing," Severus said, "only one sounds synthetic and the other natural."

"They're not perfect," Tom said, "whether it's 'Tears of the Phoenix,' or 'Blood of the Unicorn.'"

"No matter how close you are to God, Mungnes Hagrid is still alone, and he will eventually die." Pomona said softly, "Did you really not drink from that cup?"

"That's a trap," said Tom. "I'm not that stupid."

"But there are people who can't resist that temptation." Severus sneered. "What happens to the person who drinks it?"

Tom didn't answer.

"Their faces are all on the outer wall." On the steps of the temple, Lyle Meyer appeared "My face was ruined by leprosy. Drinking the blood of those people can reduce the direct damage of the curse to me, but I After drinking the blood of the newcomers, the original faces would fall off, so I put their faces on the wall."

"Disgusting," Severus said disgustedly.

"You have to admit that a face can play a big role in human society. I used to have a handsome face. It was a wonderful time." Lyle smiled and said, "Cherubim these Angels were scary, but then people added wings to handsome men and beautiful women, and they became angels."

If anyone sees the appearance of the whole body, including the hands and wings, and around the wheel, all eyes are full, they will probably not think that it is a cherub who has come, but feel that they have encountered a monster.

At this time, Nadia also appeared beside Lyle.

She has silver wings, coupled with the dark gold armor on her body, she looks very much like the angel who participated in the angel war in the book of apocalypse.

"Can we go in?" Voldemort asked.

"Of course." Lyle turned sideways, inviting them in like a hospitable host.

"And guess what, they're going to backstab?" Pomona asked Severus.

With a stinky face, the old bat pulled his cloak and walked up the stone steps.

"Wait...wait." Xenophilius ran over out of breath.

"He can still get it back." Pomona was amazed.

"He's a Ravenclaw anyway," Tom said. "How do you think we'll hand in the answer in the end?"

Pomona shrugged, "You don't even know, how would I know."

This section of stone steps was not long, and there was no impassioned music, and soon they came to the platform in front of the temple.

There is a group of sculptures on the platform. Brutus, the lord of the underworld, feeds a blood-red pomegranate into the mouth of Persephone, the queen of the underworld.

The two of them stood in a chariot drawn by four horses, and Athena and Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, were coming to her rescue.

Athena and the goddess of the hunt are white, and other sculptures are black, including Persephone.

The black spring water flowed from the bottom of the chariot, and under the black support, the red pomegranate was so dazzling that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

"Have your coins ready?" Lyle asked.

Tom looked at Pomona.

"What are you doing?"

"You guessed the last constellation?" asked Tom.

"I'm not sure." She wailed. "And I don't know what the order of heaven is."

"It's the constellation Lynx," Severus said, "but that nebula has no name."

"which one?"

"NGC 2419, the Muggles nicknamed it the Star Wanderer."

"Most people don't know my name," said Voldemort, "but when it comes to You-Know-Who, they all know who it is."

"You've decided that?" Lyle asked.

"Yes." Voldemort said firmly.

"Then, please put the coins into the pool in order," Lyle said.

Pomona went to the side of the pool to look. There were many shiny coins at the bottom of the pool, just like the Trevi Fountain in Rome.

"What happens if we get it wrong?" Pomona asked Lyle.

Lyle smiled silently.

Severus took out the metals, as well as a jar of quicksilver, and began to synthesize them.

Voldemort looked at the sculptures of Hades and Queen of Hades, as if thinking about the order of the kingdom of heaven.

All of a sudden she was free again.

So she stared into the depths of the temple to see what it looked like inside.

It was dark inside and she couldn't see anything, but after she got used to it, she saw a little orange light.

The light was like the sun, and Pomona could only hope it wasn't so hot that it melted their waxed wings.

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