After the start of the Triwizard Tournament, many guests came to the castle, but Severus' childish desire for revenge did not show restraint at all.

He originally thought that after experiencing Remus, Albus would never be able to find a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but Alastor Moody jumped out at this time and ruined his "good thing" again.

"New and old hatred" put together, poor Neville replaced Harry as Snape's primary target of revenge. It was always easy for him to find an excuse in Potions class to keep Neville, who was better at melting cauldrons than brewing potions, in detention.

Pomona only heard from Hufflepuff's children after the incident that Snape had detained Neville and dissected a vat of horned toads.

So she threw away the spatula, left the kitchen, and walked menacingly towards the Slytherin cellar with heavy steps.

While passing the Great Hall, she encounters Ravenclaw's ghostly Cinderella.

Helena nodded to Pomona reservedly and proudly, as if in her eyes, this was considered a greeting.

The vast majority of Hogwarts ghosts are pearly white, such as Nearly Headless Nick and the Fat Friar, but there are a few special ones.

Such as the colorful Peeves, the blood-stained Baron, and the Ravenclaw ghost Helena. She is one of the very few ghosts who continue to read and study after death.

Helena is nicknamed "The Cinderella" because she is grayer than the average pearly white ghost, and what sets her apart may be her thirst for knowledge.

If one day, humans can really gain the ability to live forever, but at the cost of losing all senses such as smell, taste and touch.

When your lover touches yours, you don't react, and the delicious food is placed in front of you, and you can't smell or taste anything. Would you still choose eternal life?

Two years ago on Halloween, Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor, invited Harry, Ron and Hermione to his Deathday Party. After the fat monk came back, he described the scene to her, and Barrow should have told Severus, because he also attended the party at that time, and the table was full of maggots or foul-smelling food, but as a ghost They can't feel anything anymore.

Professor Binns's history class is dead, because he is already a dead man, and it is difficult to imagine that he was an interesting man while he was alive.

The only thing they enjoy is the joy of dancing to the music, as all ghosts with partners do at the Deathday Dinner. The fat friar sees Slytherin's ghost Baron the Bloody alone on the dance floor, and Ravenclaw's ghost Cinderella is not at the Deathday Ball.

Perhaps in Helena's eyes, going to the ball to socialize is a waste of time, even if she becomes a ghost, she has unlimited time to study.

Curiosity is also a kind of desire. Even if she loses other senses, Helena can still continue to study at Hogwarts.

Pomona had lived in Hogwarts for so many years, except for the opening banquet and Halloween, Pomona had never seen the two of them appear on the same occasion.

It's like Cinderella is avoiding him on purpose.

The two of them should be the earliest students of Hogwarts. I heard that Rowena was still alive when Helena left with the Ravenclaw crown.

Regarding her daughter's betrayal, Rowena's choice was the same as other ignorant mothers who shielded their children, and did not make it public.

It's just that Rowena wished to see Helena when she was dying, so she ordered Baro to find Helena back.

I heard that Slytherin ghost who used to sing in the observatory was a grumpy man when he was alive.

He loved Helena and hated her at the same time.

Compared with men and love, Helena chose fame and wisdom. She abandoned everything, stayed away from Hogwarts, and continued her research in the Albanian forest in order to realize her wish and become more powerful than Rowena. man of fame.

Barrow finally found her in the Albanian jungle, killed her in a fit of rage, and spent the next thousand years in chains, atoning for the crime he committed on the spur of the moment .

Souls who commit suicide are destined to go to hell, but Baro didn't go to hell to accept punishment, but he often looked at the woman who turned him into this from afar.

Pomona had never been to hell, and she didn't know which punishment was more painful.

Love is the most suitable weapon for women, but it is not "solid" after all, and Helena has no power to parry Barrow's dagger. The unarmed Gray Lady stabbed an invisible sharp knife into Barro's heart, and when she died, Baro also came back to his senses, and he took the dagger that had pierced Helena's chest and pierced his own chest.

Finally, her blood dripped into his heart, as if one heart had merged with another.

The bloody love story of these two ghosts is not inferior to the hairy heart of the wizard at all, and she doesn't think a group of ignorant hairy children will understand this kind of emotion.

"Compassion" does not mean that the girl must respond to every advance of courtship. Helena rejected Barrow, he could find someone else.

Socrates said that being rejected by a lover means that she gives the suitor a chance to find happiness again. Barrow could shed his identity as Helena's fiancé, leave Hogwarts, and pursue the freedom he wanted.

This story does not have much educational significance, and it is more likely to make the girls who listen to the story fear that all boys are like Barrow, who will kill because of love and hatred if they cannot get love; it will also make the boys who listen to the story think that all girls are like Barrow. Lianna is also obsessed with fame and wealth, and is indifferent and ruthless.

Or worse, the little wizards saw the two ghosts running away screaming like Muggles, so she'd rather keep it a secret. Anyway, after they stayed in this castle for seven years, they would leave and continue the rest of their lives. Both teachers and ghosts are passers-by in their lives.

Just when she had settled her mood and was about to continue heading towards the cellar, Moody, who was on crutches, walked towards her head-on with the sound of "clucking" footsteps.

When Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers became increasingly difficult to find, she once thought about hiring ghosts to guide the students. After all, there is already a ghost teaching history, and the ghost is so dead that there should be no need to worry about Voldemort's curse.

It's a pity that the fat monk told her that she had better dismiss this idea.

"The mysterious man is a very scary person, even for ghosts that have already died." The fat monk said with horror on his face, "I will never forget those eyes."

Pomona had only seen Voldemort from a distance once; she hadn't seen what he looked like up close.

"What does he look like?"

she asked curiously.

"He was very handsome when he was a student." The fat friar said, "Later Dumbledore became the headmaster, and the mysterious man came back to apply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. His eyes seemed to be bloodshot, and they were blood red."

Pomona has seen many dark wizards, not all of them have blood red eyes like Voldemort.

But you can see the evil and darkness in their eyes, their disregard for life, and their indifference to their own crimes.

As if they were not afraid of going to hell to be punished, nor did they need forgiveness from anyone or God, because they had forgiven themselves.

Pomona subconsciously avoided Moody's evil eyes. She wondered if Polyjuice Potion could hide from his eyes.

Not long after he brushed past her, Pomona ran into Severus again.

His face was gloomy, and he exuded a negative and gloomy aura, like a walking scurvy, bringing negative emotions wherever he went.

"What's wrong with you!" said Pomona angrily.

"What?" Severus frowned impatiently.

"If you don't want to sit at the same table with Moody, you can go somewhere else!" Pomona corrected cleverly.

The old bat is in a bad mood now, telling him about Neville at this time will only be counterproductive, and Neville will be made worse by Severus.

"I didn't!" The old bat denied it flatly, and turned around to go around her.

"Are you afraid that he will take you away?" Pomona blocked his way without fear. "To prove that you are not guilty, that's why you forced yourself to sit at the same table with him for dinner?"

"It's none of your business." He tried to go around on the other side, but was blocked by Pomona again.

"People come and go, what do you want?" Severus hissed menacingly.

"Those foods are planted and prepared by me." Pomona put her waist on her back and said confidently, "I don't allow you to waste food!"

"I didn't," he said slowly. "Do you want me to lick the plate clean too?"

"You don't enjoy food at all," she said deadpan. "Even if you eat everything on your plate, it's still a waste."

"Unreasonable." He wanted to bump her away.

"You can come to my place." She sighed helplessly, "It's just like you are usually late in doing experiments."

Severus stopped, seemingly hesitating for a second.

"Take it as saving the appetite of all of us, agree!"

The old bat strode directly past her.

She looked back at his back, opened her mouth, but still didn't say a word.

"Also, I want to ask you who you are bringing to the Christmas party." After his figure disappeared at the door of the auditorium, she said in a voice that only she could hear.

She didn't really want to go to the ball with the old fool.

And Albus wouldn't necessarily agree to her request, since Minerva didn't have a partner either.

"Hi, Pomona!" Feliwei held up a roll of parchment and walked towards her cheerfully.

"You have a new work, Felius?" Pomona also said with a smile.

"I want to know how you set up the ballroom."

"Do you know what this does?"

"Live concerts are played live."

"So?" Pomona asked puzzled.

"The magic of the scene is that you can never predict what you will see in the next second. I don't want the musicians to be fooled by their own impromptu performances at such an important dance."

Pomona still didn't understand. Her understanding of music was the background sound while working.

"Don't worry, I'll explain to you slowly." The head of Ravenclaw said patiently.

So Fei Liwei accompanied her and walked slowly towards the auditorium.

In fact, if Felius is not so short, he is a very interesting person, but unfortunately he is a half-breed elf, she really can't figure out how to dance with a man who is shorter than her, otherwise it would be a good idea to invite Felix to the ball idea.

"Keep quiet."

As Pomona and Severus kissed with their eyes closed, Voldemort's voice came into their heads. It was the trick he had used during the Battle of Hogwarts, it was not like the Amplifying Charm, which could be heard by people's ears. Anyway, she opened her eyes and took a sneak peek at Xenophilius and "Lyle". They didn't notice the abnormality here, and they seemed to be planning something.

"The demon imprisoned in Sun Gold is named Kur. It used to be the god of storms. Later, the civilization it lived in disappeared, and it became unknown." Voldemort continued, "Rubus Hagrid's ancestors Keep it imprisoned and do your bidding, once it is released it will create severe cold weather, no matter what wishes it promises to grant you, don't listen to it, let it out."

Pomona thought of the Little Ice Age in the Middle Ages, and her whole body froze immediately.

The cold reduced food production, and the Mediterranean people relied on ships to bring the food, and the ships brought the mice carrying the Black Death, and the god of death came with the food representing the hope of life.

"I don't care about Muggle life or death." Voldemort said suddenly, "I just don't think I can deal with it with my current strength."

What's the meaning?

Pomona frowned in confusion.

"Open your eyes," said Voldemort.

Pomona obediently opened it.

On the flower bed in front of her stood a crow.

There are many animals whose eyes glow in the dark, but that light is green, but the light from the eyes of this crow is white.

After careful identification, she found that the pupils were glowing, and its iris was blue, surrounded by a layer of red, which looked like a nebula after a star exploded.

"I have acquired a new power," said Voldemort. "Until I master it, I am no match for these fallen protoss, so we cannot let it go."

What is your new power?

asked Pomona, staring into the crow's eyes.

"What else do you call me besides You-Know-Who?" Voldemort asked with a smile.

Dark Lord.

Pomona had that title in mind.

"This is my new power, darkness." Voldemort said happily. "Now I am no longer a kid playing with dark arts."

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