Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1159 The Story of Paris (12)

On May 8, 1871, the last day of the Paris Commune movement, the miscellaneous news published in the "Gazette" is very interesting.

On April 26 of the same year, there was an incident reflecting the struggle against the Bavarian bishop and the government in the Munich Theater. On this day, Kleist's "The Broken Jug" was staged in the theater, and the actress who swore Mrs. Maltai just played the cutscene At the same place, it happened that the plot said that an emperor and a bishop were painted on the broken jug, so the actress pointed to the bishop and said, "Now, where is this man's head?"

The audience roared with laughter, mixed with cheers and applause, and the king watched the show, smiling meaningfully at the audience's reaction, and watched the play from the royal box.

The king of Bavaria at that time happened to be Ludwig II.

At that time, Bavaria was not peaceful according to the newspapers. Due to the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, the French troops stationed in Rome withdrew to the country. The Italian king no longer considered the threat of France and intended to annex the Papal State.

The Italian king first sent a secret letter to the Pope, and proposed a solution that could save the face of the Holy See: the Italian army entered Rome peacefully in the name of protecting the Pope, but this proposal was rejected by Pius IX.

The French emperor didn't have time to come to rescue, so would the German emperor be willing to save?

Although Germany is the birthplace of Protestantism, and there are many people who believe in atheism and science, the Habsburg family in power at that time was still Catholic.

The divine right of kings and the coronation ceremony are not so important in the Holy Roman Empire. Charles IV even abolished the power of the pope to choose the emperor. After the elector elects a new king, the coronation ceremony only needs to be performed by anyone who happens to be the pope Just come and do it.

The Papal States resisted with a small army. One is to create the fact that the Papal States were invaded by force by Italy, rather than taking over peacefully. The other is to delay the time. However, in the end, the German emperor did not save the Holy See. Florence moved to Rome, and Pius IX became the last secular pope.

During the French Revolution, it was precisely because Louis XVI refused to sign the expulsion of the priests who refused to take an oath to secede from the Holy See that angered the people even more.

Of course the bishop of Bavaria hoped that the German emperor would send troops to rescue the Pope, but judging from the attitude of the audience in the theater at that time, he knew that was impossible.

If I had never seen the sun, I could have tolerated the darkness.

The chief culprit in the dark Middle Ages was the church, which monopolized education. Universal education was accepted, and the increasingly powerful and discerning Germans no longer believed in the "miracles" preached by the church.

However, the power of faith is not understood by the secular world, but only the relationship of interests. At that time, the German Catholics were still willing to replace the French to "protect the Pope". The priest was excommunicated.

Ludwig II sent the priest a personal letter expressing his regret at this.

In 600 years, the Holy See, which organized the Crusades as soon as it ascended the heights, has become ignored, and faith has become a sign of ignorance. However, this process did not happen overnight. The Black Death only made some people Shaken, when the civilians were suffering from hunger and disease, the church still assumed its own responsibility, distributed food to the victims, and the priests risked their lives to take care of the sick.

Science has created new problems while destroying superstitions. Science seems to be omnipotent. It brings jets, air conditioners, flush toilets, fertilizers, and movies, but there is no formula that can help a miserable and desperate person to be happy again. Do the mathematics, physics, and chemistry homework assigned by the teacher laugh out loud? Are exams worth looking forward to like a holiday?

There is a saying in the Dead Poets Society movie: When you know something, you have to see it differently.

There are very few people who know the yellow diamond of the conqueror, and the history of the "possession" of the Habsburg and Lorraine families only exists in unofficial history, but if you are interested in looking for it, you can find it in the portraits of those monarchs Traces of its existence.

The strange and beautiful yellow diamond is like honey, sweet and deadly. After the death of Pope Julius II, the yellow diamond fell into the hands of his former family, the Lowell family. People have died, but there is still a lot of wealth. Due to the traffic congestion and underdeveloped information flow at that time, Rudolph II did not know that the diamond of doom had been brought to the United States by Victoria, the last heiress of the Lowell family. Diqi family.

Someone offered him a topaz of similar color to the yellow diamond. The most precious color of topaz is a light yellow sherry color produced in Spain. This stone is also known as the "stone of the emperor". According to legend, the largest diamond that was mistaken for the largest diamond on the Portuguese crown in the 17th century was a piece Colorless topaz.

Looking at Rudolf II in this way, it seems easy to deceive. Rudolf II was a generous patron. He lived in the era of the witch hunt and the Reformation. He grew up in the Spanish court, but he was very interested in Protestantism, Judaism, and tolerant. When the Pope sent an envoy to oppose the Reformation, Rudolph sent the envoy back, causing violent political turmoil and almost a civil war.

He was also unwilling to compromise with the Ottoman Empire. After losing Constantinople, the expansion of the Ottoman Empire became faster. In the 16th century, it had already competed with Austria for Central Europe. question.

And his "lovely" family, his brother Matthias always wanted his crown, his illegitimate son killed his mistress, dismembered her, and threw the stumps like eaten apple cores Throw it out the window.

No matter how you look at it, this is not the behavior of normal people. The civilians were angry. The Germans have a habit of "throwing objects in the sky". They threw the mayor, parliamentarians, and imperial ministers from the windows.

Compared with civil riots and wars, astrology and alchemy are just the king's pastime, which is the same as Ludwig II building castles, and they don't need to spend so much effort.

Besides, those who deceive the king rarely end well. Edward Kelly not only lost his ears, but was also imprisoned in the end. His dream of getting rich was only a dream after all.

Everyone will die, even the king who pursues the elixir. After the death of Rudolf II, his collection of artworks, paintings, gold and silverware were looted by the Swedes and are now walking around the world.

He also had only a new crown made, which later became the Austrian crown, a symbol of imperial power, though it was never used at the coronation.

The traditional French coronation crown was destroyed during the Great Revolution, and another coronation crown was in the hands of the Austrians, but the Austrians refused to crown Napoleon.

So Napoleon simply made two additional crowns for the coronation ceremony, one of which is a replica of Charles' coronation crown. In theory, Napoleon knelt in front of the Pope, and the Pope placed the coronation crown on Napoleon's head to complete the coronation ceremony.

But the rules of this ceremony were broken by Napoleon, who already had a "golden crown of laurel leaves" on his head, which was in the same shape as the laurel crown of the ancient Roman tribune Caesar.

On the famous painting "The Coronation of Napoleon I" now hidden in the Louvre, Pope Pius VII is smiling and holding a blessing gesture in his hand, as if he is blessing Napoleon.

In fact, the Pope was coerced to attend Napoleon's coronation ceremony. Not only could he not laugh, but he regarded it as a great shame, and he was so angry that he wanted to expel Napoleon from the church.

As for the smiling "Empress Dowager" sitting on the eye-catching throne, she didn't attend the coronation ceremony at all because she quarreled with the emperor. Josephine was older than Napoleon, and she was drawn by the painter without any wrinkles. In short, Napoleon liked it, even if it was "a little distorted", it was still collected by the emperor.

There were times when Pomona genuinely thought Severus' "jokes" were weird enough, but she smiled to match his "funny stories".

At this time they were dining at a terrace restaurant on the left bank of the Seine, across the river is the Tuileries Palace, overlooking the former royal garden from where they were, Napoleon and Josephine did not live in Versailles after they ascended the throne, but lived in In this "garden".

It was burned down during the Paris Commune. The fire lasted for two days and even affected the connected Louvre, which is now a public garden.

The view from their location is perfect and the food is delicious, truffle mash with duck confit, but the price is unbelievable.

This restaurant is not a Michelin restaurant, but a private restaurant opened by a wizard. This is what Severus heard from the pure-blood nobles. Napoleon thought that women spent money irrationally, but in fact, it was men who were truly unrestrained when they spent money.

But it was undeniably a better meal than the one she had at the cafeteria of the gods, so she didn't complain about thrift and restraint.

"Do you really think that Napoleon and Giovanni are a very ordinary man emotionally?" Pomona asked.

"The materials I borrowed from the library are all about his life, but rarely about his emotional experience." Severus took a sip of champagne "The first time he witnessed death was 17 years old, when he was still a Artillery, going to put down the strike of the silk weavers in Lyon, the artilleryman whose duty is to protect the bridges, passed by and saw the victims hanged on the gallows."

Pomona didn't know what to say for a moment.

Because Harry was already planning to die when he was 17.

"He was 19 years old when the Revolution broke out, when the battalion he was in mutinied, and the soldiers asked the senior officers to take out the gray hoard."

"Grey accumulated gold? Is that what they got from corruption?"

"No, the senior officers are almost all nobles. They brought a lot of gold with them when they went into exile, and they asked for this part of the money."

"Oh, my God." Pomona clutched her chest. "It was horrible."

Severus laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

"Do you know what Napoleon said when he saw that scene?" He deliberately created suspense, and put a piece of duck meat dipped in applesauce into his mouth.

"What did he say?" Pomona asked kindly.

"He said, 'Oh my God, this is the revolution'."

"You like Napoleon?" Pomona asked.

"Not to mention liking." Severus thought for a moment, and then said, "I think he just put too much energy on outside things, so he didn't have time to pay attention to Josephine."


"You asked me just now, is Napoleon an ordinary man emotionally?" Severus said, "That was my answer just now."

Pomona was not very satisfied with this answer. She still liked a family-oriented man like Arthur, but in this way, he would not achieve much in his career.

Whether it is Louis XIV, Napoleon or Haussman, they all wanted to make Paris an eternal city like Rome, but over the centuries, the city has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is the story of Paris.

She shouldn't be looking forward to eternity.

"Napoleon was buried in the Invalides after his death." Severus said at this time, "It's a pity that he didn't continue to be a soldier, but chose the profession of emperor, which cannot be retired."

"You want to retire?"

"I just want to rest, to find a place where I can be at peace," Severus said. "Believe it or not, I kind of miss Hogwarts."

"Maybe you can find Minerva a job for you." Pomona smiled mockingly.

"Don't get meddled in too many things you shouldn't be, you're just a woman." Severus said seriously. "I hope you're as happy as Fleur."

"But Albus didn't teach me that," said Pomona calmly.

Severus sighed. "That's why I hate 'Saints.'"

Then he stopped talking and concentrated on eating the delicious food on his plate.

Pomona looked at the snot in a white shirt, blowing the wind of the Seine, and suddenly remembered the Black Lake before the Triwizard Tournament. Delicious".

"I told you not to peek, did you peek?" She asked ferociously.

Severus stopped picking at the mashed potatoes on his plate.

"Sneaking at what?"

"I'm going to swim in the lake, did you peek?"

"No!" he said sternly.

Pomona looked at him suspiciously.

"I swear I didn't peek."

He swears like countless stinky men in the world.

This is another bad thing about the rapid development of technology. Everyone knows that installing a lightning rod can prevent lightning strikes, so they curse and swear casually.

"In whose name? Merlin or God?"

"Okay, I read it, are you satisfied?"

Pomona stomped on him hard under the table.

He glared at her, his black eyes gleaming like he was going mad with rage.

Pomona raised her chin proudly, "You should focus on me, forget about Napoleon, and change the subject."

"What do you want to talk about?" He paused, full of danger.

"I want to buy a bikini, what style do you like?"

Severus was stunned.

"Sirius will put up posters of Muggle bikini girls, your bedroom is like a monk, there is nothing..."

"Quiet!" the Head Slytherin threatened.

"Then do you want to see me in a bikini?" She rubbed his trouser legs with her ankle under the dining table.

The poor old bat was fuming with anger, but there was nothing he could do. He chewed the duck meat like he had a grudge against the duck.

She laughed out loud.

It's just that the laughter stopped abruptly. After all, I'm in France, so what can I do without a French kiss?

What's more, this is Paris, the most romantic place in the world. There are many couples doing that on the banks of the Seine River, and it's not considered a violation of public etiquette for them to do so.

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