Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1283 Mr. Dandy

If Napoleon was the kind of attractive-looking person, then Joseph Bonaparte was very handsome, and with his height, he was definitely a handsome man.

As a silk merchant, it was not surprising that he appeared on such an occasion. With him in Georgiana, he felt a little more at ease. At least she was not alone in making mistakes.

After the French Revolution, European men's clothing underwent tremendous changes. There were no high-end fabrics such as lace, but delicate tailoring instead.

Napoleon's clothes were mainly high-necked shirts, and Lucien, as a literati, would wear a bow tie with a wide tie.

When she danced at the Paris Opera House for the first time, she felt that Lucien's bow tie looked familiar. Now when she saw the clothes of the British fellows, she immediately realized where she had seen them.

Severus's collar wasn't Victorian, it was Regency, and she had helped choose his wide tie.

Regency era men's trousers were made of silk for formal occasions, which is exactly what Lyon, France, and Italy have to offer. Napoleon wanted to dump silk from France and Italy to England, and Britain wanted to dump cotton fabrics instead of low-grade agricultural products such as cotton to France.

In addition, there are woolen clothes, blankets and shawls. The Corsicans did not say whether wool shawls can be accepted, but Georgiana thinks it is better not to accept them. She smiled and said that she is allergic to wool, so she declined the gift from the fellow. .

These dandies from London's high society are very curious about Miss Georgiana. After all, His Excellency Bonaparte appears very solemn and serious on most occasions, and it is really hard to see that he also has a hobby of taking wives.

This is different from the British regent marrying a widow, and he also let Georgiana live in the castle of Rambouillet, allowing her to meet guests generously, all of which meet the standard of a "faint king".

Many people compare Napoleon to Caesar, and he also had a little Cleopatra in Egypt, but she has been forgotten and no one knows where she is now.

It's good for businessmen to have a woman of their own in the "harem".

The French mainly drink coffee, but France does not grow coffee. The colonial coffee tariff was raised in the Trianon amnesty, and you need to pay more to drink coffee. There are women who drink black tea in the palace, so the folks can also have them. As for the sales volume, it depends on what is discussed at the negotiating table. In this way, even if the wool and cotton lose money, they can still make money from tea. Tea is a profitable industry.

While picking tea, managing tea mountains, and roasting all required labor, slavery eliminated this cost.

Anyway, Georgiana entertained her guests with black tea, Bonaparte didn't care, and there were sugar, cheese and the "forest pie" food that became popular recently on the coffee table. The chefs in the kitchen not only study the main course, but also research and invent desserts. The chocolate pecan pie accompanied by black tea tastes very good. Although it is not as representative of France as macarons, British young masters are as happy to eat.

She didn't see "Master", probably they are now negotiating with the French customs and anti-smuggling department, she thought it was a scary meeting, which was unexpectedly easy, she just needs to hide behind Joseph and keep smiling.

The topic that Joseph talked with them also revolved around the banquet, and they were very curious about how the French banquet was played.

When Napoleon Bonaparte was about the same age as them, he was already a god of war on the battlefield. Only after comparison did she realize how precocious Leon was.

Children who grow up in adversity are very different from those who grow up in prosperity.

She was alone in her thoughts, and after a while she realized that someone was looking at her. It was a boy with the same poetic temperament as Louis, who had the same big nose as Severus, a dimple in the chin, but no hair. So long, the eyes are brown.

"Who are you?" Joseph asked suddenly.

The young man didn't pay attention at first, but after his companion bumped into him, he realized that Joseph was asking about himself, and he shifted his gaze from Georgiana to Joseph.

"Wordsworth, sir, William Wordsworth," answered the young man in French.

"What do you do?" Joseph asked angrily.

"I am a poet," said Wordsworth.

"I'm asking you, what's your job? What do you do for a living?" Joseph asked again.

"His father was a lawyer," replied a companion. "He used to study at Cambridge and was very interested in your country's Great Revolution."

"This revolution represents the perfection of human nature." Wordsworth said immediately, "I admire a hero like His Excellency Bonaparte."

Napoleon Bonaparte was "Kingslayer"...

Georgiana couldn't help laughing, as if she understood that the poet would come to France.

She had expected Joseph to ask Wordsworth what works he had written, but instead he bypassed the subject and continued talking with the young masters about dance partners.

Regardless of the character of these noble sons, they are all very good in appearance. After all, being young is a big advantage. Maybe after this banquet, exotic love will develop.

Different countries have different customs and habits. Curiosity will make both men and women take the first step. It is much better to have a good appearance than to be annoying.

She seemed to understand the purpose of these brats coming to France.

The maids from the Grand Trianon Palace are all beautiful, and Napoleon likes this kind of blonde and slender girls. The eyes of those princes will occasionally glance at them, and she suddenly hopes that Napoleon can take a fancy to one or two maids, so that she You can hate him.

He hoped that she would take care of the wounded soldiers and build a canal to improve the water supply in Paris, although this canal was to realize his dream of Rome.

He was a clean man, but he did a very dirty job, but some jobs had to be done, just like someone had to shovel the dung hills outside Paris.

Thinking about retiring at the age of 30, it is the time for other people to start their careers at this age, but he doesn't seem to be talking nonsense.

The original purpose of clothes is to cover the body, but instead it arouses people's curiosity to see what the body hidden under the clothes looks like. The Greeks advocate not wearing clothes, which puts an end to imagination. Bonaparte's figure It's not perfect, and it still has moss on it.

But he knew Shakespeare's poem, how difficult it was for a pragmatic French dictator.

It is painful for a person who studies literature to read physics, and it is also painful for a person who studies physics to read poetry, but at least he has seen Shakespeare and felt the hint of her dressing herself as an oil painting.

She felt that she was being admired as a work of art, even though it was a robber who admired her.

"what's on your mind?"

She blinked.

"What are you thinking?" asked Napoleon Bonaparte again.

"How did you come?"

"What were you thinking?" he asked again.

"Say it first, you can't laugh at me."

He nods.

"Light! Light! Don't be obsessed with angles," she said, as she had done the last time she commanded the painter at St. Luke's Palace.

He immediately understood, "Do you want to play again?"

"You want to see that painting? Except the Mona Lisa," she said. "I hate that woman."

"Can I ask why?"

"She caught your eye, do you still hang her in the bedroom now?"

He sighed, looking in a bad mood.

"What happened?" Georgiana asked.

The last time Leon suddenly appeared during the tea party, all the accompanying guests left, but this time he drove the guests away.

"The Pope's envoy has been kidnapped," he said deadpan. "Did your husband do it?"

She opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"And that kid just now, what are you doing staring at him?"


"Joseph told me, are you an unruly woman too?"

She thought for a while, and suddenly understood.

"I like dead poets." She patted the back of his hand and said, "I won't be like other girls who get carried away with a love poem."

"He's not handsome either, why are you staring at him?" He asked reluctantly.

"Just say you're not angry."

He endured it for a while, pursed his lips and nodded.

"Mr. Wordsworth looks like Severus."

The Corsican, who had promised not to be angry, immediately stood up in a rage.

"If the banner in a man's heart is not easily shaken and you respect it, then shouldn't women be respected if they don't dislike the poor and love the rich?" Georgiana said boldly, "You didn't abandon Josephine because you became great, I Nor can you abandon Severus because there are better options."

"Even if you say I won, I'm still not happy. Is it so important to come first?"

She thought of Joseph and the story in the Bible, Jacob used a trick to deprive Esau of his birthright. She originally thought that the right of the eldest son was no big deal. After the hereditary system collapsed, the right of the eldest son was also abolished, and the second and illegitimate children could also have the right to inherit part of their father's inheritance.

What if she had met Napoleon first instead of Severus?

Maybe she would turn a blind eye to him like those blind women.

Maxima is common, but Bole is not. She is not a Bole, and maybe one of the young people just now has a big shot in the future.

"I think I'm a good guy," Georgiana said. "I don't want to go down."

"You think I do?" he asked back.

"Your brother looks nice."

"Can you stop talking about this subject?" he almost begged.

"What do you want to talk about?"

He froze.

"I can pretend to be a portrait, you just look at me and don't say anything."

"Can I be Maria?"

She didn't think she was like the Virgin, she was a light-year away from the Virgin.

"Have you ever been to Rome, have you ever seen Michelangelo's Madonna?"

"I've seen it."

"I saw a work that imitated that sculpture in the Golden Palace in Venice. Although it looks similar, I don't think it has the charm of the original."

"Have you ever been to Rome?"


"Then how do you know what Shen Yun is in the original work?"

"Have you ever been to Frankfurt?"

He stopped talking.

"I saw the Virgin Mary smiling," Pomona said. "A normal woman would cry when her son died, but Maria was smiling. I wondered why she had that expression, and then I came to a conclusion." .”

She pinches his Greek nose "for she has a brave son."

"Do you want me to die like him?" he said timidly.

"That was not what I meant."

"I was just thinking what would happen without you? I'm sure I won't be happy, but I will be much simpler than now."

"I know." She held his big head. "If I don't touch love, I will be much simpler."

"Josephine always tells me to die, do you want to tell me to die too?"

For an ordinary girl who loves luxury life, Napoleon's world is indeed too scary.

"How about some wine?" she said boldly. "Let's get drunk."

Napoleon said nothing, as if he disapproved of the matter.

"Sophie! Bring us some wine!" she shouted outside.

"Are you a drunk?" He rubbed the bridge of his nose and smiled.

"I once had a drink with a girl looking at the sights of Venice, and she got me in a lot of trouble afterwards."

"What's up with her?"

"She said that she slipped her tongue. My husband knew that I wanted a divorce. Later, we were going to explore a place. He knew that I was the kind of person who would keep calm at critical moments. Before we set off, he said that he agreed to divorce."

He gradually opened his eyes wide.

"We went through a lot of life and death, but we didn't get divorced. We got divorced and had an affair again. I'm such a terrible woman." She smiled and shook her head. "I'm not pretending to be a virgin. Think about something else."

"I'm only in charge of admiring, think about it slowly." He sat down on the sofa where the buddies were sitting just now, and put his legs in riding boots on the coffee table, looking very arrogant.

"I'm old enough to be your mother, Leon. I don't think I can bear you." She said softly. "Please don't bully Josephine like that."

"I know you have a sense of proportion. In a short while, we may have to send troops again." He said indifferently.


He shook his head.

"Milan is a very rich city, with a good fortification and sufficient food supply. The Austrian emperor sent a prince there to be the governor. However, although the Austrians have ruled there for a long time, except for a few nobles, they are not among the people. Not to be lingered, for they are somber and rude, and the Archduke Ferdinand, who is neither agreeable nor respected, is accused of money-grabbing and disrepute, and we are welcome there. Free, well-respected The respected French people all over the world are bringing glorious peace to all of Europe." He rubbed the tip of his nose with a smile, "I need to build a road to Milan, this road is very difficult to build, and the Alps must be hollowed out Money alone is not enough, I also need slaves."

She suddenly remembered the pardon of the Trianon Palace that the young masters had just mentioned.

"You want to send troops to the colonies?"

"You, Britain, have also benefited. Why are you so serious?"

She sighed, and realized that the big head in front of her was not a savior.

"Do you think I'm dirty?" he said, looking into her eyes.

"I chose truth over happiness, and the things you said made me suddenly realize that my affair was a trivial matter, and Severus would forgive me." She smiled and shook her head, "In fact, that adventurous place we have been to It is also related to the French. During the War of the Spanish Throne, an army got lost while rushing to the battlefield, broke into a maze designed by a dark wizard in the Alps, and killed the monsters inside."

"Why do I feel like you're making up a story?"

"I also think you are making up a story. If you want slaves, you can go to the British to buy them. Why do you have to go to war?"

"I don't want to defile your soul any longer," said Napoleon wearily.

"We wizards also have slaves. These slaves are called house-elves. Most of the elves choose to obey. Even if someone wakes them up and asks them to fight for freedom, they treat those people in a bad way, for example, they don't clean them up. health."

Napoleon smiled.

"Do what you think is right, Leon, true equality between people may only be found before God, but before the Judgment Day comes, you should go and get the Pope's special envoy back."

"I hope he sticks with the divorce," he whispered. "Why doesn't he stick it out?"

She couldn't answer the question.

"You weren't awake when I got up. In addition to what I said just now, I also want to tell you that I had a good time last night. Do you feel happy?"

She still didn't answer.

"You don't need to tell me the answer." He smiled, put his legs off the coffee table, stood up and said loudly, "Because I can feel it!"

She was so angry that she wanted to curse, but she still didn't say anything.

"Miss, do you want more wine?" Sophie said timidly holding the bottle.

She looked at the terrified expression on this pretty girl, which wouldn't be the case in the 21st century.

"Come with me for a walk," she said.

"Shall I call someone else?" Sophie asked.

"No, just you and me." She held Sophie's arm. "It's better to be simple."

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