Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1314 City and Countryside

If a woman has a well-known husband, her own name can easily be ignored, and people will only refer to so-and-so's wife.

Another kind of woman is very famous herself, such as Madame du Barry and Madame Pompidou. Madame Pompidou also read Montesquieu's On the Spirit of Law, just because she has read this book, she She is already regarded as a higher class than those women in the Louis XV mistress group who can only put on makeup.

Madame Geoffrey's salon on the Rue Saint-Honoré was one of the most famous salons at that time. Her Lake was not based on birth, wealth, and position, but only on talent as an admission ticket. Big people are hard to invite.

Montesquieu was her guest. In addition, Voltaire, D'Alembert, Queen Catherine, and the King of Sweden were also invited by Madame Geoffrey. But now almost no one remembers the once-famous salon hostess, and the new social star is Madame Stahl, whom Napoleon hated most and was expelled from the country.

Mrs. Starr must have seen Rousseau, and she also wrote an article "On the Character and Works of Rousseau".

Not every female writer and scholar holds the same concept of "I will not marry without love" like her. Life needs money. Montesquieu left a rich cultural heritage, but he has no copyright. And just as Napoleon Bonaparte needed someone to preside over his "harem" like a steward, Madame Montesquieu came.

In Montesquieu's book, it was written that the nature of the land has three regions: the wheat region, poor;

The province of Marne is a picturesque place, and you can see many castles along the way, which seem to fit the little girl's fantasy of the fairy tale kingdom.

The French Revolution overthrew many things of the old system, but it did not solve the gap between the rich and the poor. The guards were easy to recognize, and with the British thoroughbred horses pulling the carts, the ostentatious team would certainly attract the attention of passers-by.

She thought she would see envious or jealous eyes, but those passers-by cheered her carriage from a long distance away.

Seeing these people, she suddenly understood why Napoleon was so desperate.

"They are lovely people, aren't they?" said Madame de Montesquieu to Georgiana. "How do they compare with the English?"

Georgiana said nothing.

How tiring she was, actually made Sophie and Coraline think of not getting married and being celibate for the rest of their lives.

The situation in the province of Marne was similar to the countryside she had stayed in before. Men were rarely seen, and most of them were women. Even if there were men, most of them were middle-aged and elderly. Young people either went to war or went to work in the city.

It is hopeless to be a farmer for a lifetime. Young and ambitious people will definitely not be able to stay, and the unpredictable weather also makes the harvest unstable. The new life brought by the modern civilization of the city attracts them. The farms of the former large farms The servants left the farm and moved away.

There is no one to farm, and the land rent still has to be collected. The big farm owners sell the idle land to the land-hungry farmers, and the big farms disintegrate.

There are beggars everywhere in the city, but there is a shortage of strong laborers in the countryside. This is what Montesquieu called "the evil result of prosperity".

There is a similar situation in the United Kingdom. Except for London, other cities that once prospered during the industrial revolution began to slump.

A prosperous and populous city is a political achievement, representing wealth and strength. It seems that not only women in salons will live in their own world.

The number of people engaged in agriculture has decreased. If machinery can be used instead of manpower, then large farms can continue to be maintained. The farmer model that Leon Kuhl said is also feasible.

But France now lacks talents in this area. They pay more attention to literature and art than machinery, which is what Britain is good at.

Napoleon treated Jenner so politely, and he also refused to take office in France.

Napoleon wanted to implement capitalism in France, and he would no longer bind farmers to the land, but right now food is the most scarce, and farmers who lack a sense of security buy a lot of land, thinking that the more land they plant, the more land they will reap.

She suddenly thought of an idea and asked Sophie for a paper to write it down.

France still loses money by exchanging silk for tobacco, and she wants to reap some benefits for him-she wants Britain to provide engineers, even if they can’t invent fully automatic harvesters and seeders for a while, they will continue this practice for 10 centuries improved agricultural tools.

"May I have a look?" said Madame de Montesquieu.

Georgiana handed her the paper graciously.

"This is indeed a feasible solution." Madame Montesquieu said, looking at the paper, "but in this way the urban population will not decrease."

"Let people go to the place of work, not the place of pleasure. The place of work does not have to be in the countryside, it can also be from the countryside to the suburbs of the city." Georgiana said, "It can be understood as a supply line. There are several Supply point, in short, let’s open up the cannery first, and after we have a template, other industries can copy it.”

"What do you use for canning?" Sophie asked.

"Meat," Georgiana said. "Lyon has a meat excise tax, not to mention that animal litters are not affected by the weather so much, we need to provide as much pasture as possible."

"The pastoral districts will also become very rich," said Madame de Montesquieu.

"After the British Enclosure Movement, half of the land is planted with grain and half of the land is raised. This is a crisis and an opportunity..."

"You really like him." Coraline said suddenly. "What will you do if your English husband finds him?"

Georgiana glared at the wicked witch.

"Hahaha." Caroline laughed wantonly, "You are so funny."

"I need a clear head, don't make trouble," said Georgiana sternly.

"Animal calving may not be affected by the weather, but it will be affected by other factors. Isn't it impossible for you to give birth yourself?" Caroline said viciously.

"Do you think now is the time to love animals?"

"Why don't you think that Muggles should control the speed of childbirth?" Caroline sneered.

Georgiana looked at this pure-blood nobleman, and she almost forgot how much Muggles were like ants in the eyes of these people.

Directly handing over the French Ministry of Magic to the Lestrange family for reconstruction would only form the second British Ministry of Magic during Voldemort's reign. Fortunately, she was not so anxious to promise Carolan benefits.

"There are more people cured in the hospital, plus more newborns, even if you try your best, you will face a crisis because of the large population." Caroline said, "In the long run, it is correct to control population growth."

Georgiana thought of the Fantastic Beasts.

How many species have become extinct due to hunting by humans.

"The population of the capital under the monarchy grows in two ways. One is that the wealth of the provinces attracts residents to the capital, and the other is that the provinces drive the residents to the capital because of poverty. His Excellency Bonaparte exchanged the 'fertilizer' for the provinces. Wealth, should you think about how to restore the balance and let the residents return to the provinces?" Madame Montesquieu said.

"It's not residents, it's men." Georgiana said coldly, "Women and old people are staying in the country."

As for why country men leave, apart from looking for a new life, there is also one reason - beautiful urban women.

Men also have their own fairy tale dreams. The poor boy dares to do anything in order to marry the princess, including slaying the dragon.

Cobain was deceived by a woman who was good at flirting, and finally committed suicide.

Women can make do with men who are not good-looking or tall, so why can't men make do with it?

Only family and women can make wandering men settle down. Country women can't keep men, so they will be hooked away by vixens in the city!

At present, there are not many employment opportunities for women in the city, so they have not moved. In the future, there will be more employment opportunities for women in the city, and the countryside will be empty. Even the capitalist and industrialized Britain has not given up agriculture.

Food and other crops will have to wait until next year, and canned meat can be made immediately. One million tons of food is not enough for one million people to consume for how long. With technology, canned sea fish can be made, and countries such as Norway and Denmark can also provide food to France.

But she had a premonition that it would not be so smooth. Eating canned food needs to be popularized. In addition, the welding process of canned food is also easy to contaminate food. If there is a problem with canned food, there will be panic.

She looked out the window and thought about things, deliberately ignoring Mrs. Montesquieu's temptation. Whether it is a "monarchy" or a "republic" is not a woman's final decision, and she is almost too busy with the things in front of her.

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