Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1333 The house of the butchers

People who used to be so powerful, their desolation looks particularly sad. Carnot was forced to go into exile in Germany and Switzerland because of his opposition to the unconstitutional coup during the Fruit Moon Coup. After the Brumaire Coup, he returned to France and was appointed by Napoleon. The Minister of Military Affairs and the members of the Tribunal are basically in a state of idleness.

He was very restrained when facing a little English woman, and Georgiana couldn't help but think of the judges of the Paris High Court who were exiled by Louis XV and recalled by Louis XVI. They lost the vigor to dare to compete with the king. Instead, they form alliances for their own interests and self-preservation.

Such people are not available in Belgium.

But she was not terribly disappointed in Carnot, he did not fawn over her like the flatterers who surrounded Napoleon, he still maintained the dignity of "Your Excellency", and this new-found discretion may come in handy. So she politely sent him into the carriage herself, and watched him leave the Grand Trianon Palace. Then she boarded another carriage driven by Godin and Guard Marley, and rushed to the tryst.

After boarding the carriage, she opened a letter. There was no information on it that could identify her identity, and there was only one line: meet me on Desheng Street.

If it wasn't Marley who sent the letter, she wouldn't bother with this kind of letter. Marley was the guard commander who had accompanied her in Vincennes Forest. He might be Napoleon's confidant or something, and he knew things that many people didn't know. , such as the address of the house on Desheng Street.

She felt exhilarated, nervous, and a little irritated, but before she went there, she had to go to the Chatelet Place, which was the seat of the Paris District Court and the residence of the British representatives.

In the 16th century, this area was a slaughterhouse, and now it is a medium-sized residential area for officials to purchase real estate because it is very close to the court and the Tuileries Palace.

There is a famous Gothic tower, the St. Jacob's Tower, next to the Chartres Square. It is the only remaining remnant of the Church of St. Jacob of the Slaughterhouse. This tower is used to welcome those who go to northwest Spain Used by pilgrims on the Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

On the other side of the river is the Paris District Court, which is also a Gothic building. It used to be an ancient prison where Marie Antoinette was imprisoned.

Even though she knew that there were execution chambers and prison cells in the opposite building, she still didn't feel the slightest fear. She even had the mood to buy meat and sauces in the nearby market, planning to make a big dinner later.

The current price of meat is not yet "extremely high", and people with small assets can still buy it. She can only hope that the French fishing boats will be able to go fishing at the end of this month.

And it all depends on the attitude of the British.

Before leaving, she took a bottle of good wine from the collection of the First Consul of France as a gift. Anyway, she would help him get the "Wine King" in the future, so she took the bottle of champagne away very rudely.

Whether it's Granit they want to drink themselves, or as a gift to the Prince of Wales, champagne represents "victory" and "celebration", which is more intoxicating than alcohol.

She knocked on the door of the mansion full of Renaissance style, and it was opened not long after, and it was Thomas Granit who opened the door.

He didn't expect that it was Georgiana knocking on the door, her eyes were like codfish, she laughed, and put the champagne in her hand in front of him, "Here, I stole it from Napoleon's wine cellar .”

Granit laughed too, took the bottle of champagne "Does he know you're coming?"

"Perhaps I will tell him." Georgiana thought for a moment and said, "It was his soldiers and carriages that brought me to you."

"Are you coming in?" Granit asked.

"No, I'll leave as soon as I finish speaking, he is very suspicious." She restrained her smile "Be careful of Lucien, he is not as inconspicuous as he looks, and also, be careful of the sea freezing, in 1794 in Amsterdam, France The cavalry stepped on the ice and made the frozen British navy surrender, so don't say they can't cross the strait next time."

"Thank you for your reminder." Granit said calmly.

"Give me another contact, or you send someone to my library, I can't always find an excuse like this time."

"We'll figure it out," Granit said with a frown.

"During this period of time, don't go out casually, and don't contact suspicious people." She looked at Granit seriously. "I don't want the UK to have anything to do with the Royalist Party at this time."

"Is it because the Royalists want to harm Napoleon?"

"Who knows, he has so many enemies, and my husband is one of them." She said humorously, "Goodbye, Diamond Kid."

"Goodbye, Countess." Granit smiled strangely, and then closed the door.

After she walked out a few steps, she looked back at the big house. Although it was not as big as the Grand Trianon Palace in the suburbs, it was considered a mansion in the city center.

Killing can indeed bring benefits, whether it is killing animals or people.

She looked again at the tower of St. James, who was one of the twelve disciples. When Jesus was walking by the sea, he saw two brothers fishing and said to them, "Follow Me, I will make you fishermen of 'fishermen'."

Pope's fisherman's ring is thus derived.

Maybe she needs to use divine power to keep Belgium from becoming a battlefield for butchers. Maybe she should go to her guardian Caprara.

Before that, though, she had other places to go.

She boarded the carriage again, this time it was Marley who was driving, and Godin had already got off here.

He saluted her from outside the carriage, like an actor taking a curtain call.

At this time, the night was getting darker, and the opera houses in Paris had already opened their doors. She believed that Charlotte's story would soon spread throughout Paris and even France.

It was indeed a good story, and the trial scene was written by a young man working in the prosecutor's office. She felt very realistic when she read it, and she didn't know what Napoleoni would think after reading it.

She picked up Rousseau's On the Origin of Human Inequality.

Extravagance is not a good habit, and Marie Antoinette's reputation is so bad because of extravagance and profligacy, becoming a deficit queen.

But her real biggest mistake wasn't about spending money.

The carriage drove to a high-end residential area and to a civilian area, but they were all single-family houses, not apartments.

Marley stopped the carriage in front of an unremarkable two-story white French-style house.

She opened the door and got out of the carriage by herself. There was no decoration on the facade of the house, and there was a small garden around it. Even the most low-key carriage in the stables looked very dignified here.

She suddenly had a feeling, and carrying the meat and spices bought at the market, she pushed open the waist-high fence and walked in. It happened that the main door of the house was also opened, and Napoleoni, who was dressed like a court worker, was standing there. behind the door.

"The price of meat has risen again." She nagged at him like an ordinary Parisian woman, "Is there any carbon in the house?"

"There's firewood in the stove." He said as if acting with her.

She walked into the little house.

There is a thick darkness inside, which makes people feel suffocated and sick.

He closed the door behind her.

"You seem to have forgotten something, ma'am," he whispered in her ear in strange French.

"You're angry?"

He endured it for a while, and finally suddenly roared angrily, "Where did you learn this?"

Georgiana laughed. "Do you think I'm..."

"Disgraceful occupation!" He interrupted her, replacing the word with another saying "I met a woman before, she was like you, and told me that people have to do things to eat, you first The first time you danced with me, you told me that living with a man is for survival, and you approached me with this purpose?"

"I'm a schoolteacher," Georgiana said, laughing. "I've only used that invitation to one person other than you."

"Who?" he said angrily.

"My English husband, he doesn't react like you do."

Leon fell silent.

"You said that neutrality means treating both warring parties equally. What I did to him should also be done to you. There is another thing I did to him but not to you. Do you want to experience it, or do you want to drive me out of the house? ?”

He is weighing the pros and cons.

"I'm going to cook." She pinched his weak arm, "It's no wonder you're so skinny because you eat so poorly every day."

She went to the room with the stove, which should be the dining room and living room, and the fire in the stove started to burn again.

"Is there a pot?" She asked back, and then she found that he was still standing stupidly at the door.

"Tell me the truth." Napoleoni said wearily. "Did you do that because you were forced to make a living?"

"I'm a bad girl," she said calmly, "but I was educated to act like a good girl. I like to dance, but I'm not allowed to dance. I'm afraid of being bullied, so I put myself Dressing up ugly, I thought that people would like me, but it’s not the case, I want to be myself, you and Severus are the kind of people who don’t care what others think, so if I answer yes, Are you going to leave me because of other people's opinions?"

He looked back at her.

"Sometimes I think it's better if I'm really a whore, I don't have to suffer from my conscience anymore, Severus is so kind to me, he gave me his acceptance letter, can you imagine yourself What's it like not to have entered the military academy?" She covered her face and began to cry, "He and Lily are in a purely spiritual relationship, and I want to be like him and have a spiritual relationship with you. You don't lack women by your side, right?"

He sneered.

"why are you laughing?"

"I'm very happy that there is actually a woman who is willing to answer my questions, and I don't need any price." Napoleon said with a smile. "Last time I asked that woman a question, she hinted that she would ask me for some money to live on."

"Where's Josephine?"

"She cost me 2 million francs."

"That's because she doesn't know how to manage money..."

"This is my first house after I came to Paris. I feel that being in love is not about being happy, but about feeling sad and immortal. This person's soul can be relied on and doubled in security." He said in a haughty tone Say "I haven't been to Malmaison these days, I've been stopping in Luxembourg and the Tuileries, there are no other women, how about you?"

"Does Lucien count?"

He smiled strangely, "You have a good time with him, but you miss me more."

She stamped her feet angrily, and turned back to the room with the stove.

Bonaparte was laughing outside, and she was so angry that she wanted to beat him with a spatula.

But after laughing for a while, his voice turned into crying, so she didn't plan to go out and beat him up.

She thought it would be better to leave him alone for a while at this time.

"Would you like goulash or steak?" Georgiana asked aloud when the crying outside died down.

No one answered her.

She felt strange, went to the door to look, and found that the dwarf just now had disappeared.

The light coming in from the door made his shadow very long, almost extending to her feet, making him look like a giant.

"There are only food, how can we do without wine, did you bring wine?"

"I sent a bottle of champagne to the Englishman," she answered honestly.

"Why champagne?"

"Victory is more intoxicating than alcohol."

He didn't answer.

"You cook, I'll go buy wine."

"It's not safe outside, let Marley..." Before she finished speaking, Bonaparte opened the door and went out.

"It's different from what I thought." She looked at the deserted house and said, "Why do I keep dating losers."

But after complaining, she still went to cook. I hope there is a pot in this house. Does Josephine know how to cook?

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