Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1393 hob meat

Sies is a very unlikable person.

Some people regard him as a priest without robes, and some people regard him as a hypocrite who is so mean that he attacks his greed, but Siers is undoubtedly a figure who is good at governing the country and is a precious political legacy left by the Great Revolution.

Others only want to tear down, but Siers knows how to build. During the Brumaire coup, Siers originally only wanted to coerce a vote by force, while Napoleon directly dissolved the parliament, and then announced the eight-year constitution of the French Republic, stipulating that the first ruling, second ruling and third ruling. Correspondingly, the First Consul gave up the power to lead the army, but did not stipulate that the First Consul cannot "follow the army". The cunning "wild lion" is still in power, and has not been cut off from the army as Sies thought. , thus being emptied.

The judicial review mechanism in the United States is the core of the rule of law in the United States. In the United States, whoever has the power to interpret the Constitution is the core and leader of the rule of law. The Supreme Court of the United States holds the final say, so the authority of the court is the authority of the rule of law. Even the president Whether there is fraud in the election is also the final decision of the Federal Supreme Court.

Sies wanted to learn from the United States and set up a judicial review court, which was neither an ordinary court nor an administrative court nor a special court. There are still many members who are convinced of his theory. Campaceres took advantage of the opportunity announced by the Senate on January 7 to start replacing one-fifth of the members of the Republic whose term of office has expired for ten years, and sent 26 members of the Senate to the revolutionaries. Apart from.

However, the Legislative Yuan, the Tribunal, and the Senate were not purged. The Senate voted by itself, with 46 votes to 13 votes, and decided to propose resigning members.

Although Siers is the chairman of the senate who is in charge of ceremonies, this is the attitude of the senate, just as they agreed to pass the law of appointing their own heirs by the first consulate in May last year.

The cause of the matter was still the church, and it was a rare time for Siers to meet the Legislative Yuan, the Senate, and the Tribunal.

Napoleon tested Sies' opinion, and Sies said "I'm going to resign." If he really resigned, the rest of Siers' accomplices would think that Napoleon used force to coerce him to resign, which would strengthen their determination to "resist". Leaving Siyes wondering what else this evil could do, he wished Siyes was a priest at the moment.

The biggest difference between a monarchy and a republic, apart from centralization, is that unqualified leaders can be dethroned at any time. If Louis XVI could issue an edict to abdicate on his own and give power to the Grand Duke of Orleans or other Bourbon royal families, it would not be that far.

Louis XVI was a good man, rare among the many ambitious European royal families, and Siès voted for the execution of the king as a way of denying Louis XVI's rule.

Similarly, Siyes launched the Bruma coup to overthrow the rule of the Directory, which was a republican at that time.

Sies was not so much a republican as an opposition, and Napoleon didn't know what he had done wrong to make Sies feel that he was an incompetent ruler.

Wanting to communicate with him, Siers was resistant again, so Napoleoni went to Georgiana to complain.

He described Siyes as the Hydra, a sea monster with many heads, and two heads would grow immediately after cutting off any one head, but it was finally defeated by Hercules with his wisdom.

Hercules is also one of the symbols of France, but the Corsican dwarf has nothing to do with the muscular man no matter how you look at it. Georgiana will not say it at this time.

Spiritual victory is also a kind of victory, let him win if he wants to win.

When he was almost out of breath, the man who spoke forcefully just now asked Georgiana to hug him again.

She looked up at the door and found no one there, so she did as he said and patted him on the back gently, giving him space to "escape from reality".

There is no suffering in the Garden of Eden, only tranquility and peace, where people can rest.

Some people choose not to go out in the Garden of Eden, and some choose to continue exploring the world outside the Garden of Eden after the break.

For those who have been fighting abroad all year round, they have seen all kinds of wilderness and ruins. Compared with them, they want to see civilization and etiquette, and women are the symbol of civilization and etiquette.

There are tribal women in Africa who are dirtier than those French soldiers from Europe, they are not interested in them at all. Polygamy is practiced in the Arab world, and wives cannot be harassed. Alibey's wife commands a harem composed of half a hundred female slaves of different nationalities and colors. These charming women received Kebir Sultan and his envoys .

They have beautiful looks, light steps, soft voices and gentle manners, but they were only seen by Bey before. There are so many things in Yiyi, and there are so many women in the harem, how long does it take for a lonely heart to be comforted once.

These female slaves are actually much more free than Bey's wife. They are very curious when they see the young and beautiful Frenchman, so they can approach them with confidence and boldness. In contrast, Bey's wife and Kebir Sultan dryly talked about property ownership and tax issues. It is hard to believe that Kebir Sultan is a 30-year-old commander. His style is more like an "old guy" ".

He is as boring and dry as a piece of paper, but this piece of paper can write peace treaties, legal clauses, "Arabian Nights" and fairy tales.

As Lane said just now, it is really inappropriate to use wool to decorate this hospitality room.

St. Luke's Palace was more of a place for mistresses, but she didn't want it to be too frivolous, because it was also an administrative institution.

It is much more difficult to arrange this reception room than the dining room of the Tuileries Palace.

She looked down at the profile of "Simba", and suddenly kissed him on the cheek. He was originally thinking, but was interrupted by her, and stared at her angrily.

"Sies is still in St. Luke's, isn't he?" Georgiana asked.

"What do you want to do?"

"To vent your anger on you." She said aggressively, "He will call me a bitch at worst."

His face immediately stood up as if lit up.


"Don't go out yourself, find someone to take me there."

"Marais!" cried Napoleon, and in a short while the head of the Secretary of State poked through the door.

"You take her to the Senate!" Napoleon shouted excitedly.

"The Senate has adjourned." Mare said cautiously, "You announced it."

"Is Sies gone?" Georgiana asked.

"I think I saw him in the garden just now."

"Take me." Georgiana stood up.

Just now the lion in the wilderness kept putting his big head on her lap, so that it was a little numb, and it took Marley to support her to walk smoothly, and then she was able to walk freely.

The garden of St. Luke's Palace is very Versailles style. There are many sculptures in the garden, which are basically works of Louis XV period. One of them is a bust of Caesar.

By such a coincidence, Karno and Siès were chatting in front of the bust of Caesar, as if they had returned to the way they were in power during the Directorate.

Georgiana stared at Karnot until the former Governor flinched away, and then her eyes turned to Siyes.

"I've read Montesquieu, have you?" Georgiana asked Sies.

"You want to discuss Montesquieu with me?" Sies said with air.

"That's right!"

"What do you want to discuss?"

"On the question of tithes, do you still insist on restoring the tithes?"

"I thought we were discussing academics, not politics," Sies said.

"Before Charlemagne, someone opened the Bible and read the donations and contributions recorded in the Book of Leviticus, but no one set up tithes. Why? During a great famine, the devil picked up a empty grains of wheat, and then he yelled at those who didn't pay tithes, so the rulers decreed that all who owned church property should pay tithes, and everyone was ordered to pay, what did you vote for When the tax was paid, have you ever thought about how many ordinary people at the bottom cannot afford bread?"

"You!" Sies pointed at Georgiana angrily.

"I didn't say you were the devil, you were Jonah spit out by the devil, you rascal!" Georgiana turned and left after speaking.

"Stop!" Sies yelled angrily.

"Go, go!" Georgiana said to Marley, instead of stopping, she ran fast with her skirts in her hands.

Napoleon laughed loudly from a room on the second floor with a view of the garden.

"That's the general's reception room and bedroom, where all the real close friends are received." Ma Lei said while running, "The downstairs is his office, is your office also arranged like this?"

"No, I want his old lounge." Georgiana said, "Also, you guys are going to help me block Sies recently."

"No problem." Mare said boldly, "If he wants to do something, we can do it!"

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