Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1399 The Concubine of Paris (3)

Founded in 1693, the Lyon Opera House is much smaller than the "Paris Opera House" and the French Opera House.

In addition to the assassination on Christmas Day 1800, Joseph Fouché also uncovered a premeditated assassination plan against Napoleon. On October 10 of the same year, a group of unknown people planned to assassinate at the exit of the French Theater.

It is precisely because of this that Napoleon held the masquerade ball to welcome Lucien at the "Paris Opera House" like a mistress.

Usually he only takes two or three guards when he goes out in low clothes, but when he appears as a "political figure", there must be many people. There are 8 of his adjutants, and the son of the third ruler, Le Brun, is the captain. One person is on duty to accompany you.

The Guards consisted of Lannes, Bessières, Davout, and Soult. None of these adjutants and generals was the middle-aged general who had taken Georgiana from the monastery to the canal last time.

Now she knew who he was. He was Menu, who took over the Egyptian Expeditionary Force after Kleber's death, and was in charge of presiding over the inspection ceremony in Baihua Square.

The same soldier has achieved different results in the hands of different generals. Napoleon's record is brilliant, Kleber's record is fair, and Menu's record can only be described as miserable.

The social occasion of the opera house is not always friendly. General Rainier, who came back from Egypt, and General De Stein, who also came back from Egypt, had a fierce conflict during the intermission. A heated argument ensued over Nu.

The First Consul once said that he hoped that everything that happened during the expedition would become a thing of the past, and everyone should stop worrying about it.

Georgiana didn't care whether these people listened or not. She asked Godin to adapt the little comedy that the soldiers had choreographed in Egypt into a one-act play, and find a few actors to perform in the city.

As for Georgina, who had a relationship with Napoleon, she didn't intend to bother. It was no secret that Napoleon had an affair with the 15-year-old girl, and Matilda knew it after a little inquiry.

Everyone in "history" said that Napoleon was dedicated, and Georgiana, like those people who said that, thought he was really dedicated.

People who have experienced a relationship breakup tend to be chaotic for a period of time, and she doesn't want to pursue his chaotic private life during that time.

The most ridiculous thing is, what right does she have to control him?

It was ridiculous to daydream to this point. Instead of messing with Napoleon's former lovers, Georgiana went to see Mademoiselle Chamorro.

This actress once stayed in the choir, and her vocal range is wide and high-pitched. Her singing of "Hannibal" was a sensation, and the First Consul who once crossed the Alps like Hannibal also liked it very much.

At the same time, she is also a well-known lesbian in Paris. Unlike Albus Dumbledore, she did not hide her orientation.

Many musicians and literati wrote operas for her. Georgiana now wears men's clothes, but wearing men's clothes does not mean that she is gay. She just has no contact with such people, so she wants to Knowledgeable.

Miss Chamorro, like many famous actresses, has her own lounge in the Lyon Opera House. The opera she is going to perform today is Molière's Moaning.

Joyful festivals called for comedies, and Georgiana, like a male suitor, bought a bouquet of roses and went to meet the favorite of Paris, escorted by young Charles Cornwally, Lord Bloom.

Miss Chamorro is a black-haired beauty who is nearly thirty years old, with a beauty mark on the corner of her mouth, and a plump figure. There is a fire burning in the fireplace in the lounge, and it is hot inside. She only wears a silk dressing gown.

Perhaps it was because she heard from the maid that the person who came to see her was a woman, and she didn't change her clothes on purpose, but Georgiana's men's attire should have startled her, and she was so surprised that she even forgot to say hello.

"Good day." Georgiana said in non-standard French, and deliberately lowered her voice, sounding like a man. "Your beauty is like a spring bud, bright and moving."

"Thank you." Mademoiselle Chamorro said in a beautiful voice, taking the flowers from Georgiana.

"I have an opera I want you to sing." Georgiana handed over the script that Godin had written for her. "This is a British historical drama."

"I'm going to play right away." Miss Chamorro didn't take the booklet.

"You can watch it when you have time." Georgiana said gently, "I wonder what you have planned after the performance?"

"How about we hang out?" said Lord Bloom, smiling.

Miss Chamorro watched them both warily.

"Just walk around Notre Dame." Georgiana stared at Miss Chamorro and said, suddenly she couldn't bear to involve this weak woman in this matter.

"I don't think the monks will allow me to enter the church," Chamorro said.

"Then what do you usually do?" Georgiana asked.

"Parties and salons." Chamorro said blankly, "There are also people like you."

"I thought it was fashionable to travel with the English," said Georgiana.

"I'm not a person who likes to follow fashion, please go back." Miss Chamorro said coldly.

Georgiana found it very interesting. She should now look like a young man who failed to court.

"I am clumsy, I am not good at words, I will not praise you like a poet, and say love words that touch your heart, but I want you to know that I hope to be your friend, because I know someone who is very similar to you , but he doesn't have the courage like you." She said in a low voice.

"It's the first time I've ever heard of courage being used to describe a person like me," said Mademoiselle Chamorro with a mocking smile.

"I buried him. He never married a wife or had children in his life, but I only found out that he liked the same sex after he died." Georgiana said blankly, "He lied to me all my life."

Miss Chamorro stopped smiling.

"I respect him as I respect my father. He protects me and loves me like my own daughter. However, in the end I suddenly realized that the person I love and understand is not what I thought. I don't know what I should feel. Disappointed or feel stupid, you didn't hide yourself, I think, I shouldn't hide you, I won't meet you in private, I don't have anything to hide, so I don't need to be afraid, what do you think?"

Miss Chamorro looked at Georgiana with interest. "Do you like men or women?"

"I used to be able to say unequivocally that I liked men."

"Why not now?"

"Accept my request and I'll tell you on a 'date'." Georgiana smiled seductively. "You can pretend I'm a man, just like you do when you're acting."

"The First Consul will kill me," said Miss Chamorro.

"Are we just acting, or are you afraid?"

"Ma'am." Sophie's voice sounded outside the lounge, "Godan asked me to inform you that the actors have been found."

"Remember to read my script." Georgiana said to Chamorro before leaving, "I want to hear your thoughts."

Miss Chamorro did not answer Georgiana's imprudent request, and Lord Bloom took a rose and followed Georgiana out of the lounge.

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