Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1453 The Way of the Past

When a canal worker who sells his physical strength and earns less than 2 francs a day sees upstart celebrities driving beautiful carriages, wearing beautiful clothes, and taking beautiful girls to play by the river, can his heart really remain peaceful? ?

The answer is of course no. However, Napoleon issued an amnesty in February, allowing veterans who participated in four battles to recover. Many workers on the canal construction site left, and most of the people left were willing to work to earn money. Law-abiding citizens, even if workers feel resentment, jealousy, or dissatisfaction, they can only endure it, spit and continue to work.

Pope Alexander VI of the Borgia family said that when the nobles began to worry about the moral issues of the common people, it was the degeneration of the entire noble class.

Compared with the small favors given by Georgiana, the most real thing is salary increases and vacations. "Master" has experienced so much, he knows what to do, he has already planned the Legion of Glory, that's why Georgiana said Let him think for himself.

Wearing this medal is equivalent to another form of stockings, and you can enjoy some privileges, but this kind of power cannot be tax-free power, which is a lesson learned in blood.

Georgiana still intends to use Turgo's method to increase taxes for the rich and reduce taxes for the poor. However, she needs to increase taxes to build roads, and taxing horse-drawn carriages is her goal.

Easter is less than 7 days away, and it is too late to introduce a new tax at this time. Fortunately, she saw other opportunities. She wrote to have a London merchant in the varnish business come to see her at the Tuileries and ask him how many varnishes he had in stock, which she was to assign to the upstarts eager to paint their hired carriages.

She raised the price a little, but it was still within acceptable limits, and the upstarts got the paint. With this money, she bought corned beef in barrels, and then used the beef to give extra meals to the workers on the construction site, which was a simple Hungarian potato goulash with rice from Piedmont. She didn't buy wine, because getting drunk would cause accidents.

She told Pierre Benezet about it, and Pierre Benezet told the relief worker, and the relief worker told Napoleon, and His Excellency Bonaparte directly pulled a carload of Bordeaux wine to the construction site, and also invited Puppet theater performances, if only that was the case for Easter.

The entry age for children at Hogwarts is 11 years old, and the boundary between basic education and second-stage education in France is also 11 years old. Basic education was returned to the church by Napoleon, and the second-stage education was returned to secular schools.

In the old dynasty, the church controlled even the second stage of education. Napoleon didn't want to do that, but the management method he used was militarized. Students were divided into "companies", and each "company" had a "sergeant" and Four "corporals", Georgiana almost died laughing. From a certain point of view, Bonaparte and Severus are the same kind of people. In this kind of school, the students are guaranteed to plan how to blow up the school.

The vast majority of people in the ruling government are not religious. On the day of the mass, the Notre Dame Square was crowded with people. Because the route was planned in advance, people departing from the Tuileries Palace and the Elysee Palace had different times and routes. Josephine said Did not participate once.

Georgiana, who was in the crowd, discovered later that Napoleon was followed by generals, including Moreau, Lannes and Augereau.

None of these people wore stockings, but they did not wear ceremonial swords. They still carried sabers. The spurs on their boots scraped against the church floor, as if they were about to splash sparks.

There were communion chatters, even pastries and openly chewed biscuits, and the shouts of the crowd outside occasionally drowned out the voice of the new Archbishop of Paris, Jean-Baptiste de Beroy-Morangelet, The "Society Agreement" was officially announced at the ceremony, followed by the "Thanksgiving" mass. The bells of Notre Dame de Paris were played for the first time after ten years of silence, and then Napoleon returned to the Tuileries Palace with senior officials and generals up.

Georgiana didn't decorate the restaurant very much, not to mention she was afraid that someone would drop the plate in such a mood, so she didn't prepare any novel food except roast chicken. The staple food was bread, and she also provided two kinds of wine for the officials to choose from. .

After eating, they went back to their own rooms. Of course, a general like Moreau lived in the Tuileries Palace, but he smoked ostentatiously on the balcony, and was seen by the common people in the garden. He completely ignored Napoleon and kept a low profile. Antoine Guillaume Delmars was later deported 50 miles from Paris, allegedly for saying things he should not have said.

Moreau's wife lives with him in the guest room of the Tuileries Palace, but his mother-in-law feels that she is also entitled to live in the Tuileries Palace. Tian handed over the business card, but she directly wanted to see her son-in-law and daughter.

These generals who lived in the Tuileries Palace had relatives, and if she was allowed in, then these people felt that they could see the First Consul.

Georgiana wants to let the dog bite her.

Later, when Moreau asked his mother-in-law to go back, Georgiana sent Mamluks as guards and told them that they could not let people in without an audience card. This set was similar to that of the French court. Mrs. Remiza didn't say anything more, So the biggest thing in April is over.

Immediately afterwards, the Tribunal passed the terms of the "Socio-Church Agreement" with a ratio of 78:7, and after the Legislative Yuan also passed it, Lucien held a reception for Napoleon. Georgiana, who was originally just gathering the number of people, met William Pitt's teacher, Malmesbury. Count Li, the old man enthusiastically praised Napoleon's achievements, and then stuffed a folder for her.

Even if you get a bunch of orders, it won't be so hot. This is the "Factory Act" passed by the British Parliament, which involves child labor and guild issues.

Factory apprentices are derived from the parish apprentices of the Poor Law, these child laborers were sent to work in factories under the name of apprentices.

This "Factory Act" only applies to the cotton textile industry. Napoleon's low tariffs on steel and grain are beneficial to these two industries, but not to the cotton textile industry. These British tycoons are very dissatisfied that they cannot enter the Netherlands and France through the Treaty of Amiens , Germany and other countries, and then the Earl of Malmesbury told Georgiana that there was a coup in Switzerland. Is Bonaparte planning to send troops or something else?

According to the Franco-Swiss defense agreement, Switzerland will allocate 19,000 soldiers to Napoleon, leaving only 15,200 soldiers in the mainland. These 19,000 soldiers are the Swiss regiment who heard in Toulon that they would go to Santo Domingo to mutiny.

All in all, the war came to an end for the time being, and the short peace and respite time came, and Nelson was basking in the sun in Naples.

Josephine intends to travel abroad, but she does not intend to go to England, but to Berlin, to Munich, to find a good wife for her son Eugene.

In the past, London's libertines also spent their money desperately when they came to France. How happy the French were at that time.

Now Josephine is also going to Austria to spend money, but is she happy?

Mrs. Remiza wanted to follow, and she wanted to keep an eye on Josephine to prevent her from being "excessive" like last time.

The task of receiving those visitors was given to Georgiana.

This is another form of revenge for Josephine.

Mountains do not meet mountains, but people always meet.

Life is always full of surprises.

The "historical" Napoleon had Egyptian mistresses, Italian mistresses, Polish mistresses, French wives, and German wives, but he did not have England and Russia, and these two countries were his confidantes.

Maybe that's why she's so "charismatic".

When the "Mrs. English" is also conquered, the next target is the Russian beauty. Is he planning to form a "United Nations"?

"Give him some color." She whispered to Severus who didn't know where he was.

As long as he came to her, she would go with him, but she swore that if she could not hear a word from Severus, she would go with him and give Leon a chance to fight.

The premise is that he still thinks that a woman like her is worth fighting for.

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