Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1459 Torch Court

In the Arabian folktale "One Thousand and One Nights", there is a story about "The Fisherman and the Devil".

The fisherman cast his net to catch fish, but he caught a brass vase in the shape of a gallbladder. The mouth of the vase was sealed with tin, and the seal of Solomon was stamped on the tin.

When the fisherman saw it, he smiled and said, "I'll take this bottle to the market, and I can sell it for ten gold coins." So he shook the copper bottle, and felt that there seemed to be something in it, so he opened it.

The devil sealed in the bottle rose into the air. Seeing this terrible sight, the fisherman was stunned and didn't know how to deal with it. At this moment, the devil said, "Solomon, don't kill me. I won't dare to disobey your orders again."

Immediately, the fisherman said, "I order you to get into that bottle!"

At first the Devil refused, but then he did, and the Fisherman immediately put the cork on the bottle.

Georgiana looked at the Alps not far away, it looked so holy under the white snow, almost no one could see what a horrible place was hidden in this mountain.

Almost the entire province of Mont Blanc is engaged in transportation, and all the country roads that can be seen are busy with people coming and going.

Senior official Gilbert Armand was born in the Principality of Savoy, but according to the French constitution, he grew up to 21 years old in France, and has tax records every year, so he has the right to vote.

The transportation company run by his family has business dealings with Bonafort, or the leftover meat from Bonafort is enough for him. The transport operators in the province all hope to build a road that can pass by four-wheeled carriages, so as to reduce the transportation of pack mules, but because the local snow has lasted for half a year, even if there is a road, they cannot drive.

Shoveling snow for the main road seems to have become a local pastime. Eight animals were paired to pull a huge triangular wooden frame filled with heavy sandbags. The animals wore festive yokes around their necks. Rings and bells, the drivers standing next to the animals kept cracking their whips, the animals pulling the carts were soaked in sweat, steaming hot and moving forward in the cold wind, the clatter of horseshoes accompanied by country music The rhythm was exceptionally clear. After being crushed and cleared by the behemoth, the snow was thrown to the side of the road, and the road suddenly became smooth and shiny.

Another group of eight men, each leading their animals, followed closely behind the cart, changing shifts every league. The sweaty, trembling draft horse is left behind the cart with a blanket over its back to keep it warm. The work lasts all day, with children watching and women waiting with hot meals and hot water. The return of the husband. As for the small road at the entrance of the village, people only use one horse to drag two acres, and shovel a "smooth shallow ditch" in the snow for large and small sleds to pass.

The engineering troops building the road at Seni Mountain are also rushing to clear the road. Winter is actually not suitable for engineering, and the engineers also designed the route to minimize bends in order to lay railroad tracks in the future. They did not work much last winter, so they worked They work very hard, and they are as hot as those animals.

The animals that stayed in the stables for a whole winter were so starved that they could barely stand on their own and needed someone to help them out. They waited for Lutong to go to the pasture in the wild.

It was supposed to be in early April to connect with the field, but it was extremely cold in 1802, and there were "firemen" on the mountain. The rural life is like this. The men are responsible for farming and grazing at the foot of the mountain, and the women carry their children up the mountain to graze. Without the protection of the army, they dare not go to the mountains to graze without authorization.

The thousand chasseurs and the aerobatic cavalry company that came down from the mountain have their own commanders. Georgiana does not need to intervene in military missions. She mainly stays in Annecy to ensure smooth communication between the French and Swiss garrisons. Napoleon's chief map Officer Barclay de Larbe gave her a detailed map.

On October 28, 1801, the French garrison representatives in Switzerland, Verninac and General Chouin de Montchoisy, dissolved the Swiss parliament and established a provisional government led by Reading, which was purged. He closed the boating institutions, restricted the freedom of the press, amnesty the exiles, abolished the land tax, and reopened the monasteries. Napoleon refused to recognize him and asked him to give him moderate status.

Later, Reading arrived in Paris and ended up with nothing. On February 26, 1802, he promulgated a new constitution. Dould repealed the constitution, then convened a parliament of celebrities, and elected Dould to be "chief magistrate."

Annecy is a beautiful city. There is a lake as blue as Interlaken, and there are swans in the lake. She really doesn't want such a peaceful and elegant city to be polluted by such things. Mr. Gao Guan has replaced her to do the work of clearing roads and suppressing bandits, so she will be responsible for arranging army accommodation, detaining prisoners of war, and expropriating horses.

The sheriff said that the local celebrities hoped to hold a banquet for her, and understanding the opinions of the local people, especially the opinions of the elite, was also one of the duties of senior officials, so Georgiana readily agreed.

It's just that she didn't prepare women's clothing before leaving. When she appeared in front of those "country folks" wearing men's clothing for the first time, they were all shocked. This kind of clothing is deviant in Paris, let alone in the Alps.

She put down the quill and looked up at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

The army should not live too close to civilians. The town of Annecy is not big, but there are many small villages on the opposite bank. There are two ancient castles on the west bank of the lake, one of which can be used for the Chasseurs and the other for Special court-martial use. They had been abandoned for a while and needed rest, so she hired the townspeople.

Herdsmen often brand their animals to distinguish them as their own property, and criminals who have committed robbery crimes will also have their faces branded. If such a person is captured in the "fireman", the special military court will Immediate hanging, without trial, this kind of court is similar to the king's torch court, the difference is that there are no burning torches around the court.

She doesn't want that place to become sinful when people think of it. If it is still possible, she hopes that those robbers can change their ways. In this war-torn and turbulent time, tragedies will always happen, and a good person will gradually become a bad person.

She doesn't believe in God, but she still can't help but want to pray, just like some people who are tired from work and can't help but want to curse.

"Ma'am, Citizen Sheriff Bruce Bernard," Phyllis said from the door.

"Let him in," said Georgiana.

Not long after, a tall, strong middle-aged man who looked like a bear walked in.

He walked quickly to Georgiana, bowed respectfully to her, and looked like he might be from the army.

"What can you do, Sheriff?" said Georgiana, smiling.

"I just received instructions from the Supreme Court to prepare cells and courts for the Special Court. Citizen Armand asked me to ask you for instructions."

"You don't have to worry about this, I've already taken care of it." Georgiana pointed to the other side of the lake, "One of the two old castles can be used by them, and the townspeople are repairing them."

Bernard was a little surprised, and then said, "There are jurors."

"It was tried in the Western Military Region. Farmers didn't have the guts to sue the robbers. They were afraid that the robbers would retaliate against them after they were released from prison. Jurors could only handle ordinary criminal cases." Georgiana was expressionless. Gotta say.

The sheriff of the town seemed to be still thinking about something worth reporting.

But since it is a "small" town, there is nothing new happening. Otherwise, how come there are so many people watching the snow shoveling?

At that moment, Gobert walked in. He was not as handsome as Godan Poitwein, he looked a little thin, beardless, and his ginger hair was messy.

"Madam, your letter has arrived."

Gobert handed her a stack of letters, all of which appeared to be in good condition, unopened.

"I want to buy some good horses and send them to Paris," said Georgiana to the magistrate, and then to Phyllis, "and you should write to send my Mamluk cavalry here, and let Marty Erda prepare some women's clothing for me and ask them to bring it to me."

"Yes, ma'am," Phyllis said.

"Do you need to prepare for the horse market?" Georgiana asked the sheriff.

"No," said the sheriff.

"Then let's go." Georgiana stood up, picked up the whip on the fireplace, and left the comfortable and spacious office.

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