Jesus' father was Joseph the carpenter, and there is a chair Calvin used in St. Pierre's Cathedral.

Annecy is not far from Geneva, and Georgiana stopped here on the way to choose a shelter for the peasants.

She doesn't plan to rebuild a house, it's too costly and costly. Compared with it, it will save time and effort to install copper pipes directly in the building. The church is a very suitable place, but St. Pierre Church looks like a A work of art, adding copper pipes to its outer wall is particularly abrupt.

Luther told the world that the Atonement Scroll was just a useless piece of paper, but very few people listened to it, and the Atonement Scroll was still popular and sold hot.

The originally calm and peaceful town of Annecy became boiling because of the arrival of Georgiana and Lord Henry Petty. In order to facilitate people's deposit and withdrawal of currency, an Italian bank set up a temporary office here. I don’t know how long the money that has been kept in the private treasury has become a bill of exchange. With this thing, you can find a high-ranking official to buy the right to operate the road.

With so many gold coins turned into a piece of paper, many people may not be able to accept it, thinking that it is unreal. There are many advantages to depositing money in a bank. It does not have to worry about fire, robbery and other accidents, except for bank failure.

Especially in this time when bandits are rampant, bandits even dare to rob the treasury tax, not to mention the cash carried by ordinary business travelers.

The money order can only be withdrawn at the bank, which increases the risk of the offender, and it also conforms to the theory proposed by William Petty Political Economy that when the cost of the offender exceeds its benefit, the offender will act cautiously.

Paying taxes is to maintain the interests of law-abiding people. There are many bandits in the Alps, but high-ranking officials do not allow the general’s salary to be sent directly to the acrobatic cavalry company stationed on the mountain. This is tantamount to encouraging them to raise private soldiers. After a visit to Paris, Only then can the military salary be paid to those soldiers.

The local military administration and civil administration must be separated, otherwise they will be like the lords and nobles in the Louis XIV period, one by one ambitious to overthrow the king, and then wear the crown themselves.

Archbishop Lisalius ordered the demolition of the castles and stud farms of the lords, which of course made it impossible for the lords to organize cavalry, and also destroyed the French horse administration.

Horses were originally wild, but later they became domestic animals because of human domestication. When they were in the wild, wild horses would use their hooves to dig out the green grass covered by ice and snow to eat, and they would also defend themselves against wolves. They all gather inside, the outside is protected by the stallion until dawn, and the domestic animals have everything ready for them.

Once the carriage is ready, it must be pulled by animals, and the production of carriages cannot be unlimited, because the interior does not have as much pasture as in the mountains.

And the toll tax should not be too high, otherwise it will be the same as the Liverpool canal company. Liverpool people would rather build a railway and find another way than be "blocked and robbed" by the canal company.

Selling the right to operate roads to private individuals may encounter this kind of problem. They cannot control their greed, collect taxes too high and become "road tyrants" unknowingly.

Government supervision is not necessarily useful, and these tolls do not go into the pockets of officials themselves. If almost all of the Mont Blanc province is not engaged in the transportation industry, they would not pay so much attention to road conditions, even if the roads are bad, they would not care about it.

This is the style of the French. They are free and undisciplined by nature, and they are keen to enjoy life. If you expect them to have a sense of discipline, you may only enter the army, but even if they stand in line, they have never been really straight. They will not like it as much as the British. earn money.

When Georgiana and Henry Peter leave first, I don't know what this place will become. The high official is keen to catch robbers, and the high official has a good temper but no opinions. If only she can stay in Annecy by herself.

When Henry Petty mentioned cheap labor, he thought of Eastern Europe. In fact, those prisoners can also log, as long as they don't have their hands cut off.

In the story of "Gone with the Wind", after the collapse of slavery in the South, Scarlett approached the warden and asked him to give her a group of prisoners to work for her lumber mill. Of course, a group of people without hands can no longer harm others, but they can't work without hands. How will they survive in the future?

This is the beginning of the 19th century, when poor people were hanged for stealing a pound of bread, and slavery still existed, compared to the 20th century, which was relatively peaceful and comfortable.

Everyone should draw a bottom line for themselves. If Napoleon supports slavery and intends to use hounds to make up for the lack of troops, she will choose to leave. She understands that he urgently needs a victory now, and the tamping is unstable because of the forced passage of the church-state agreement The right to rule, so that those bankers who invest in buying national debt will not lose their money, but she will not help a tyrant to help a tyrant.

Not saying anything or doing nothing is a kind of acquiescence, just as the Portuguese acquiesced to their immigrants taking up arms against the Dutch, even if Napoleon did not give orders, so keeping silent is tantamount to acquiescing to Rochambeau's use of cruel means to win.

Maybe this is an opportunity, she is not as capable as she thought, and she is not as good as a young man when she is almost fifty years old. She still needs to continue her studies, and it's time to say goodbye to her little French lover.

Maybe when she woke up and opened her eyes, she was still in the cabin in the Alps, and she and Severus were still planning to go to Venice for their honeymoon, but she didn't plan to go there that much anymore.

She was afraid that she would be daydreaming again, dreaming that she was dancing in the Napoleon Wing on Piazza San Marco with the man who built it.

He always invites her to be buried with him, which is clearly impossible.

She is not Merlin, nor is he King Arthur. She has been awake and sleepwalking for a long time, and it is time to wake up.

"You can take care of yourself." Georgiana took a last look at the wooden seat and left St. Pierre Cathedral.

100 Mamluks were waiting outside the church. This should be considered a big scene. Many people stopped to watch. Georgiana didn't feel very proud of being watched by so many people. After she came out of the church, she began to think about how to get rid of it. them.

If the goal is not achieved, will Henry Petty take her back to England? If she goes alone, how will she go?

She is not Portugal, she is still thinking about being dumped by the British.

After she got on her horse, the priests in the church came out. They hadn't shown up before.

Maybe they were afraid she'd let these alien soldiers rob the church?

She glanced at the people in white robes, then looked away, flicked the reins and rode away.

There are many people looking up at her along the way, whether they are men or women, time flows slowly in the interior, and they are still wearing medieval clothes.

Will they still burn witches like they did in the Middle Ages?

Once a woman is determined to leave a man, she will leave no matter whether she has gone through the divorce procedure or not. She will stay in that home even if it is not said that divorce is not legally allowed. What's more, she hadn't married anyone at all, except for the hasty wedding with Severus in the school classroom.

Before leaving, she wanted to leave something for her little lover, lest he send someone to look for her again.

Georgiana admired Lily very much, and she would break it off as soon as she wanted to. She didn't dump Severus, she gave him a chance to find new happiness, but he couldn't let go of his old love.

The suffering she has today is all caused by herself, and she will regret it for the rest of her life.

Just like Albus, he locked himself in a tall tower, and she also wanted to find a tower for herself. Isn't it like this for all "sages"?

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