After dark, the Tuileries Palace is often brightly lit.

Ordinary people will turn off the lights after falling asleep. This is not only because people are used to sleeping in the dark, but also because it can save money on lighting oil.

Napoleon himself was not short of the lamp oil and candle money, no matter how bright it was, it could bring people a sense of security.

Fear and interests are the levers that drive people to act. Either of these two things will cause people to lose part of their brain functions, so that people can act according to their instincts.

Belzer, who got the news in advance, was already waiting at the gate of the palace. Georgiana was riding in a light carriage, covering her figure with a hooded cloak just like those female stars who were recruited in the middle of the night.

There are many spies around Napoleon. They may investigate who she is. After she is responsible for attracting attention, Lucian can enter through another door. After all, he has already left Rome in a fit of anger because of political differences with Napoleon.

This was the last time Lucien tried to help him. On the carriage back, she and Lucien talked about the stories Napoleon told her, including the battle of Desai at Marengo, but Lucien smiled and said to her, Desai Se was not the kind of person who would say, "It's a pity that I can't leave my name in the future!" Napoleon may have said it himself.

He's the kind of person who wishes he could leave some trace, good or bad.

Regarding human rights and humanity, even if he had them before, he had become numb because he was used to seeing life and death on the battlefield. It is useless to beg him for mercy with a woman's tears. He is not cold-blooded, but ruthless. Intervention in wars and politics must sometimes be like this. Human life is just a number in his heart.

When the fighting subsides, or the dead have no conflict of interest with him, he becomes merciful and accuses those who are ruthless.

In Rochambeau's eyes, his reticence is tacit consent. If there is a day when public opinion condemns him, he can also put all the responsibility on Rochambeau. In order to realize his personal interests, he can find excuses for all mistakes.

But it is impossible for him not to touch the dirty water himself, and his reputation will be damaged by it.

This is not the same as being beaten by a woman and still smiling. Others will think that it is a way of Napoleon, the god of war. Originally, shaving was done by a barber, but now many women have also started to learn it. This is also caused by Napoleon A "trend" is similar to the fact that men no longer wear powder like the nobles of the old days.

Santo Domingo would be the failure of his personal political career. The expedition to Egypt was to seek political capital, but was later delayed by the problem of supplies. He could then push that failure to the Directorate.

Georgiana also wanted a clean conscience. Lily was so good. Although she died young, she was still alive in the hearts of so many people, and she would always be a pure white lily.

If she wanted to achieve her goal, she couldn't use ordinary means. William Petty's moral sense full of utilitarianism was just available at this time.

If you want to find an example from history, you have to learn from China’s Qin and Han Dynasties. After the Qin Dynasty unified the six countries, heavy punishments were imposed. In the Han Dynasty, in order to restore productivity, some punishments for beheading hands and feet were cut. She Labor is needed, whether it's building roads or logging, and those prisoners can do it.

As for the mixed-race problem, it cannot be solved by contemporary people. The mixed-race life is difficult, and Georgiana herself is a mixed-race Veela. Children do not have the right to choose their own parents, if so, who would not want to be born the child of rich or powerful people?

Napoleon fought with his classmates at school, but not with noble classmates, but with "civilians" like him. This time, the most enthusiastic about the Louisiana acquisition were two banks. They planned to put the lion's head on the wall of their home Make an exhibition and show off that this is their greatest achievement in this life.

Instead of condemning them, finding a way to deal with them is the top priority, and Georgiana will not complain like Marie Antoinette. Napoleon is now promoting an economic empire. His public bond interest rate is 5%, which is higher than the 3% public bond interest rate issued by the United Kingdom. He intends to use this method to enhance people's confidence in France's finances and public debt solvency.

Who knew he would meet a group of "give me liberty or give me death" people? The British are good at compromise, and Georgiana hopes to resolve this storm through compromise.

William Petty also talked about the lottery, which, in William Petty's words, is actually a tax imposed on the poor and self-absorbed fools themselves, in other words, it is a tax on themselves. If you have full confidence in luck, or superstitiously believe in the taxes of some fortune-tellers and fortune-tellers, the fortune-teller will tell them the time and place of winning the lottery, and guarantee that they will be successful, and they will really buy it.

The purpose of buying lottery tickets is to make a fortune, but in fact many people go bankrupt. Otherwise, women don’t let men buy lottery tickets and want to work hard?

It would be good if "gambling" could be banned, but the problem is that people can also gamble playing tennis, and lottery fundraising was also an open and legal method during the government administration.

Petty believed that the issuance of lottery tickets should be applied to funds that are beneficial to both public and private aspects, such as dredging rivers, erecting bridges and building roads, etc., and should not be used to collect funds required to maintain the army and equip the fleet.

Napoleon's second battle in Italy rejected the banker's proposal to raise donations with lottery tickets. She didn't know whether it was his personal sense of morality or whether he had read Petty's book. military spending.

Fortunately, the French are very proud and have a sense of shame. After taking Napoleon's relief bread for a winter, many people automatically and consciously started to work after the climate warmed up, whether it was to work as a transshipment worker at the dock or to repair the canal.

If ordinary thugs break into the homes of rich people, they will often rob them of their things. These people will not. The equipment, materials, and finished products of the paper factory owner were all smashed, but his house had no gold or silverware. Few, problems that can be solved with money are not problems. This is what I mean.

The "little corporal leader" is still creating employment opportunities for them, unlike the nobles of the old era, who let factories shut down and workers lose their jobs, and tried to solve the problem by donating bread.

Many people have been educated since childhood to "be upright and dignified", and they are unwilling to ask for alms. Those ex-soldiers who are reduced to beggars have their own reasons. They would rather return to service than do the work of selling their strength to make a living. These people are destined to die in battle.

The moral sense of the common people has a "purification" effect on the upper class. Georgiana also felt the smog in Paris after returning from the Alps. She waited for him in the bedroom of the first ruler. God knows if there is any infection on those opera stars. sick.

Bonaparte's self-discipline is excellent, and he will not be easily corroded by sensory stimuli, but others are not. If he has syphilis, the disease is incurable. The most charming and useful part is gone.

Justice, virtue, generosity, and benevolence are all good reputations that everyone hopes to have, but Napoleon prefers surprises to keep the people fresh. If he had the ability to turn water into wine, he would use it, but unfortunately he doesn't, the loot of the Louvre can make the audience linger, Georgiana sold some, and the money was used by him to repair the water tower, and the hydro clock was repaired It was another new surprise.

He likes grand and dazzling scenes. The French are never stingy about spending money on ostentation. The Arc de Triomphe should be magnificent and gorgeous. A broken wooden house is enough for the tax collection place. Why do tax collectors still live in such a good place? house?

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the door of the bedroom opened, and Bonaparte walked in with a black air all over his body.

Without saying anything, he walked directly to Georgiana's side, sat on the sofa, and then lay on her lap.

He let out a long sigh.

"Leon," she said.


"You've gained weight."

"I'm tired, don't talk." He closed his eyes and said, "You came back after driving so far, sleep with me."

She felt that just sleeping on a sofa was not considered "adultery" and should not be cursed.

So she also fell asleep leaning against the back of the sofa.

This time she slept soundly, she really wanted to just sleep forever.

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