When Georgiana danced with Bonaparte for the first time, she read him an Egyptian poem:

All my life I long to be well collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved. Don't be surprised, don't suffer, don't wander around, don't have branches to cling to.

But that man, I know, I've always known, will never come.

A madman doesn't know he's crazy, a headstrong man doesn't know how headstrong he is, he only takes advice when he wants it. He made a mistake and was overly confident that his own actions were fine. He didn't listen to other people's suggestions to make corrections, and finally shifted the responsibility to others.

Stubbornness is another characteristic of the Bonaparte family besides having a mouthful of neat white teeth. In what way does he not look like a living person?

Behind her was the feeling left by his fingertips. The person who had been dead for 200 years in her era actually appeared in front of her in this way.

Even dreams are too crazy!

Sooner or later, she will put on a tight waistcoat and be thrown into a madhouse. Who is responsible for this?

She wanted to find some rationality in this crazy world. Paper mill workers would cause trouble if their wages dropped to 15 sous a day, let alone 8 sous a day. But that is the wages of temporary workers, there is no contract or contract guarantee, and women are not as powerful as men. Employment opportunities such as tailors and cooks have also been taken away by men, leaving them with few choices. If they have two children to raise, sometimes people have to put down their dignity and do things they don't want to do in order to survive.

Not everyone is too proud not to accept alms and alms.

Widows who get pensions spend the money, and other industries will follow suit, and then follow suit, and other people's employment will be guaranteed. This idea is very good.

People who are used to being poor will not spend all the money they have finally obtained. They will keep part of the money for emergencies, which will not achieve the purpose that some congressmen think.

The relief point is only the canteen, and the Scottish College can provide 100 beds when it is transformed into a shelter. The premise is that there are no infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, smallpox, and malaria in the shelters, otherwise it will cause mass infection. He sent several doctors to the Scotch College to provide medical examinations for the women, and wrote to Mrs. Leoncourt asking her to prepare medicinal materials. When he wanted to send the letter, he found that no one could do it for him.

So she hurriedly left the office again, intending to find someone to do it for her, but she ran into Jill Goebel on the way. He didn't seem to have changed at all, as if the letter hadn't changed his fate.

She threw the letter to him at once.

She wanted to get out of this place before Josephine sent for her.

Napoleon was a conqueror not a great ruler, when he wanted to achieve something there was boundless zeal, but when he was asked to hold on to something he was bad, he was like a chariot, after driving it was in the land Two deep ruts were left on the road, but he left in the dust.

It wasn't worth her dueling for such a bastard.

"Ma'am!" Gobert yelled.

"What are you doing?"

"With regard to the Bread Guild, the method used by the Charity Society does not seem to work in other provinces," Gobert said.

"Of course that's impossible." Georgiana waved her hands. "The police in Paris are terrible. The police in other provinces are not as tough as them. If I get a loan with 1% interest, I will resell the loan at 3%. The interest is irrelevant." Eliminated, the "Bible" is very clear, 'A poor man of my people lives with you, if you lend him money, do not charge him interest like a moneylender'..."

"Let's go in and talk." Gobert said and wanted to go to her office.

"Josephine won't stay with me for long. If you need me for anything, go to the living room." She pointed to the letter in Gobert's hand, "Remember to post it for me, and it will be delivered today."

As a result, Gobert directly grabbed her arm and returned to the office decorated like a brothel.

"There are two people I want to introduce to you." Gobert said, "One is Thomas Paine, who recently accepted Jefferson's invitation to go to the United States, and the other is an American engineer. His name is Robert Fulton. He is in Paris. Designed a submarine named 'Nautilus'."

"Wow, who are you going to introduce to me?" Georgiana couldn't help exclaiming.

"Thomas Paine and Robert Fulton," Goebel repeated. "What's the problem?"

"No problem." Georgiana said calmly.

If George Washington hadn't died, she might have seen one more time.

"Why did you introduce these two people to me?"

"I hope you will maintain a friendly relationship with Thomas Paine, so that your correspondence will not be detected." Interesting, but unable to understand how it works underwater, it would be great to have his work on display at an industry show."

Only then did Georgiana remember that almost half of 1802 had passed, and there were still three months before the industrial exhibition in September.

"Who's handling the industry show?"

"Pierre Simon Laplace, who was Minister of the Interior for six weeks and is now the Director of Longitude in France."

"Why is he in charge?"

"There was a British engineer who invented the meridian and improved the safety of navigation, but the British Longitude Committee refused to award him a full prize of 20,000 pounds. The First Consul was bidding to design a hydraulic clock, so he came."

"Wait." Georgiana waved her hands. The amount of information was a bit overwhelming, and she couldn't handle it. "What?"

"The First Consul wanted to buy the inventor of the longitude meter, which seemed to have something to do with astronomy. Laplace knew both astronomy and internal affairs, so the First Consul asked him to handle the water clock of the central water tower and the industrial exhibition." Gobert Patiently explained.

"Where's Robert Fulton?" Georgiana asked.

"I checked the information, he was inspired by the Marquis of Giuffroy Dabans' Parosvka, which tried sailing in Lyon in 1783, but stopped sailing after 15 minutes of sailing. The Marquis is now in Paris, he wants your attention."

"You work in the intelligence company now?"

Gobert smiled and said nothing.

"Are you in charge of American affairs?" Georgiana asked again.

"It's much better to deal with smart people than to listen to drunk people." Gobert said indifferently, "I'm not in charge of any country's affairs, I'm just in charge of this field."

"He hasn't given up the navy yet, has he?" Georgiana sneered.

Gobert was too embarrassed to speak.

The French navy is not a problem of ships at all, but a problem of people. The last time Napoleon sent the fleet to Egypt to rescue the expeditionary force, all of them hid in the military port. It is said that they made all the excuses they could. Napoleon forgave them. After all, these ships Didn't burn out like the Directory's ships.

Napoleon had a blind spot in naval operations, and fortunately, the United Kingdom was able to rely on the natural barriers of the English Channel to be safe and secure.

"Have you anything else to do?" Georgiana asked.

"The first administration ordered a bust for Canova. He hopes that this sculpture will be completed by March next year. It is said that the profile of this sculpture will be cast on the new version of the franc." Gobert said softly, "You ask What else does Lord Henry Petty like."

If a man has 270,000 acres of land, a mansion no less than Buckingham Palace, countless servants, works of art, prominent titles, young and healthy body, and a decent appearance, what else does he want?

"Remember my letter," Georgiana said to Gobert, before getting up and leaving the office.

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