Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1528 Deadly gift

Except for Louis and Letizia, both men and women of the Bonaparte family like to attract bees and butterflies.

Georgiana sat on a chair in the study of the Burgundy Mansion and looked at the fifty-year-old document in her hand, but couldn't read a single word. Lucien also had many mistresses, not to mention Joseph, and even the underage Gerero The same is true, at a young age, I learned to spend time and drink.

Sometimes young people make choices without careful consideration due to lack of experience and reason. It is the responsibility of adults to correct them, rather than being influenced by their enthusiasm and falling into it.

Josephine's tolerance is limited, and she will not endure it endlessly. Georgina was not approached by Napoleon on a whim, and Georgina was different from Giuseppina, perhaps because of her innate simplicity, she would not do the same absurd things as Ms. G.

If Bonaparte is the Prince of Troy, then Josephine, Georgiana, and Georgina are the three Graces before him, and he will give the golden apple—his heart—to one of them.

Josephine is Hera, and Georgina is Venus, the goddess of love. Georgiana is shamelessly playing the role of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and she cannot lose her mind.

To achieve long-term peace, we must first make this peace profitable, so that it is possible to defeat wars that are also profitable. Fox thought that he advocated trade liberalization like Chaputal, so he wanted to meet with French Interior Minister Chaputal in this informal way.

Coquebell's "equivalent exchange" set will not work either. French products are all luxury goods, which some people were originally proud of. But if this is really done, the civilian industry in France will be hit hard. The more French luxury goods are exported, the more cheap cotton cloth and woolen fabrics the UK will import. It is impossible to reduce the price of luxury goods. The reason why luxury goods are extravagant is because of their high prices. What is the logic of cheap luxury goods?

Portugal also signed a peace treaty of "equal and mutual trade" with the United Kingdom. Now it has become almost the same as a British colony. It is completely dependent on the United Kingdom economically. Once the United Kingdom stops importing Portuguese wine, Portugal's pillar industry will collapse. Brazil's steel industry will collapse. Trade opens up new avenues of money. She read from a book written by an economist that the level of land rent is an indicator of the wealth and poverty of a country.

No farmer wants high land rents. Land rents in Europe are generally depreciating now. However, under this overall trend, land rents in Britain and France are still much higher than in countries such as Poland.

The steel trade will increase Portugal's land rent in the colonies. Whose "kindness" will Portugal remember?

As long as there is the Methuen Treaty, it is impossible for French wine to obtain the same preferential tariffs as Portugal, unless Britain opens a free trade port in its homeland, so that French wine merchants can use William Petty's method to The wine is shipped to the free port and sold secretly, and then it is returned with a whole barrel of water and released at sea, so that it can escape the tariff.

This is not smuggling, but a "reasonable" use of the loopholes of the free trade port, and British businessmen are very good at exploiting these loopholes.

Napoleon was also like this. He took advantage of the loopholes in the Siersian constitution. The constitution stipulated that the first ruler was not allowed to lead troops, but he did not say that he was not allowed to follow the army, so that he could lead troops to Italy again after the Brumaire coup. And during the period of the Directorate Government, the loopholes in the Constitution were also used. The confiscated spoils were not sent to the central treasury. The key is that he replaced the Directorate Government and became the person who paid the soldiers. He took the lead and the soldiers of course supported him. .

The international secrecy law for wizards also has loopholes. The law only stipulates that wizards are not allowed to harm Muggles at will, but it does not stipulate the punishment if Muggles hurt wizards with witchcraft accusations. Albus's sister Ariana was hurt by Muggles, and his father hurt the three Muggle teenagers in order to avenge her. In the end, Percivaldo was imprisoned in Azkaban, and Albus Dumbledore Had to give up his dream to take care of his family, then he met Grindelwald, and then had a daydream-like relationship.

Paris is a romantic and passionate city, but the undercurrent of this passion is hidden under the flashy appearance, which is easily undetectable.

The ministers objected to Georgiana being with their first ruler because they hoped that he would remain rational and not make irrational judgments because of love and desire.

Caesar was not only a military strategist, but also a priest of Eros. In his era, Eros had replaced Zeus and became the main god worshiped by the Romans.

The power of love is so great that it not only dazzles people, but also makes people choose to believe any kind of lie.

Until one day there are too many lies that love can't bear, how can a young, graceful and plump body have no temptation at all? Georgiana didn't mean to look down on Napoleoni, he was just a man, and he didn't like Georgina because she was young, he still had the aesthetics of a normal man.

He has his eyes on a woman, no matter her real age, no matter what clothes she wears.

The first half of the date by the canal that day was pretty good, and she actually hoped that he could keep it that way. Although he was younger than her, she didn't mind having more such unrelated brothers.

Why couldn't time stop at that moment?

She let out a long sigh, let herself slump in the chair, and stared at the ceiling inlaid with carved wood panels as if out of her body.

It wasn't long before she heard hurried footsteps.

"Ma'am, please come and have a look!" A maid stood at the door and said to her.

"What happened?" Georgiana asked.

"We found an altar," said the maid. "The workers are afraid to move now."

Georgiana stood up and followed the maid to the mansion next door to the tower.

The place where the altar was found was located in the military camp under construction, and the Mamluks were also watching. When they saw Georgiana appear, they gave way one after another.

A magic circle was engraved on the floor of the room that was originally used as an actor's lounge, and the sunlight came in from the windows, so it could be seen without lighting the lights.

She looked at the magic circle on the ground. It didn't have a sheep's head or an inverted five-pointed star. It didn't look like it was used for Satan worship ceremonies.

"Why is there an altar here?" Georgiana asked everyone.

No one answered her.

They are all foreigners, some even came from far away Egypt, how could they understand the history of this land.

At this time, a Mamluk suddenly knelt at her feet.

"Give me strength, princess." The Mamluk knelt on the ground and looked up at Georgiana, saying in French with a foreign accent.

She was a little shocked, and then the other Mamluks also knelt on the ground.

"Please give me strength." The Mamluks said in unison.

At this time, only Bai Lier was standing alone.

"You shouldn't want power that doesn't belong to you," Georgiana snapped.

Bai Lier immediately translated this sentence into Arabic.

"We want strength to protect you," said the leading Mamluk kneeling in French.

"What's your name?" Georgiana asked the man.

"You can call me Shadi," said the Mamluk, "or you can give me a name."

Georgiana finally understood what her name was all about.

Josephine's real name is not Josephine, but Rose, but Napoleon always called her that, and everyone regarded her as Josephine.

"What does your name mean?" Georgiana asked.

"Happy," said the serious Mamluk.

Georgiana looked at the altar and circled it.

It is complex, with a magic circle drawn in gold lines on white marble, it looks very gorgeous, but it doesn't feel evil.

"Seal this place, and no one can get close." She said to the Mamluks, "I'll talk about it after I find out what's going on."

"Of order." Shadi said, and the other Mamluks complied.

"Get up," Georgiana said to Sadie. "A free man should not kneel."

Sadie didn't get up.

She leaned into his ear and whispered, "Maybe what you want is a curse."

"Do you think Adam and Eve would regret eating the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden?" Shady asked.

"You idiot," she said impatiently.

Shadi laughed, "I heard that the ancient Germans believed that 'gift' (gift) has a double meaning, one is a gift, and the other is poison, and the Rhine gold will kill the person who wins it. The heroes who feast on the cups die, they are not going to Valhalla."

"How do you know this?"

"It's knowledge that we pass on by word of mouth, like those stories about the constellations."

Georgiana looked at Sadie with interest.

It appears that word of mouth is more than just rumors.

"Since you're killing yourself," she whispered, "you'll get what you want, get up."

Shadi was not ecstatic, he stood up calmly.

After he stood up, other Mamluks also stood up one after another.

She once heard Frank Longbottom say, don't waste your "gift".

Most non-linguists probably don't even think about gifts being associated with poisons.

Like the poisoned apple, Snow White didn't think about it when she took it from the witch. If there was no "prince" passing by, her death would be in vain. In comparison, she is more pitiful to the witch queen. After Snow White gained power, she asked her stepmother to wear red-hot iron shoes and let the queen "dance" to the end. die.

Georgiana didn't say anything, she turned and walked away.

It's a pity that she is not a good woman, but a wicked witch, so she is jealous of those women who can keep their innocence and get love.

She hates Snow White, no matter how beautiful she is.

If she branded that beautiful face of the world with a branding iron, how would the others react? Without a beautiful face, would the "Prince" still love her?

She walked out of the room and looked up at the clear blue sky. Suddenly, she wanted to transform Animagus into a swan, fly away from this city that smelled bad but covered it with perfume, and find a quiet lake. Look at your own reflection in the lake.

What a happy thing that would be.

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