The British judicial system includes the Court of Queen's Bench.

As the name implies, the Court of the Throne is the court in front of the king. In the Middle Ages, the Court of the Throne enjoyed incomparably noble glory.

However, with the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, the status of the Court of Thrones was replaced by the House of Lords, and its status was even lower than that of the Court of Appeal, and its main task became the first trial of major civil cases.

The Royalist author Peltier, who was in exile in the UK, was arrested for publishing a large number of remarks attacking Napoleon, but other writers were not. Spencer, the British Attorney General who thought that he could stop those writers from scribbling Under the pressure of the French side, Perciva finally decided to sue Pelletier for defamation. The jury of the Queen's Bench Court only considered for a minute and unanimously found Pelletier guilty.

They have more or less heard of his bloody and horrific performances. Such people are better locked up in madhouses or prisons, but other authors, such as Jacques Renier and Nicolas Du Taiyi, have not. Being arrested and not sentenced is more or less related to Napoleon's recent movements.

The maritime truce between Britain and France began with the Lunevel Treaty in 1800. At that time, the British also wanted to participate in the negotiations. Napoleon made a condition that they could only join after the maritime truce.

This was an oral agreement, and it was not written into any treaty, including the Treaty of Amiens. Napoleon’s sending troops into Switzerland actually violated the Treaty of Lunevel, but Austria did not say a word about it, so despite the The area has been in the sphere of influence of France for a long time, and Britain has no national interests there, and the British hawks are even more annoyed.

There were voices of opposition in London, so they ignored the scribbled newspapers, saying that there was no way.

Napoleon's orders, according to Talleyrand, were to establish a cohesive, pro-French Swiss government and, failing that, "to erase Switzerland," as he had vowed to erase Venice.

Ney, the daughter of Sal Cooper and Marie Antoinette's maid, was the same age as Napoleon and was known for his almost insane courage.

With so much explosives and so many soldiers, the Swiss soldiers were sent to Santo Domingo again. Ney occupied Zurich without bloodshed, closed the anti-French state council of Schwyz, and released the pro-French detainees. The uprising in Bern is currently being suppressed.

As Philippe Stapfer said, all of Europe could not prevent him from taking the Valais, including Georgiana, of course. The temptation to dance in the Napoleonic Wing of Venice's Piazza San Marco hadn't driven him mad, and war with Austria was declared at this time.

Napoleon traded Tuscany, Italy, for Spain's sovereignty over the state of Louisiana west of the Mississippi River.

Tuscany is a famous wine country in central Italy. This wine producing area runs through Florence and Sienna, and has a large area of ​​ups and downs and intricate grape hills.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is here, Florence is here, Dante, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Puccini have all left their footprints here. Although this place is small, it is a treasure of the Renaissance.

At that time, he didn't understand the beauty of this small place, and he thought it was an advantage to trade this place for a territory as big as Louisiana.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to exchange, the place could have been given to Georgiana.

Although Talleyrand looked less hideous in Georgiana's eyes now, his words still made Georgiana laugh.

She didn't really want Venice to give him the idea. If Venice can't be given to her, she will use a place that has been traded to fool her. This "joke" is disgusting enough.

When she had laughed enough, Talleyrand said that before Sweden hoped to be a mediator, but they were no longer in the period of Gustav the Great's glorious victory after the Thirty Years' War. After the rise of Russia and Prussia, he had become a third-class leader. nation. France under Napoleon's rule was already a first-class power in Europe, and it could naturally have the top of Europe. Then Talleyrand gave Georgiana a letter and continued to attend the reception.

She always knew that the little Corsican was arrogant, but she didn't expect him to be so hateful. She took the letter angrily, and then went to a corner where no one was around to read it:

I was born a soldier, and the life of a soldier is my life, my habits, my image. When Caroline was studying in Saint-Germain, there were also male teachers in the school. I think this is extremely inappropriate. Women often have weak brains and unstable thoughts, and they are bound to admire male teachers.

I hope that girls' schools will educate virtuous girls instead of charming girls. Except for the principal, no man is allowed to appear in the school, and even gardening should be done by women.

You often complain about yourself, think too much, and some pain is completely self-inflicted. A little reading is enough for a girl, thinking is a man...

She skipped the line quickly and read the final epilogue.

Religion is what theorists can talk about without knowledge of history. Religion gave me pure joy. When we sailed to Egypt, I told the soldiers to read history, but no one would read it. They only read novels. I heard some scientists skeptical about religion, so I pointed to the stars in the sky and asked them, "Guys, you can talk all you want here, but who created these?"

I have always believed that there are gods in the material world or behind it, but where did I come from, who am I, and where am I going, these questions have never been answered by the gods. So I asked Plato, Socrates, and Moses for advice. After reading their thoughts, I stopped believing in philosophy. Philosophers can't do anything. I support scientific research and encourage the discussion of history. History is the real philosophy. My son must read more history and understand its lessons.

You and Josephine combined are not as smart as Georgina, but you are kind and good at telling stories. Tell that child more stories.

Georgiana put down the letter in her hand.

She had always known that Bonaparte liked pure, virtuous women, and at least the Austrian princess fit his taste perfectly.

The Austrian princess was not actually more popular than Josephine, but she was pure, and the young, pure, child-bearing Austrian princess won out.

Georgiana took off the bracelet with Bonaparte's hair on it.

She and Napoleon also have different views on religion. In short, she feels that patriotism cannot be said during the mass, and priests should no longer incite believers to engage in rebellion and war.

In contrast, she thinks that more agricultural technical stations should be established in the countryside. Farmers can ask the technicians at those technical stations if they have any agricultural technical questions in the future. These technicians should not only disseminate other information related to production to farmers, but also Promote the values ​​and concepts that affect the living standards of farmers.

He didn't understand the question "who am I", but Georgiana knew very well that she was a witch covered in mud, otherwise she wouldn't have succeeded in her Animagus transformation.

Love is not charity, don't just give it to the loser.

After taking off the bracelet, she couldn't find where to put it for a while, and she regretted not bringing a banquet bag.

Later she thought, she was free from the bondage of the necklace and bracelet, wasn't she free? Why should she continue to stay in this prosperous cage.

So she took her wand, cast herself a Disillusionment Charm, placed the bracelet on a table, and scared away without disturbing anyone.

She also had to save the poor Welsh dragon.

When Harry, Hermione, and Ron escaped from Gringotts, they escaped on a dragon. The dragon was not as good at concealment as a broom, but it was a good assistant in battle. She wanted to ride it around the world.

Before leaving, she left a line of words on the back of the chair with her magic wand: Goodbye, dear.

At this time, she realized that her behavior was similar to that of Mrs. G.

But she doesn't care anymore.

He'd better send someone to kill her, so all the problems will be solved, her greatest misfortune is that she is a living woman, death will bring purification, the world will be much cleaner without her.

She left Sevres without anyone noticing.

Then ran to fields and vineyards in the night and stars.

Although she doesn't know who created the stars in the sky, she knows how they die. She is going to Italy, to the Alps, and it would be a good idea to sleep in the snow. When unsuspecting strangers find her would think she was pure.

The title means "the harm brought"

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