In 1643, King Louis XIV of France was only 5 years old when he came to the throne, and the Queen Mother was the queen regent. Her favorite cardinal Mazarin served as prime minister, he is the actual ruler of France.

At that time, the Thirty Years War was coming to an end. In order to meet the needs of the war, Mazarin advanced money to financiers, and allowed them to collect taxes and collect national income in exchange. These tax packers reaped huge profits, which aroused the jealousy of the nobles and the anger of the people.

When the provinces had been plundered and the people were exhausted, the government planned to squeeze the middle class in Paris and the judges of the high court. In April 1648, the court issued an imperial edict to suspend the salaries of the judges of the high courts in various places for four years, thus intensifying the conflict.

In May 1648, the High Court of Paris united with courts from all over the world to put forward 27 suggestions in the name of purging the government’s malpractices, declaring that the inspectors sent by the king to various places were unconstitutional, and demanded strict financial reforms to protect personal freedom. In August 1648, inspired by the victory of Prince Condé in the Battle of Lens, the Empress Dowager and Mazarin ordered the arrest of P. Brussels, who led the movement, and three others. This atrocity immediately aroused the anger of the people.

And so the Fronde movement broke out.

The young Louis XIV and his mother experienced everything, so he didn't like Paris that much, and he didn't like Parisians that much. After he came to power, he began to build the Palace of Versailles, intending to move the administrative center from Paris to Versailles, away from this A place that poses a threat to their mother and son.

On January 5, 1649, Paris was celebrating the Three Kings’ Advent. In this cold winter, the streets were empty, but every house was decorated with lights and festive feasts were placed everywhere.

The happy festival lasted until late at night. The Queen Mother ate her piece of king cake. Eating king cake is the tradition of the three kings coming to court. Choose your own king and queen and wear a crown for yourself. So everyone brought a paper crown for the Queen Mother, and all the guests felt happy and happy.

At midnight, the queen returned to her room as usual, groomed and prepared to go to sleep... In the middle of her sleep, she suddenly sat up and woke up her two sons, and then the queen mother passed the back door with Louis and Philip They entered the gardens of the palace through a secret door, where a train of servants awaited them, and three carriages carried the future sovereign, his brother, and his mother out of Paris.

The news of the emergency evacuation quickly spread throughout the palace and spread like crazy. Then everyone received an order to follow the queen and leave Paris, so a long convoy with the royal coat of arms passed through that night. The wilderness, driving towards the outside of Paris.

In the carriage sat a man who hastily dressed, a woman with disheveled hair, and a sleepy child. After an exhausting bumpy ride, they arrived at Saint-Germain-en-Laye. The castle was not ready to welcome the nobles of the palace. All the rooms were empty and cold. Only the king, his brother, mother and Cardinal Mazarin could sleep in the simple beds in the castle, while others could only make do with it. Sleeping on straw mats on the ground.

Early the next morning, a group of people who were at a loss and lost their temper were crowded in the corridor of the castle. Some of the palace ministers who came here were no longer well-dressed, unkempt, and restless. The news that the queen mother had escaped with her son caused consternation in Paris, for although the king was still young, he was still the father of a country and the protector of the whole country.

Completely ignorant of what was going on, the Supreme Court decided to stop the endless debate and sent a team of deputies to Saint-Germain-en-Laye to ask the regent to bring the king back to Paris. But when these representatives came to the castle, the queen mother refused to meet them with a blank face, even refusing to do superficial efforts.

During this period, the Paris City Hall became a "playground". There were dances held by the rising bourgeoisie and the Fronde aristocrats, singing and dancing to the sound of violins, and angry Parisians aimed their cannons at the stone walls of the Bastille. At that time, men and women came from all over the place to drink up the wine in the cellar of the prison. The queen mother lived in Saint-Germain-en-Laye for seven months, and finally returned to the palace. Two years later, because the leader of the Fronde was afraid that the mother would leave Paris with her two sons, she ordered all the gates of Paris to be closed at night. His uncle, the Duke of Orléans, sent an additional squad of Swiss mercenaries to assure everyone that the young king was indeed still in Paris.

When Louis XIV became an adult, he tore down all the city walls in Paris, except for political factors, and he was still venting his personal anger. The city walls were all torn down, and even if the city gates were closed, he could not be locked up.

Georgiana's sudden departure that night caused quite a stir. Many of the guests at the Sevres Ball were British. They found that Georgiana was missing. Thinking of the recent diplomatic turmoil, they all returned to the small building rebuilt from the barracks. to town.

Then there was Leon Cour, the chief executive of Paris, who thought that Napoleon was finally going to do something to the old nobles in order to appease the Brumists.

The residents of the town of Saint-Germain were also panic-stricken. They thought it was a trap to arrange them to live in the town, and Napoleon's purpose was to kill them all so that they could embezzle their property.

In the end Napoleon had to declare Georgiana "mad".

Everyone knows about the turmoil caused by Mrs. G, not only the tabloids, but even some official newspapers are discussing this "emergency". How about not throwing a tantrum?

Everyone thought that Georgiana had gone to some royal villa to play, but she had no idea that she was in Paris and lived in the villa of the lesbian Miss Desert Luo.

Later, Miss Desert Luo felt that the incident was quite big, and she was afraid of being involved, so she showed Georgiana a newspaper that published the incident.

Then she came back.

Was Bonaparte angry about it? He didn't. This was different from the last time in Lyon when he found out that she was meeting Miss Desert Luo in men's clothing, he cut her clothes with a sword and threatened to shoot her.

It’s just that he told her that in the future, besides the Mamluks, there will be a group of “Guided Soldiers” who will “protect” her. This “Guided Soldiers” has been seen in Rambouillet-Georgiana, and its commander is Bessières. The predecessor of the Chasseur Guards.

He probably thought she had "run away" just because of a tantrum, and if Georgiana was just a teenager, she might have been bluffed by him.

"Isn't Louis XIV's mother Anna of Austria?" she said coldly.

"You just said that Louis XIV's mother was Medici." Bonaparte said with a smile, "Why are you remembering?"

Georgiana began to recall which of the King Louis' mothers belonged to the Medici family.

"You like the Renaissance, don't you?" asked Bonaparte.

"True," she said bluntly, "but it never occurred to me to own Venice."

"I want Milan." He also said bluntly, "No matter how much you protest this time, I will not give up Valais."

She pouted, "Where is my gift?"

"You like to ask a question, what made the soldiers pry the lever to pry up the cannon and tree stump stuck in the snow." He turned to say, "I can answer your question, but you have to promise me one condition. "

"What conditions?"

"You can hit me and scold me, but don't do it like this time..." Before he finished speaking, Georgiana patted his forehead again.

"Have you ever wondered what will happen to Josephine when she comes back?" she asked coldly.

He shook his head, "Her parents have gone back."

"You're free now?" she smirked.

He sighed "I think this will be a stain on my life."

"At least you're not sick." She went on laughing. "Congratulations."

He couldn't help rolling his eyes.

She was so angry that she punched him a few more times.

After the beating was exhausted, she lay on his body and cried again.

humiliation? regret? No, she just feels uncomfortable, she always meets stubborn men.

One loves a dead woman, and the other wants a piece of land that is barren and barren except for snow mountains and glaciers, even at the risk of becoming an enemy of the whole of Europe.

She remembered that in the 21st century there were still cable cars leading to the tops of those snow-capped mountains, so she didn't understand why it would make sense for the countries that signed the peace treaty with France to start "fine-tuning" the peace treaty for a mountain?

"Although we didn't have to suffer from hunger and hunger like we did when we first crossed the Alps, it was extremely difficult to climb Mount St. Bernard." Napoleon whispered in her ear, "Dig in the tree trunk mountain." It was Marmont's idea to make a hole into a sled to transport the cannon. When we got to the most difficult places, we beat the snare drum, which is the drum of the charge in the battle. We used this method to cross the cliff and the mountain stream. .”

He put his arms around Georgiana. "Do you understand?"

"Like cavalry, it's a man's romance," she sobbed.

"No, it's not romance." Napoleon thought for a moment and said, "That mountain is a witness to our immortality."

She looked at him confused.

The Alps are young mountain ranges on the earth. Perhaps after earthquakes and other natural causes, they will change the landscape in tens of thousands of years, provided that humans still exist at that time.

That mountain is not immortal, nor are human beings. After hundreds of years of history, people will forget it. What is the immortality he refers to?

He looked at her and smiled.

"Let's go and see your present."

She was led away by his hand.

In the hall on the first floor, there is a lamb tied with a big bow.

This sheep is exactly the same as Shaun the sheep in the British animation, with a snow-white body and a black face, it looks very cute.

This is a special product of Valais, the black-nosed sheep. Georgiana saw it at the market, but she suddenly felt that it was terrible.

"Do you like it?" Leon asked.

Georgiana shook her head and hugged his arm tightly.

"Where did your courage go when you took on me?"

Sean was the only thin one among the fat sheep, perhaps because of this, he was not selected by the farmer to be slaughtered.

She can even think in a dark direction in such children's animations. What's wrong with her thinking?

"Look at me." Leon held her face and made her look into his eyes. "At the Battle of Montenotte, I told those children that they fought for those barren mountains, but those rocks It is of no use to the country, but their glory is there, and you remember I told you what is required of a soldier?"

She nodded "Glory, decency and reward."

"Good girl." He said with relief, "If world peace has been achieved for my private reputation, I would not care about political affairs at this time, but I must do this."

"There's nothing in Europe to stop you," she whispered.

"You almost did it." He smiled and said, "I want to build the bank you mentioned, and I have a will to store it in the future."

She wasn't stupid enough to say something like "You're not going to die".

"Do you think the Swiss will be happy to lose Valais and gain Gold Mountain?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"Don't mess with this issue." He said softly, "You are still a woman after all."

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