Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 16 Dark Power

Pomona had to suspect that the teacher who had scheduled Hufflepuff's class had a purpose.

Hufflepuff was known for having the common room closest to the kitchen and for frequent after-dinner get-togethers, and Hufflepuff traveled more distances from classroom to classroom than any college. Exercise can keep people away from obesity, but there is not much time between classes, so Hufflepuff always seems to be in a hurry. After two theoretical and practical potions classes, they have to go to the magic potions again class, thank goodness it was the last class in the morning, and the afternoon classes were in the Greenhouse and the Forbidden Forest, provided the rain stopped.

The girls were supportive of the fact that the boys were going to take on Slytherin in a Quidditch match. No matter how attractive the Slytherin boys are, it is still too much to push a girl out of school, and even inter-house couples will try to minimize seeing each other during this special period.

Rule 49 of Hufflepuff's Code of Conduct Violence can't solve all problems, but sometimes you need it.

The Quidditch pitch can be seen from the Charms classroom on the Ravenclaw spire, and everyone else is resting under such heavy rain, only Hufflepuff's team is still practicing. Pete promised that she would buy him a new broomstick as a gift in return for helping her find a good roommate.

"Good morning, gentlemen and ladies." Professor Feliway, the head of Ravenclaw, was very short, and many people suspected that he was a half-elf.

There is a rumor in the wizarding world that in order to solve the problem of the sparse population of wizards, Grindelwald once sent someone to take charge of a project, which was to combine wizards with women of other magical races to see if they could give birth to children.

The combination of Pomona's father and Veela is still good. She really can't imagine how a wizard can be with a giant and an elf, and then give birth to Hagrid and Professor Feliway.

That kind of imagery is so bad that it makes people sick to think about it, but there is really no way, because the wizard population is really too small.

"Please raise your hand, how many people have not been exposed to magic before entering Hogwarts notice?"

Although the girls in Ravenclaw are not likable, Professor Feliway is very lenient, his voice has a sense of rhythm, and he keeps a smile on his face. Many Muggle wizards hesitate to raise their hands. hand.

"One, two, three, four... Oh, it seems like a lot." Feliway pushed his glasses after counting. "Spells and the Dark Arts are the most important courses at Hogwarts." , as you can see, in my class there are only students from one house, not both houses together like other classes, Charms is a compulsory subject in the ordinary wizarding and advanced wizarding exams, these two exams Different from quizzes, they will determine your future employment issues. The general wizard level exam is at the end of the fourth grade, and the advanced wizard level exam is at the end of the seventh grade, so there is actually not much time left for you. I hope you are in class Keep your focus and don't neglect to practice after class. Charms are the foundation of magic. If you don't know how to wave a wand and chant spells, you won't be able to continue with the rest of the study. And what I'm going to repeat is magic It is not used to hurt people, no matter under any circumstances, I forbid you to use the magic I taught you to hurt innocent people."

"The dean of the Crow Academy is not that annoying." Mary whispered to Pomona.

"Watch out for Walter, he looks like he's going to throw up again," Pomona whispered to Mary, now feeling like her stomach was turning over.

The concept opposite to black magic is white magic, such as medical treatment, housework, and gourmet magic. Black magic can achieve the purpose of murder, disease, confusion, and slavery. Parents in normal families will not teach their children how to murder. Pure-blood families don't care about that.

Just as everyone knows that the Prince family is good at potions, the Black family is very good at ancient black magic. When Slytherin established the black art class in the school, he didn't think that black magic was evil, just like the name of the class , black magic is an art.

There was a shadow in the back of her mind, he was hidden in the mist, covered in darkness, he looked lonely, but Pomona didn't feel sorry for him, because his back was always straight.

He is a potion, no one knows what it will do before drinking it, maybe it is poisonous, maybe it is non-toxic, and the bad taste is not at all like delicious food, but the world is still Many people drink it with their eyes closed.

Sometimes Mrs. Sprout's radio picked up Muggle radio, and she remembered a song that said so.

A wise man has a saying, only a fool is eager to fall in love, but I can't help falling in love with you, can I stay? Is this a crime?

If I can't help but fall in love with you, it's as inevitable as a trickling river flowing into the ocean, my dear, that's it, it's destined in the dark.

So take my hand and take my whole life, because I can't help falling in love with you.

"Miss Martin!" Professor Feliway's voice woke Pomona awake.

She felt extremely embarrassed, and her cheeks were so hot that it hurt, but Professor Feliway smiled at her, "Nice to meet you, Pomona Martin."

While Pomona was in a daze, Professor Feliway continued to roll the roll with the parchment in his hand, and the students whose names were called all shouted "here".

"What were you thinking just now?" Mary looked at her with concern.

"I'm thinking of a song." She said insincerely.

"What song is it?"

"A Muggle song, I heard it by accident on the radio, I don't know the name." Pomona pursed her lips tightly. In fact, she knew what the song was called, but its name was too nasty, she really Ashamed to speak.

"Oh." Mary didn't think much, and her attention turned to Pomona's wand. "What is your wand made of?"

"Beechwood and Veela hair core, what about yours?"

"Fir wood and unicorn hair, thirteen inches long." Mary picked it up proudly. "After I passed the Ordinary Wizarding Level exam, Dad said he would take me on a trip to Bavaria."

"Aren't you going to join the Quidditch house team?" Susan asked.

"It's too violent, and after Quidditch practice, the whole body smells of sweat." Mary looked Susan up and down, "You don't want to play with those smelly boys, do you?"

"What's wrong, there are also girls participating in other teams." Susan said dissatisfied.

"But there are very few girls who have made achievements in Quidditch. You can't expect those boys to scream after you in groups like the girls who pursue male Quidditch stars."

Susan glared at Mary angrily, and Mary stared back not to be outdone.

See, the conflicts between girls are almost all caused by boys.

Pomona sighed. In fact, Raventraw girls are really wise sometimes. Magic is understandable, but love is incomprehensible.

I can't find a reason to love you, but because you can't love anyone else, this kind of feeling is loyalty, and it's too difficult to be a loyal person, so they would rather not trust anyone.

As long as you don't believe, you won't be hurt. Knowledge can't hurt people, but people can use knowledge to hurt others. It seems really happy to be a powerful person.

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