Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1643 frogu0026fog (thirty-one)

The living are not like the dead, they will constantly move according to various situations, especially the profession of a writer, before he becomes famous, he will even have no fixed place to live. Balzac has moved at least nine times. His residence on the Seine River is 1848 He bought it in 1850 and planned to marry Mrs. de Hanscar in that house. Unfortunately, he died of illness in 1850 five months after marrying Mrs. de Hanscar. The house on the banks of the Seine became his last residence.

Alexandre Dumas is another situation. After the Count of Monte Cristo became famous overnight in 1844, Alexandre Dumas built the Monte Cristo Castle in a small forest. He has been living a luxurious life all his life, often feasting guests, He spent so much money that he squandered his property in a few years, and finally auctioned the castle to others at a very low price.

He lived until 1870 and had countless lovers in his life. In Balzac's words, it is easier to be a lover than a husband. Before the Franco-Prussian War broke out, Dumas took Dumas to their beach house in Normandy before the Prussian army surrounded Paris. Although the beach house was not as bad as the prison where the Count of Monte Cristo stayed, Dumas finally died there. .

The situation of Victor Hugo is more complicated. After he became famous for Notre Dame de Paris in 1831, he lived in the house in the Place des Vosges for 16 years. After the June Revolution in 1848, Hugo gradually moved towards a republican position. In the presidential election, Hugo voted for Napoleon III. In 1851, Hugo was forced to go into exile for 19 years. It was not until the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 that Napoleon III fell and he was able to return home.

As a figure regarded as a hero by the people of Paris, Hugo had many residences at that time. During the Paris Commune in 1871, Hugo provided his residence in Brussels to the commune members in exile as a refuge. Hugo’s residence on the Place des Vosges was opened to the public in 1903. Three writers with different life spans and different life circumstances, and the three addresses seem to have nothing to do with each other, but they have a common time intersection——1848 years ago.

Napoleon's coffin was returned to Paris in 1840, and it was not buried until the luxurious cemetery of the Invalides was completed many years later, which means that Napoleon's tomb was still under construction in 1848.

It is estimated that no one except a lunatic would think of these things he thought, but in Napoleon's era, there were indeed no famous writers as famous as Balzac, Victor Hugo, and Alexandre Dumas, after all, he restricted speech at that time freedom and freedom of the press.

When the news of Napoleon's defeat came from Waterloo, Paris should have panicked. A group of students once organized to defend Paris, but the youngest Victor Hugo was only 12 years old at the time, and he was not even a man. . The city was full of opportunists, few would defend Paris to the death like the members of the Paris Commune in 1871, and many fled Paris when the news came, including Napoleon's second wife.

There is a saying in the Ming Dynasty in China: the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country.

Louis XIV did not move the capital to the "national gate" after completing the expansion of the territory, but stayed in the stable interior with peace of mind, and even demolished the city wall.

As for Napoleon, he did not "dead Sheji" like Emperor Chongzhen. Although he tried to commit suicide by taking poison, he didn't know whether the dose was insufficient or the poison was replaced secretly. Anyway, he failed to commit suicide and was eventually exiled to St. Hena Island as a prisoner. , was also taken away by the wallpaper.

Louis XVI ruined the Bourbon dynasty, and he himself went to the guillotine. According to what Emperor Sui Yang said to Yu Wenhuaji, the bloodshed of the emperor will bring great harm to the world. This is a superstitious statement. However, after the death of Louis XVI, France did not enjoy peace and happiness because of his blood. Instead, it fell into turmoil.

The son of heaven claims to be the son of heaven, and the divine right of kings also uses divine power to grant the legitimacy of the king's status, which was given to him by God, and he is "the chosen one".

Killing the "chosen one" would bring great curses, and unlike Voldemort, Severus had only one life. There are many men who can only forget it when they meet him. Many mistresses of the French king are married women. According to the king's usual practice, he will promote that man, or reward him with some land, and introduce a new noble lady to him.

Few dared to risk their lives. At best, they spread the scandal to the world and discredited themselves and the king.

Just for a woman, is it worth it?

There may not be many other things in the city, except that there are many people. After a plague is wiped out, there will be many fewer people, but the population will come back soon. Of course, the empty city is full of depression, not as prosperous as it looks with a large population, but there are also health and environmental problems caused by dense population. If these problems are not solved, many people will die in the next plague outbreak, and the cycle will repeat itself.

Not only underdeveloped areas, even developed countries have slums, and Severus walked out of the slums. To make it sound better, the slums are said to be shantytowns. Although the Spider's End Alley has a fairly solid roof and walls, it is still a dense community built during the Industrial Revolution and provided for workers to live in.

He has nothing to lose, although he is only 45 years old, this age is the golden age of men.

He used to be successful in his career, but he lost everything after "death in battle".

He can also choose to "resurrect from the dead" and reappear in front of people. With his current reputation, he will not lack suitors.

It's just that those hot-headed suitors will soon face the same situation as Pomona. What he really loves is Lily. Even if she wants to forget, everyone will "remind" her that she is just Lily "spare tire".

Who wants to be reduced to that?

Lily's son, Harry, had cemented his position for her, and while his intention was to clear Severus of his crimes and restore his reputation, this wasn't the first time Harry had done something bad with good intentions.

Sirius gave him the double-sided mirror. If he stopped and remembered this thing when he went to the Ministry of Magic, he would make sure with Sirius that there would be no Ministry of Magic battle.

When he was a child, impulsiveness was forgiven, but now that he was a father, husband, and Director of Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, he couldn't be so impulsive.

Severus took out the mirror that Cloris had given him, which still showed Napoleon's red coffin.

"Perhaps Napoleon's original intention was to place the heart and body in the library." Severus said softly. "It seems that his purpose has not been achieved."

No one answered him.

"Why is the mistress asleep again, master." Honey the house elf shrugged her ears.

"Take care of her," Severus said to Honey.

"I will." Honey said with wide eyes.

"I know that according to the contract, you can't hurt wizards." Severus put some potions in front of Honey, "but you can seriously hurt them."

Honey looked at those bottles and jars with some fear.

"Take them," Severus said to Honey. "Protect yourself and her."

Honey stretched out her claws and took the medicine box.

"I wish I could be like that wizard who was passing by and kiss you awake with a stimulant on my lips." Severus looked at her and said, "But that wouldn't work, would it?"

Pomona didn't answer him.

Severus stroked her hand for a moment, then stood up quickly and Apparated.

It was still raining heavily outside the window, as if England was always cloudy and rainy, not at all like France, which was always sunny.

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