Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1645 frogu0026fog (thirty-three)

Next to Montsouris Park is Paris International University City. Unlike London, which likes to plan everything in the city center, the French like to place some facilities in the suburbs.

There are exquisite old buildings everywhere in the center of Paris. It is getting harder and harder to dismantle them, not to mention the crowds. People from all over the world come here to buy real estate in Paris. In contrast, only the suburbs have so many people. The field is used as a football field for students.

There are many holes in the underground of Paris. They are hidden in the underground of Paris like a complex maze. These tunnels are long and complicated, and no one knows what it looks like.

When there were only 300,000 residents in the city, the distance between these mines and the city was safe enough. With the expansion of generations, people have forgotten the existence of these mines, so that many people do not know about the new houses. Buildings, offices, monuments, luxury stores, and cafes are actually built on extremely fragile foundations.

Until 1774, the city within 30 meters of Enver Street suddenly fell into a cave 30 meters deep. Asahi's inspectorate, or IGC for short, investigates and repairs underground cavities in Paris to keep the city's surface safe.

But the problem is that ground subsidence incidents still happen from time to time. Maybe when you are sleeping in an antique hotel, you will suddenly be awakened by a roar, and then you will find yourself falling at a very high speed, directly falling to the first floor or even deeper. In this place, you are surrounded by white bones, and what's worse, if no one rescues you in time, you will soon become one of them.

At that time, it is estimated that some people will think that exploring the catacombs is not a fun thing.

However, there are secret entrances everywhere in the catacombs of Paris, and there will never be a shortage of "urban explorers" who sneak in. These "explorers" are mostly young people. Surrounded by concerts, festivals and carnivals.

In 2004, Paris police discovered a fully equipped movie theater in one of the caves. This movie theater is like an underground amphitheater. The entire movie theater has motion monitoring, which triggers dog barking when people unrelated to the organization approach.

When the police arrived after receiving the news, all the equipment and people were gone, except for a note on the ground that said "Don't look for us".

These young people were very wary of adults, and if Severus took the initiative to ask them, he might not hear the truth. Monica was different when she went out. She soon met an "explorer" who knew about the Catacombs of Montsouri on the sidelines of the football field, and was invited to explore the cave after dark, while Alessandro Then go to the above-ground buildings in the Montsouris Park to investigate.

There is a mental hospital in the park. It is not as scary as the mental hospital on the "Island of the Dead" in Venice. There are no patients who have had their frontal lobes cut off, and there is no "Doctor Paul", but it implements a fully enclosed Management, it comes with a small garden, isolated from the world of normal people.

In the poet's eyes, Paris is not just a romantic capital of flowers, it is also an illusory devil, modern Babylon, and the devil's lair of the devil. When Montsouris Park opened, it is said that the artificial lake in the park suddenly dried up, causing the responsible engineer to commit suicide.

The water for the artificial lake comes from the Alcoy Canal, which was built by Carolina de Medici, the second queen of the Medici family. There are many classical buildings in the 18th and 19th centuries along the coast.

It is reasonable to say that the lake has dried up, and it doesn't matter if the reason is found. The engineer can't commit suicide. Alphonse, the engineer hired by Haussmann at the time, was a native of Rouen, and he lived until 1889, so the rumor of the engineer's suicide may be just a rumor, and maybe the suicide was a patient in a mental hospital.

Alphonse is good at elliptic functions. When Severus was about to connect the cemetery of Père Lachaise with the entrance of the underground catacombs, he seemed to be guided by something, and connected the Paris Observatory with the cemetery, and then found After leaving Monge Square, he thought of Monge's theorem among many of Monge's theories, and then he came to the University City.

Paris International University is also a boarding system, which has student dormitories with architectural styles from various countries. For a teacher, it is difficult to compare a boarding magic school with junior high school and high school and a university, which is better. People outside think that college students are polite and polite, well, who are those who go drunk and explore the catacombs, or throw all kinds of weird themed parties?

Not to mention those shady "black market transactions", a Slytherin head who likes order rather than just being a teacher can't see the existence of these behaviors.

It's a pity that Paris International University doesn't have a proctor like Oxford and Cambridge. Whenever undergraduates throw crazy celebrations and parties, the proctor will show up on time. It is a pity that the law does not allow them to use the whip as in the past, so the supervisors can only severely reprimand those students.

Mrs. Filch and Pince are living together, and they haven't officially married yet, because Mrs. Pince is a witch and Filch is a squib. It will be more troublesome for them to get married than a wizard marriage. Besides, they have almost no friends, and it is not easy to hold a wedding. Who will attend? When Severus returned to Hogwarts to do business, he invited Filch to Paris for the summer vacation. First, he could go on a wedding trip, and second, he could help him with work.

Filch was delighted to be here. He had always been loyal to "Snape" whom the students hated, not to mention that Severus had covered all the expenses incurred by the couple in Paris, and the hotel they were staying in was just around the corner. It is the Great Eastern Hotel built by Lucien Murat.

The name of the hotel sounds like a great hotel, but it is actually a three-star hotel. It is too "quaint" and I don't know how it was rated as a three-star hotel.

The only thing Mrs. Pince thinks it is commendable is the Indian-style decoration. What's more, after seeing the Leaky Cauldron Bar run by Old Tom, the Great Eastern Hotel looks passable. If you ignore the door and occasionally drive by The words of the subway.

The entire line of Paris Metro Line 4 is an underground platform. This north-south subway goes through Gare du Nord, Gare de l'Est, the Louvre, the bottom of the Seine, the French Academy, and Porte d'Orleans.

Although the subway was built in 1908, the Orleans Gate has always stood there. Louis-Philippe was the Duke of Orleans before he became king. He took a walk by the Seine just like walking along the Thames during his exile in England. Hang out with an umbrella.

Porte d'Orléans station is located at the outskirts of the center of Paris. After this gate, you will find the suburbs of Paris, and then go southwest to the direction of the Palace of Versailles. Soon there will be a gathering of the Bonaparte Foundation.

Severus drew Thutmose's dagger.

The origin of Paris in front of Notre Dame has no rose line copper nails, only an octagonal bronze medal, few people will notice it, and few people know that there used to be a fountain and a sculpture in it, let alone Someone knew it had something to do with Nicolas.

Come near, Remaker, if my water is not enough, go to the temple, and the goddess you summon will prepare you the water of eternal life.

Legend has it that the statue named Mr. Gray was once an oracle.

Theoretically, Severus will wait for Crimean to drag the spirit ship back from the lake full of infernal corpses, but that ship can only carry two living creatures, and the entrance to Notre Dame of Ankang is really is fake?

"No wonder Grindelwald has the ambition to rule the world with magic and wizards." Severus whispered, and then pinned the dagger on his belt side by side with his brother Kamos' golden dagger, and then he I took out the mirror, but this time nothing appeared in the mirror, it was still a white mist, just like last time.

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