Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1653 The Battle of Fire and Water (Part 1)

The French Renaissance is a cultural and artistic movement in France from the 15th century to the early 17th century. This period is related to the Pan-European Renaissance, and its main activity area is in the Loire region.

The Neo-Renaissance was born out of neoclassical architecture in the 19th century, and its content was further enriched with the help of the Renaissance. The main area of ​​activity was in Paris.

This was a golden age for writers. Artists at that time gradually discovered that compared with turbulent words, static paintings could no longer perfectly express the intense emotions of jealousy, deceit, and deception through visual impact. Sculpture Artists and artists have stepped down from the altar, replaced by writers such as Victor Hugo, Dumas and Balzac.

The works of these writers are sometimes adapted into operas and dramas, showing on the stage the pictures that people imagined in their minds through words.

Painters began to work to decorate the stage, and even though their paintings were exquisite and the background was full of romantic symbolism, the audience was too attracted by the actors and the storyline to pay attention to the background.

There is an economics called the economics of attention. Attention is actually a very important resource. In this era of information explosion, attracting the attention of others can often generate commercial value. For example, everyone made an appointment to meet at the Fountain Saint-Michel, and you happened to be early. There are no benches around the fountain for people to rest.

At this time, you find that there are many cafes around, so you just sit down at one of them and drink coffee while waiting for your friends, but the purpose of your appointment does not include drinking coffee.

Men and women dress up glamorously not only for self-confidence, but also for the purpose of attracting attention, and this is not just for love.

If the dress Monica changed for Susan is recognized in this show, then she will indeed have the opportunity to become the "assistant" of the top designer, or in the words of the assistants, they are all "slaves", and They have no way to go on strike like workers. In this world, there are young people who have dreamed of going to the big cities and want to be "slaves".

When Alejandro and his group received instructions to leave the Michel Fountain and go to the Michel Metro Station to take the subway, a busker was singing an adapted song with a guitar in his arms:

No, there is no subway,

Nothing from July to September,

You buy a ticket, spend a lot of money, but the car just won't drive,

It's useless to come to the station,

It's hot as hell in the car,

Better go to the fountain to cool off,

Only two lines will open,

Suburban trains are a thing of the past,

I want to go to Sevres for the weekend,

Go in your own little wreck, oh,

No, there is no subway,

Oh, even if it doesn't work, go protest

Maybe the law will pass.

Even though the tax on diesel is increased, but the tax on gasoline is not increased, how many people can afford to buy a "small broken car"?

What's more, the traffic on the ground is as crowded as sardines. More Parisians choose to commute by motorcycle. Not only can they buy it at will, but they can also park it at will. There is no parking fee for parking in the city center, and they can walk through the congested traffic at will. The combination of these advantages has led to a large number of motorcycles in Paris, and motorcycles of various brands have almost become a car show on the streets of Paris.

There are often many motorcycles parked at the entrance of the Paris subway. Jan Felix’s father, who used to be a soldier and drove a tank, and Haji, who learned new skills in London, picked a sports motorcycle and untied it very skillfully. The anti-theft lock was connected, and the wires under the dashboard were connected again. This cool motorcycle roared like a monster, and opened its only "eye".

Hagee chose it not only for its streamlined looks, but also because the rear seat was large enough for Felix and Alejandro to sit behind. After Alejandro put on his helmet, Haji twisted the accelerator, dragged the dazzling red tail lights, and roared towards the Place de la Concorde.

Taking advantage of the night wind of the Seine River in the evening, they walked along the left bank of the Seine River, looked at the Louvre Museum on the right bank and the cruise ships on the Seine River, enjoying the happiness that only free people can experience. Felix, who was caught in the middle, couldn't help stretching out his arms and cheering loudly, just like Jack on the Titanic shouting "I'm the king of the world".

After the motorcycle arrived near the Bourbon Palace, it turned right onto the Concorde Bridge, and the other side of the bridge was the Concorde Square. There is an Egyptian obelisk in the center of this oval square, surrounded by two fountains, the Neptune Fountain on the south and the River God Fountain on the north, both of which were built in the Neo-Renaissance period, both of which are bronze There is no difference in the general form with gold plating. There are six exquisite bronze mermaid sculptures in the fountain. They hold a fish in each hand in the water. The water column is sprayed from the mouth of the fish. On the boat, they were surrounded by three fairies who were also sitting on the boat with their upper body naked. The difference is that there are three fairies in the Neptune Fountain representing shells, corals and pearls, and three fairies in the River God Fountain representing grapes, flowers and fruits. These two fountains are like 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on the clock. Like the iron needle of a sundial, the shadow it casts represents the time at that time.

So many years have passed, and the "sundial" has turned around and around. Many people have forgotten the story that happened in this square called Concorde, and they have forgotten how many people in this place were executed by guillotines. The scene of flowing into a river, as if the water from the fountain had washed away the blood on the square.

During World War II, Hitler planned to destroy Paris and took away all the collections of the Louvre, but they did not take away all the works of art, such as those paintings and sculptures created in modern times, which are considered It is a degenerate art, which was directly burned in the square by the SS.

In order to ease the relationship with the French, the German head of state transported the coffin of Napoleon's son back to Paris from Germany on December 15, 1940, the 100th anniversary of the return of Napoleon's coffin to the Paris Invalides, and buried it in his father's beside.

The little Roman king left France when he was three years old and went to live with his grandfather's family in Austria. Franz II has been trying to turn him into an Austrian.

Legend has it that Cupid is the son of the god of war and the god of love. This little angel with bare buttocks likes to shoot arrows blindfolded. Even the god Apollo was killed by his arrows. How could the son of the god of war be worse?

Attila was taken captive to Rome when he was a child, and he was educated by the Romans. The Romans hoped that he could become a Roman, but after Attila learned the Roman civilization, he used it against the Romans. If the little Roman king is a mediocre generation, or if he is "domesticated", his fate, and even the fate of Europe, may be different.

Looking west from the Place de la Concorde, the Arc de Triomphe is in the distance.

When the sun rises, it will set. There is no such thing as "the sun never sets". When the sun slant westward, it just passes through the Arc de Triomphe. This scenery is constantly changing like a mirage in the scorching exhaust of the car exhaust. , as if the Champs-Elysées had become a crater, filled with pungent smells.

What kind of person is worthy of respect? People who stood up at critical moments, such as doctors who found out the truth when the plague broke out, soldiers and policemen who guarded national security, and "Nightingales" who held up lamps when patients needed hope and care.

After everything is sanctified, it will be far away from the perception of sin. At least believers feel that they are no longer at the mercy of sin, and the Crusaders feel that they can be redeemed by participating in the war.

How can you not go to the Place de la Concorde when you come to Paris? It is one of the most beautiful squares in the world, although in the mouths of some people who have been there, there seems to be nothing to see in that place, as if standing in the middle of the road instead of the square.

And this is the second location suggested by the mirror that is good at finding things.

After Alejandro and the others got off the car, they searched carefully around the two fountains to see if they could encounter a sculpture that pointed the way like last time.

The surroundings of the fountain are very open, unlike the San Michel fountain, which is built on the facade of the building.

However, there are many monumental buildings around it, except for the Tuileries Palace, which was burned down by members of the Paris Commune.

"What do you see?" Felix asked Alejandro as he inspected the Neptune fountain with his father.

"I don't know." Alejandro looked around in confusion, as if he was blind.

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