Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1662 Goddess' Secret Words (7)

Rome was not built in a day, and the French National Library was not built in a day. If each expansion or renovation counts as a civilization fault, then the French National Library has 11 floors.

The kings, ministers, and scholars of all dynasties believed that building a library was a political achievement that valued civilization and education. In this regard, funding has never been reduced. Therefore, the library has been expanded upwards and downwards. On the left, there are expansions in all directions.

Although it is not as complicated as a maze, the symbolism of this library has surpassed its actual use, especially for things like reading cards. The permissions of ordinary readers and research scholars are different. Some books are borrowed for high school education Readers have no right to borrow, and only those with a doctoral degree or above are allowed to borrow.

Mrs. Pince, who has been a librarian all her life and let countless curious little wizards look at the books in the restricted section, but couldn't borrow them, found that it was her turn to borrow books. Who told her not to graduate from a Muggle school? What about the certificate?

What's worse is that there are not so many seats in the library. There are 1,500 seats for scholars, and only 2,000 seats for ordinary readers. If you go late, there is no seat at all. If you want to read books, you can only read on the wooden boards on the outside. That kind of public place is not only for scholars, but also for football players and hip-hop dancers. It's so noisy that people can't even see it.

If you can’t read it and want to borrow it back, it’s impossible to read it. Books that are allowed to be borrowed can be bought outside, and these books are not free to borrow. The ticket price for reading and studying in the library on the day is 3 Euros, and 38 Euros for a yearly subscription. Student tickets 20 euros, and it will be renewed next year when it expires.

Most of the library is surprisingly stereotyped and inhumane, but it just looks huge. To build such a large library, the furniture inside and the wooden boards that can change the angle with the sunlight should be expensive. Anyway, the National Library of France is the largest in the world in terms of scale, and the cost is also the highest of any library in the world. It is incomparable that maintaining such a large facility costs hundreds of millions of francs every year, accounting for one-tenth of the total education expenditure in France. At the same time, the salary level of French teachers is 7% lower than the average of other EU member states.

The monthly salary of the police is 1,800 Euros, and that of elementary school teachers is around 2,000 Euros, which is on average equal to over 10,000 per capita per month for university lecturers. Don't expect to teach Galileo in a public elementary school. It's a large nursery school. When parents are working outside, they always have to leave their children somewhere so that they don't run into the street to learn bad things or run into danger.

If children want to get ahead, they still have to rely on themselves, such as reading more, consciously developing problem-solving skills, improving comprehensive skills, etc. After being admitted to the National School of Administration, they almost get a pass for the upper class. This is a relatively poor condition. The only way up for children.

However, good schools often have students who were born in the upper class. They can be exempted from the entrance examination with a letter of introduction. Kids snatch it away as a holiday capital for their parents to show off.

The golden ratio originally refers to the ratio of the house, and was later applied to the human body by Leonardo da Vinci, so people put this ratio on everyone, and the figures of those models are almost all golden ratio.

In order to maintain this figure they need to go on a diet, and they are starving like refugees in Africa and Syria.

People who can’t satisfy their desires sometimes do irrational things. The manuscript department is the most famous department of the French library, which houses a large number of manuscripts from various periods, including collections originally belonging to the royal family and seized from noble homes during the Great Revolution. Mrs. Pince, who usually watched law-abiding, cast a spell on the Muggle administrator and entered the "restricted area" that she, a woman without a high school diploma, could never enter.

But in the face of the vast sea of ​​books, even Mrs. Pingsi doesn't know where to start without the catalogue. The so-called finding a needle in a haystack is nothing more than that.

After returning to Paris from Venice, Conseil also searched for clues in Luxembourg.

Genius knows how many sculptures there are in the Luxembourg Palace, not only from the 17th century, but also replicas in the Louvre, including Diana, the goddess of the hunt, holding the antlers of a fawn.

It was a complete waste of time for Severus to stay in the Louvre, not to mention that they had an appointment to explore the catacombs in the Parc Montsouris at night, and if he used Apparation Monica's phone would not work So he called foreign aid—the Malfoy couple, this handsome couple appeared in the show, even if they wore wizard robes, they would not look different, let them stare at Suzanne Elway, and he could get out of trouble Nothing else.

Paris built modern buildings on the outskirts of the old city to protect the old city. Everyone wants to leave traces of their existence in Paris, such as the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, and Luxembourg.

However, withstanding the changes and tests of the times, there are very few buildings left in Paris. Even the huge building used by Napoleon III to hold the World Expo in 1867 was demolished. Some things are not big enough to be preserved. down.

When the Malfoys arrived, Severus Apparated to the Statue of Liberty on Swan Island.

Its height is naturally not as high as the one in New York, and more importantly, the time engraved on the base of the statue is 1886, as if the Statue of Liberty was built behind the one in the United States.

Compared with the one in the United States, this Statue of Liberty has a lot of shabby treatment. There is no light on her crown, and there are no lights around her to fill up the light like the Eiffel Tower. She stands quietly by the Seine River, as if facing the river. according to their own shadow.

"What do you want to show me?" Severus said, looking at the statue of Liberty, then looked around.

It didn't take long for him to see a brightly lit building, which was full of modernity, and the neon lights on the outer wall of the building flashed the words "Radio House".

During the Second Wizarding War, Lee Jordan once organized Potter's Watch, the secret radio station that was the only hope left for those who were still resisting.

But the earliest civilian radio was invented in the 20th century. Did people in the second half of the 19th century know that this thing existed? Or did the building serve another purpose in the 19th century? Under the modern package, it is like the former French library, containing buildings built in the 18th century and even earlier.

This "tracking game" is not as simple as it was played in Venice. So far, there seems to be no danger except that Monica was almost kidnapped, just like the breakout game Harry Potter once played.

But who knows what the future holds?

Severus turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew towards the radio station.

In this huge city, he was like an inconspicuous bug, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

==================================================== =============

Alejandro, Haji and Felix are listening to the radio in the park.

It’s not that they brought their own radios, but someone was listening to the radio. The music played was a lyrical song sung by a woman. It sounded lazy and had a style of the 1950s. The sound was almost inaudible, the music sounded just right, but after the song was sung, the radio host actually spoke English.

"The next song is dedicated by Mr. Smith to Ms. Felix, celebrating their anniversary when they met last year at the fountain in St. Hybeus Square..."

"Do you think it's him?" Felix said indifferently.

"That's right, that's him." Alejandro said, looking at the stars in the sky, "I was taken aback when I heard that name just now."

"You still don't want to answer the phone?" Haji said, looking at Alejandro's buzzing phone, which had Monica's name on the caller ID.

"No!" said Alejandro.

"You don't want to do it anymore?" Felix asked.

"Five more minutes," Alejandro yelled, but sat up reluctantly, picked up the phone when it stopped ringing, and dialed Gianluca.

Hermione stays in the library every day, but 11-year-olds rarely have her strong self-management ability, most of them... Just look at the group at Hogwarts, the joy of herding sheep and grazing I don’t even bother to read compulsory courses such as education and giant war, let alone extracurricular reading. No wonder the grades in the European magic school are at the bottom

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