Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1665 Goddess' Secret Words (10)

Looking down from the sky, the Fountain of St. Hybes looks like an octagon, with four sculptures facing the four directions of southeast, northwest, and four lions facing the southeast, northwest, northeast and southwest.

At the same time, there is also an octagonal fountain at the entrance to the Luxembourg Garden from Michel Road, and the Place de la Concorde is also octagonal.

"It seems like we were right," Alejandro said to Gianluca. "What shall we do next?"

"There have always been a lot of people sketching at the St. Hyperion Fountain. I compared the previous paintings, and I can exclude some areas." Gianluca said, "In addition, there is a parking lot under the St. Hyperion Fountain. I think you don't need to go there. gone."

"This is not necessarily the case. There have been residences and warehouses behind the Fountain of San Michele, and we haven't found them yet," Alejandro said.

"That's different." Gianluca said, "The Church of St. Xubes was looted during the Great Revolution, and everything of value was taken away. If the sacred vessel you are looking for is indeed made of gold, it cannot be let go." of."

"You're talking about the end of the 18th century. When was the parking lot built?"

"20th Century."


"It's also possible that the worker concealed the report after finding it, and took it for himself."

"Anyway, you made up your mind that there will be no discovery underground, right?"

"The Church of Saint Hybeus used to be a tomb, and the basement is full of bones." Gianluca gulped down his saliva, "You must waste your time and I won't stop you."

"I'm going to find Monica, man," Alejandro said. "I can't trust the French. I can't let Monica go to such a dangerous place alone with that football player."

"Whatever you want," Gianluca said. "Be careful, buddy."

Alejandro hung up to find Hadji watching him.

"I won't send you there," Haji said, stroking Mrs. Loris.

"I know, I can take a taxi," Alejandro said, trying to pick up his backpack, only to find that he had handed it to Felix.

"At this time?" Haji looked at the traffic jam. "Maybe you drive faster."

"I wish I had a jet ski like in the movie, but is that a coincidence?" Alejandro complained.

"You don't always get what you want," Haji said. "That's what I told my son."

"So what?" said Alejandro.

"Adjust your mentality, young man. For each of us, there are inevitably shortcomings in life. Have you ever met the kind of person who is picky and demands perfection in everything?" Ha Jiping said to Mrs. Loris Shun Mao said, "Some people are obsessed with shortcomings every day, which is like adding salt to the wound every day. Not only does it not help, but it also causes a lot of trouble to the people around them. I want a perfect wedding, I want a perfect decoration, Once I worked as a sky cleaner and saw a guy in the window yelling at those well-dressed white-collar workers for a perfect plan, and the elites who graduated from prestigious schools looked stupid. I maybe Not the kind of dad who would come home with gifts, but I'm not the kind of dad who would force my son to follow the life I designed, as long as he didn't go to jail, I would be content."

"You are asking too little," said Alejandro.

"He didn't ask God to be my child. I think that as long as conditions are available, the vast majority of people still hope to be reborn in a rich family and buy whatever they want."

Alejandro shook his head when a gust of wind picked up and soon Felix appeared.

"Let's go, you don't have to go with us." Felix threw the backpack back to Alejandro, and said to him arrogantly.

"I didn't teach you to talk to people like that," Haji said aloud.

Felix pouted, looking unhappy.

"We will continue to search, you go to your relatives, it's not safe for a girl to be alone in Paris." Haji said, "It's because his wife was left alone, right?"

"You should spend more time with your father," said Alejandro. "He's much more likable than you."

"It's none of your business!"

As soon as Felix finished speaking, a bee flew over and buzzed around his face.

"I think it smelled of the marshmallow you just ate," Hage said with a laugh.

However, before he could finish his sentence, a swarm of bees flew over under the light, and the sound of their flapping wings made a terrible buzzing.

"Run!" Felix yelled, covering his head and running towards the Carrousel Bridge.

Alessandro and Haji also ran towards that side together.

==================================================== =============

After leaving Conseil at the Fountain of Innocence in Luxembourg to continue his research, Severus came to the Bibliothèque nationale de France, his footsteps echoing among the empty bookshelves.

"Found what?" Severus asked.

"Oh, you startled me." Mrs. Pince, who was wearing glasses, said while clutching her chest.

"What did you find?" Severus asked again.

Mrs. Pince found one of them from a stack of documents and gave it to Severus.

"Look at what he did." Mrs. Pince said contemptuously, "He actually intends to restore the divine right of kings after human enlightenment."

Severus looked at the book, which was called "The Catechism of the Empire", and the content was as follows:

QUESTION: What is our personal obligation to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France?

Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte of the French Empire has our love, respect, obedience and loyalty to him, and has made great achievements in the process of defending the imperial power. We voluntarily serve in the army, and we are eager to get what we deserve. Bonaparte is healthy and the French Empire is prosperous.

Q: Why must we fulfill these obligations to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French Empire?

Answer: Because Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor of the French Empire, is the monarch established by God for our country. The monarch is the spokesperson of God in the world. Whether it is war or peace, the monarch enjoys incomparable genius. To respect the monarch is to respect God and serve the monarch. It is serving God.

Q: Is there any other reason to tie the Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, to our destiny?

Answer: Yes. Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, was established by God in order to restore the sacred religion of the ancestors, and he was the protector of religion. He restored and defended public order with profound command and enlightened thinking. He defends the country with a powerful army. He is the mouthpiece of Jehovah, whom the Supreme Pope presides over the ordination ceremony, and all those who fail to fulfill their obligations to Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, will be spurned and cursed.

"Sounds like an exam that Rohart asked to memorize." Severus said sarcastically, placing the book on the table.

"It's a crime," Mrs. Pince said. "How could he let the teachers brainwash the kids like that?"

"As long as parents care about their children's studies, and they have some sense of right and wrong, they won't take these things seriously." Severus said dryly. "Is there anything else I need to know."

"Have you seen Marie Antoinette?" said Mrs. Pince. "I think you will see her one last time."

"What do you mean?" Severus asked.

"Here she is, in the National Library of France," said Madame Pince pityingly. "What an unfortunate Rococo rose."

The content of the question and answer is an excerpt from the original text. That's it. Napoleon formed an army that is completely under his command. He doesn't have to worry about dying like Wellington. Too many people have to kneel in front of the parliament

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