Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 195 Tolerant Life

Pomona gave the pearl corsage she bought at the Muggle crystal shop last time to Astonia Greengrass, a blond girl who looked a little weak and not in good health. Hannah Albert will inherit her kitty, Hermione Granger should have received her silver buttons, Lucius and Narcissa's gifts she didn't prepare, but they said no, so be lazy this time , wait until the New Year to give them, Severus has a Christmas gift, but she hasn't sent a birthday present yet, why is his birthday so close to Christmas, as for Draco, she promised to give him a rune Tattooed snake, that was his reward for learning Occlumency, she was busy for a long time and didn't even prepare his gift, he wouldn't blame her.

The same child who grew up pampered, Dudley is extremely domineering, even if the gift is missing, he will yell. Although she is a new godmother, she still has to prepare a decent gift. What should I give? okay?

"Oh, I've been looking for you two for a long time!" Fei Liwei said angrily, "Name!"

"Professor Fei Liwei, you have known me for five years." A boy said.

"No one is an exception, Potter!" Felix said impatiently.

"Who are those people?" said a girl.

"Auror, who is in charge of guarding the safety." Fei Liwei replied.

"What's this cane for?" asked a gruff male voice.

"It's not a cane, you idiot, it's a cane!" Another boy said in a nasty voice.

"Then what are you using this cane for? Is it intended as a weapon?"

While they were talking, Felix lowered the iron gate with a wave of his wand, and Hogwarts' defensive magic was activated.

"It's all right, Filch, I can vouch for Malfoy." Severus' voice sounded, and he snatched his father's snake-headed cane from Filch's hand.

"Your face is so pretty, Potter!" Draco said viciously, and Harry Potter, whose face was covered in blood, sneered, as if he felt that the platinum young master was not his opponent.

"How do you feel?" She heard Severus' voice again, and she slowly opened her eyes, and found that she was not in Hogwarts, but in Malfoy Manor, and there was already someone standing on the other side of the bed An adult Draco Malfoy.

"What would you like as a present, Draco?" She decided not to guess, and asked him directly. "I'm sorry, I forgot to prepare you for Christmas."

Draco smiled softly, "It's okay, godmother, I'm not a child anymore."

Immediately afterwards, he turned his gaze to his godfather, "It seems that I was right. I am half of Black's blood. Do you remember the necklace worn by Katie Bell? That was my curse, and I also used Healing cures the curse of the Black family much faster and more effectively than other curse-breakers, this is the power of pure blood."

Katie Bell, one of the members of the DA, but what impressed Pomona about her was that she almost died when she touched a necklace with a curse on it.

"That stupid girl." Pomona struggled to sit up. "I have been in the wizarding world for so many years that I don't have a long memory. You can't touch things of unknown origin. If you find such an expensive necklace in the toilet, it will be a problem."

Even the door knocker may cast a curse, that's why Alahoo opened this spell, Katie Bell's Muggle thinking will suffer a lot if she doesn't change her mind.

"She's not from your house." Draco said blankly, "She's from Gryffindor."

Pomona looked at another dark Slytherin, "Is there such a thing as a college after you all graduated?"

"Get out, Draco." The headmaster gave the order, and the former Slytherin prefect immediately obeyed the order, turned and left, but his back still looked arrogant, and the hand without the wand was stuck in the pocket of his trousers , like street gangsters.

Immediately after, her sight was surrounded by a mass of darkness. His robe smelled of the sea, carrying this icy breath. She wanted to warm this body that was blown cold by the sea breeze, so her hands and feet were entangled like vines...

"Why don't you kiss me?" She looked at him expressionlessly.

"I think I deserve an award," he said with a sneer. "Remember how Lavender Brown did it?"

"I want to know how the battle is going." Pomona cupped his cheek. "Someone escaped?"

"So what? You're not going to reward me?"

Pomona glanced at his hand holding the wand, and felt herself grabbing his neck and pounced on him. His lips are very thin, and people with such lips speak mean and cold, but this is his style Well, if one day he stopped being mean, he wouldn't be a Slytherin old bat.

The treatment Draco gave to her to lift the curse must have been incomplete, otherwise why would she feel so hot? Fortunately, he was cold enough to cool down by holding him, and the face that had been lacking in blood for a long time turned rosy, looking like a A real living person.

"Your face is ugly, Severus." She continued to cup his face and said, "Take off your clothes."

"No." He said glibly, "I'm very shy, you can't ask me to do that."

"Damn!" She pushed him back in a panic, and then rode on him like a horse. His hair was spread out like seaweed. The morning air was very cold, reminding her of icy sea water , She felt that her heart was completely cold.

"Am I unattractive to you?" She asked in despair, she couldn't feel that kind of resonance, like a person singing a one-man show.

"We encountered a horse-shaped water monster." Severus lay on his back and looked at her and said, "At that time, the main force was concentrated on the mainland, and no one cared about the fort on the island. Those people attacked from the sea, and the rioting prisoners followed them Ran."

The horse-shaped monster is a shape-shifting water monster found in Britain and Ireland. Although they can change into various shapes, the most common one is the form of a horse, and it is covered with broad-leaf cattail grass as a mane. The largest horse-shaped water monster in the world was found in Loch Ness in Scotland. It was once thought of as a dragon that lures the unwary onto its back, then plunges headlong into the bottom of a river or lake, devours them, and floats their entrails to the surface, the Ministry of Magic will It's listed as a four-star hazard.

"I remember that the horse-shaped monster is a freshwater creature."

"That's why they need Theodonot. His potion can change the behavior of the horse-shaped water monster. After they are used up, they are discarded to the shore, just like garbage." His hand loosened Wand, holding her waist. "Nott was among the prisoners who were taken away this time."

"You can't assume Theodore did it just because the animals went berserk."

"No, I know, there must be him." Severus said coldly.

"What evidence do you have?"

"It feels like that kid is messing up his life just like me."

Pomona felt a little bored, his attention was not on her at all.

"Are you still working?"


"Is there someone else doing the finishing work?"


"Then why are you thinking so much?" Pomona began to take off her clothes, and finally only her underwear was left. "I haven't seen a real horse-shaped water monster yet. Take me to see it sometime."

"No, someone else is in charge of that matter. If you want to ride, you can ride a live water monster." He half sat up, inhaling the smell of her body, "You smell like sunshine."

"It's dangerous to tame it." Pomona couldn't help admiring Newt Scamander, who had a horse monster friend.

"Just find the knack." He put her hand on the button of his coat tied at his throat. "I'm yours now."

Looking at the calm black wizard in front of her, she suddenly didn't know what to do.

After thinking about it for a long time, she simply let go, imitating Lavender and hugging him passionately. Anyway, she is getting hot again now, so it doesn't matter if she transfers the heat to him. This time it's her turn to warm him from the cold. heart out.

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