Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 203: Divination Bird

Pomona believed in what Frank said, it would be better to eat sweets when she was in a bad mood, so whenever she was in a bad mood, she tried her best to make sweets, so that the Malfoy family lent them a place to live A sweet smell full of cream and cake, just like the smell of the Three Broomsticks.

As for why Pomona is so angry? Anyone who sees that mother protects with life, but he doesn't take his own life seriously, will be like her.

Old Gryffindor decided that Harry was Voldemort's Horcrux because of a prophecy, because at that time her task was to protect Neville, a boy from the Longbottom family who was like a squib, and she only wanted to prevent him from becoming a werewolf. Forget how bad Animagus's sequelae are, she's just like the old Gryffindor, and what's even more shameful is that she loves Neville more than Harry Potter. She had spent much more time with Neville than Harry, and although she had protected him in the dark, she had had little contact with him except in herbal medicine.

She hates being kept secret, but she hates herself being dazzled by love even more, what were you doing Pomona when Harry was in third, fourth, fifth year? Lily did her duty as a mother. Although you didn't become Harry's godmother, you are equivalent to godmother. You promised her to keep Harry alive, but he almost died once. If it weren't for the deathly hallows to protect him, the consequences would have been more serious .

"Syrup pies, tinted sundaes, Christmas cakes, let me think about what else." Pomona tried desperately to recall what else the house-elves used to say about the messiah's favorite food.

"What is she doing?" Hannah sat on the sofa in the living room, looking at Pomona with a puzzled face.

"Leave her alone." Severus sat on the sofa and drank slowly. He wouldn't drink when he was on alert. The wine in his hands was just a decoration. Now he should feel so relaxed that The aura of the demon king on his body became stronger, "How is the current situation at the Leaky Cauldron?"

"If you want to know, you should know better than me, professor, you are the one who came back from the dead in the legend."

"That's how they spread it?" He smiled sarcastically.

"Someone got you mixed up with You-Know-Who, anyway Tom told me that." Hannah Albert drank from the treasure sundae in front of her. with those injured in the attack."

"Who runs the Leaky Cauldron now?"

"No one." Hannah said heavily. "The Leaky Cauldron is a historic building, not just an entrance to the Muggle and wizarding world."

"You're half-blood, Hannah." Severus said with a smile while pinching his wine glass, "Your mother is a Muggle, but she married your pure-blood father from the twenty-eight holy families, that's why she was eaten to death." gangster killed."

"What about you, Professor, your mother is also a pure-blood, why did you give up everything in the family and marry your Muggle father?" Hannah fought back not to be outdone, not at all the first time she knew Severus Severus. The way Pu was screaming excitedly after being with her dean.

"You once applied for the position of Madam Pomfrey's head nurse and participated in training as a therapist. Why didn't you insist?"

"I find I'm not happy with children," said Hannah dryly.

"Then why did you apply again in the first place?" Severus took a sip of his drink, but kept looking at Hannah.

"Thank you," Hannah said softly. "She took care of me when I needed it the most."

"Then do you think taking care of Tom now, will he transfer the Leaky Cauldron to you out of gratitude?"

"Severus!" Pomona walked out of the kitchen "how can you talk like that?"

"There are many people who like to beat around the bush when they talk, and let people guess what they want to express. I have guessed for many years, and I don't want to guess anymore." He waved his hands casually, "And I think that dirty and dark bar It's time for a change, I heard Hufflepuff likes to party, so how about changing it to what you like?"

"But I'm too young." Hannah Albert said with a guilty conscience.

"Tom is only injured but not dead. You can work with him for a while."

"Why me?" Hannah asked in bewilderment, "There are so many people who pledge their allegiance to you."

"Your reaction is faster than Harry Potter, that's enough." He said a little meanly, "He can save a world, let alone someone who is smarter and more sensitive than him."

Pomona flew over with a cutting curse, and he immediately blocked it with his armor.

"Why do you hate Harry so much?" said Pomona angrily.

"Because he watched me die and couldn't do anything about it, does that count?" Severus said grimly. Yu bleeds and waits for death in vain."

Pomona was speechless.

Hannah's eyes widened.

Everyone was silent.

"Well, I admit, Harry and Ron are pretty stupid standing in the hallway giggling." Pomona was the first to lose. The two of them watched the freshmen get lost, and the boys ran to the girls' bathroom. Lol, what's interesting?

"In addition, you have to pay attention to a piece of news for me. It is rumored that the Dark Lord has left behind a son."

Hannah and Pomona gasped together.

"I was in school a year before the Battle of Hogwarts. I don't know what happened in Malfoy Manor. I don't know if it's true or if someone deliberately released a rumor. If someone pretends to be a descendant of the Dark Lord, there will be a lot of trouble." No one will worry about a sweet little girl like you, you don't need to contact me, the person in charge of connecting with you is your dean, you can take care of each other's backs, can you do it?"

"Why couldn't he have been born during the First War?" Pomona asked. The body of the scorpion is also capable of giving birth?

"There are too many gossips now. The Leaky Cauldron is a well-known distribution center for news. Since you and Tom have made friends in this way, then continue to develop. Have you ever thought about being the female owner of the Leaky Cauldron?"

"It was so sudden..." Hannah said dizzily.

"I'll give you three days to think about it. It doesn't matter if you don't think so, but you should think about your own life." Head Slytherin said earnestly, "Don't waste your youth on fooling around."

"And Theodore Not," added Pomona. "Watch for me if anyone mentions him."

"Is there anything else?" Hannah Albert said in a daze.

Severus snapped his fingers twice at Pomona, like asking the waitress to pay.

"What are you going to do?"

"Information about Hermione Granger's parents, give it to Hannah Albert, and ask her to take it to Miss Know-It-All."

"I don't want it!" Pomona immediately refused, "I want to send it to her myself!"

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Severus asked Hannah.

Hannah said sadly, "You, me, and Voldemort are all mixed blood, and he, like me, belongs to the twenty-eight holy families. Why do you do this? Do you want to become the new devil?"

"Now, I just want to change the status quo." He looked into Hannah's eyes and said, "I don't want people with the Dark Mark to be discriminated against by others, because my godson has one on his arm, and I don't have Haribo. I am so great, I want to save the whole world, I just want the people around me to have a better life, do you understand me when I say that?"


"Pomona has applied for a kitten for you. After the Ministry of Magic resumes work in two days, you and Hermione Granger can go to the Department of Fantastic Beasts to get it." He said in a silky voice, "In that place , having an animal that can tell right from wrong and spot suspects can help you a lot, Crookshanks almost caught Ron's mouse Pete Pediru, Pomona is taking care of you too, you should be thankful she……"

"I didn't do that to make her feel grateful." Pomona immediately held Hannah in her arms, "Don't put pressure on her."

He spread his arms and leaned on the sofa leisurely. "When are you going to see Hermione?"

"Now." Pomona floated the finished treacle pie over, "give it to the children, remember to save some treacle pie for Harry, it's his favorite."

"Can't you find the door, Hannah Albert?"

Hannah took the pies just like she did when she was in school, and ran away in a hurry like a ghoul was behind her.

"Where's my dessert?" Waiting for the door to close, the old bat asked.

"Drink your bar." She said recklessly, and turned to the kitchen to make some Yorkshire pudding, which was a food that often appeared on the table at Hogwarts. She felt that Miss Know-it-all needed it very much now.

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