Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2267 Poseidon's Winter Feast (9)

The Sanssouci Palace is located in Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg in the southwestern suburb of Berlin. It is derived from the French sans-souci, which means carefree. It was based on the sketches of King Frederick II of Prussia from 1745 to 1747. Design Rococo summer palace.

Frederick the Great often played the flute in this palace. In fact, in addition to his political and military talents, Frederick William II was also a composer. He wrote 4 symphonies and more than 100 flute pieces. However, he But I had an unfortunate childhood. His father, Frederick I, wanted him to be more like a German king, instead of playing the flute and reading French books to pass the time. There was a sharp conflict between the father and son, and he even tried to escape from that autocracy, immersed in war and soldiers. Disciplined father.

In 1740, Frederick I died, and Frederick II succeeded to the throne, as if he was finally free. Not only could he play the flute anytime and anywhere, but he could also build a Rococo summer palace and play in it carefree.

Goethe once said that as long as a person declares himself free, he will feel restricted at the same time, and if he dares to declare himself restricted, he will feel free.

Georgiana wondered if those rapping in the living room felt that sense of restriction. What Goethe meant by this sentence was that a person's freedom is not absolute, but must be restricted by certain rules.

At the entrance of the Palace of Sanssouci, there is a windmill that is incompatible with the surrounding environment. This big black windmill turns "squeaky" every day, making it so noisy that Frederick II, who played the flute in the Palace of Sanssouci, No peace. Earlier, when the palace was being built, the miller was asked to demolish it, but the little miller did not agree. After the palace was built, not only Frederick the Great found the noise annoying, but also the nobles who came to Sanssouci Palace to play. , So Frederick II ordered the windmill to be demolished. Unexpectedly, the owner of the little mill was not forgiving, and went to the court to sue the emperor.

This windmill existed in 1736, earlier than the Palace of Sanssouci, and the gate of the palace was built very close to his house, blocking the windmill. He thought it was for the sake of the king to bear it, but he did not expect Frederick II actually demolished the windmill without his consent. As a result, the Berlin court at that time directly ordered Frederick II to compensate the loss of the small mill and repair the windmill as it was. Frederick II also did so. Not only did no one find the newly built windmill ugly, but they thought it was Prussia A symbol of the rule of law, similar to the function of a monument.

Georgiana also wants to use legal means to deal with it, but once this scandal goes to court, it will become a "monument" from a scandal, or "the egret feather incident". The Duke of Lauzan doesn't mean that to Queen Mary. He gave the feather to the queen, but everyone around said they were having an affair, and then he became the queen's enemy.

Usually men are more magnanimous, and feathers are not as valuable as windmills, but this has nothing to do with magnanimity or property loss. It is inevitable to make a match, it may be a friend, it may be a relative, it may be that the two get married, if they do not succeed, it will inevitably be embarrassing when they meet in the future, and the mood will not be beautiful in an instant.

If the Duke of Lauzan really became the queen's lover, and the queen gave birth to his illegitimate son and was treated as the French prince, did he want to go to the guillotine or experience other ways to die?

The marriage between Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI was a political marriage. At that time, France and Austria had to join forces to deal with Prussia, and this "diplomatic revolution" came about. Compared with France, the "monster" Maria Teresa is more eager to deal with is Prussia, and Maria Teresa also hopes to put a diplomatic noose on Prussia through this marriage and prepare to recover Silesia.

Silesia belonged to Poland at first, and was divided out when Russia, Prussia, and Austria first partitioned Poland, and belonged to Austria. At that time, Silesia was still a textile city, and it had become a big steel city under the management of the Prussians.

If Metternich was not clear-headed at the time and felt that he would agree to a certain condition in exchange for France's support for Austria to take back Silesia, then Austria and Prussia would have conflicts, so that Bonaparte could send troops like Ney to deal with the civil strife in Switzerland. Meddling in the Silesian issue, or even the Polish issue, what else could she do if she didn't hurry up and get out of the way in such a situation?

Curiosity will kill the cat, cats have nine lives, she only has one, although her approach is a little barbaric, but she doesn't care.

Toothbrushes and boyfriends can’t be shared, and you will encounter this kind of scene when robbing a boyfriend with a Hufflepuff girl. The two girls are pulling their hair and fighting together. Don't Leitlin and Gryffindor also pull their hair and fight?

Oh, the wise Ravenclaw from the quiet lake is always calm.

Why did Luna have the nickname "Mad Girl"?

She felt the same way about Luna, and it was Luna's idea to send Harry and the others to London on a Thestral, which resulted in Sirius' death. Luna's mother died very early, and she and her father depended on each other. In order to save Luna, Xenophilius agreed to the conditions of the Death Eaters, and Harry was almost caught. Later, Luna became a naturalist after graduation. Home, dating Newt's grandson, often away from home, he was alone, so he joined a very dangerous organization...

"Ma'am." Caroline said behind her, "I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"It's the Minister of Magic of the Netherlands. He wants to see you." Caroline said, "about the border between Belgium and the Netherlands, and about the students attending the school."

"Is there a problem with that?" Georgiana asked.

"Will students from the Netherlands go to Hogwarts or Beauxbatons in the future?" Caroline asked.

"Where did they go?" asked Georgiana.

"I think it's best for him to tell you that your schedule is full these days, do you have time tonight?" Caroline asked.

"Of course." Georgiana said puzzled.

Then Caroline walked away.

Then Georgiana began to recall that Hogwarts had never had "foreign" students, only the Triwizard Tournament had seen foreigners, and Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were obviously international schools.

If wizards approached William III of Orange to legislate to protect and recognize wizards, then as the great ruler of the Netherlands, why weren’t Dutch wizards sent to England to study?

Originally, she didn't know William III well, and thought he was just a weak and sick puppet of the parliament. If he didn't take the oath to become king, the parliament could find any duchy from the Holy Roman Empire and help him to the throne like Hanover.

But a "son of the country" who was persuaded by the Duke of Buckingham and could still say that he died in the last trench of the Republic and ordered the excavation of the Amsterdam embankment. ", "Heroes who protect the country", no matter how you look at it, they are not weak.

The scorched earth warfare method generally uses fire to destroy all materials that may be used by the enemy, but the Dutch "scorched earth" is flooded with water. If the cost of rebuilding the dam, pumping water, and dredging is higher than the expected benefits of the war, this battle Is it still necessary to fight?

"Is it that obvious?" she grumbled. Who saw that she was going to form the Belgian Ministry of Magic? Let's also discuss the issue of borders.

Should the borders of wizards and Muggles overlap? It would be very annoying to change around like a Muggle, after all, wizards still have so much research to do, if one day she goes back, she will find Xenophilius to see him from the labyrinth in the Alps The found stone, could it be related to Yinyin?

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