Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2273 Poseidon's Winter Feast (15)

It was the winter of 1671 when William III inspected the defense line of the Dutch Republic, but the British and French allied forces began to attack in June 1672.

Luckily it wasn't winter, and if Amsterdam had been frozen as it had been in 1792, the French Army would have been able to cross the river on ice.

There are many things that a "historian" like her does not think. The winter in the Netherlands is not only cold, but also very humid. It seems that it rains for half of the year. But the rain is not very heavy, and you can't tell whether it's rain or sweat when you are exercising outdoors. Such humidity makes the land soft and muddy, and a carriage adapted to French land can easily get bogged down in the mud.

The flood caused by the excavation of the seawall receded in July, and the French army was able to continue to advance. As the distance from the French mainland became farther and farther away, the supply line was also stretched, so in November of the same year, William III led his army to attack Maas. Tricht.

The city was situated on the Maas, near Germany, and William III was already in alliance with Spain and Brandenburg. Although the French reoccupied Maastricht in the following year, the battle situation changed again. Admiral Rutuyi defeated the British and French fleets, forcing Britain to end its intervention through the Treaty of Westminster, and then France also slowly pulled out the territory of the Netherlands, except for Maastricht.

Napoleon's carriage was unremarkable on the outside, but it was comfortably furnished inside, with a sofa that could be used as a bed, and he could sleep in it.

There were many locked drawers in the carriage, in which were kept reports and urgent papers, a lamp hung from the ceiling of the rear seat, which could be used to illuminate the whole carriage, and on the front hung an itinerary listing what he had to do. The name of the passing place, Brussels was crossed out and replaced by Maastricht.

Lille was also crossed out and replaced by Liege and Namur. Compared with the map next to it, they almost walked around the Ardennes Forest along the Maas River.

The Ardennes Forest is a strategic highland with complex terrain, but the armored division composed of tanks commanded by Rommel is unimpeded in it. The experience of past wars has been destroyed by technological progress. Even the most indestructible Namur in Europe The fortress was also captured in World War I.

Only Rustam was in charge of the six horses in the driver's seat, and a large group of adjutants, guards and light cavalry on horseback surrounded the carriage. The horseshoes of many people and horses stepped on the already muddy road more like a muddy pond, and the heat exhaled by the horses quickly disappeared in the hazy fog and rain.

Visibility is so bad that even in daylight you need to turn on the headlights. A common carriage lamp is a candle in a glass vessel with a lighted spring under the candle supporting the lighted candle so that the flame burns smoothly. There is a mirror reflection behind the candle, so that the light spreads around the carriage, reminding the opposite vehicles, pedestrians, and horse riders to avoid. But when the wick is burning, the clean glass is easily blackened by smoke, and the lights on the road are not always positive, and many horses are frightened by the moving lights of the headlights.

However, the carriage lights of the patrol caravan have been improved, and gas lamps are used. Although the French did not let the Soho steam engine installation engineer who liked to study gas lamps come to France, a German who lectured in the theater all day and showed his invention got the opportunity, plus Fresnel's new lighthouse lamp , the lights of Bonaparte's carriage shone like two full moons.

The carriages in the same company were much darker in comparison, and looked very non-existent, especially the carriages of the old nobles. They still used candles, and they were somewhat neglected to clean. The lampshades were a bit dirty, which reminded them of their limited income. , probably they didn't have the money to pay the coachman and maintain the carriage, plus the road was bumpy and the wheels turning made such a noise that one feared it would fall apart at any moment.

In order to work and handle government affairs in the carriage, a stable table is needed. The bottom of his carriage is equipped with a shock absorbing device, which was not modified by Edgeworth for him, but a device designed by himself to reduce friction during travel. , not as comfortable as her carriage.

Edgeworth proposed a new technology for carriages carried on rails. The wheels should be enlarged and the main body of the carriage should be lowered so as not to overturn. Others think that the chassis is too low, the carriage is easy to scratch the ground, and cannot adapt to multi-terrain, and this kind of carriage is not easy to drive, and the road will be very bumpy.

How can there be bumps when there are already rails? British engineers generally believe that the most important thing is to prevent the wheels from derailing. For this purpose, the wheels are specially designed to clamp the rails tightly. Of course, this special wheel is not suitable for all-terrain use.

People in the 20th century have never seen train wheels installed on cars. In short, this large group of people stunned the Belgian farmers on the roadside.

The tulip "Augustus Forever" which Adrian had given Georgiana the night before now lay in a glass vase in his carriage, a flower with beautiful red and white patterns, but little fragrance.

It is also possible that he has it himself, but it is covered by the smell of cologne on his body.

She reached out and pulled the flowers over, trying to smell if there was really no fragrance in them, but he stopped her.

"Just take a look."

So she took her hands back and wrapped them in the blanket.

"Tulip bulbs look like onions," she said in a hoarse voice. "A sailor, who had been wandering at sea for three years, came to Amsterdam and saw an 'onion' on the storeroom counter, just as he was eating herrings. The seasoning was short, so I took the onion away, but the bulb was actually a bulb of 'Augustus Forever', worth 3,000 guilders, and the merchant sent his servants to look for it like crazy, but they couldn't find it, only to find out later It was eaten by a sailor, and there were only two bites left, guess what happened next?"

He didn't answer.

"He could have caught the sailor and thrown him in jail, but the businessman woke up, and I guess a lot of people who heard the story did, and overnight the tulip bubble burst. It was like the magic didn't work, and all People are eager to sell the bulbs in their hands, but no one buys them. The Dutch call this transaction windhandel, which means 'trade in the wind'. It is as fragile as a piece of paper fluttering in the wind. So many priests preached, It is useless to warn the world, but a sailor succeeded."

"What do you want?" he said impatiently.

"I want to exchange a Claude Lorrain painting with Turner." She grabbed his arm and said coquettishly, "Okay~"

He soon had a smile.

"You agreed?" she said happily.

For some reason, he stopped laughing again.

"You know who carved the Calypso sculpture you chose." He played with her fingers and said comfortably, "I can be angry with you, just like you are angry with me, but I choose to forgive you, and Chia Unlike you, La has a fiancé and a good name."

"Oh, I have no reputation?" she said angrily.

"What reputation do you think we have now?" He reached out to open the curtain, but she quickly stopped him.

She found that it was not suitable for him to work in a carriage, because he was prone to act impulsively. At this moment, the carriage continued to drive, and if nothing happened, he could reach Mechelen in the afternoon. After all, the straight-line distance between Antwerp and Mechelen is only more than 20 kilometers.

"Why don't you let me go to your carriage?" He asked a little suspiciously.

"My car is full of unmarried girls." She also said angrily, "What do you think I want to do? You think I'm a spy too?"

He was actually thinking about the possibility.

"Bastard!" she yelled, and started looking for clothes to wear.

"If I hadn't dreamed." He whispered, "How did you come?"

"Who do you think I am? An angel?" she said in disbelief.

He laughed bitterly.

"You are not real." He covered his face and said, "You are an illusion."

She felt a little pity for him, and pity for herself, because he had been dead for two hundred years.

This is an impossible encounter, stop dreaming.

"I want to take the mango," she said, "though it doesn't sound so nice."

"I'm not going to stop for this." He dropped his hand. "You, too, imagine it's here."

She ignored him, took a tulip, and polymorphed it into a pocket flamingo.

"One more time." He said suddenly.

She had just picked the flowers and wanted to do the original "trick", only to realize that he was not referring to the flamingo thing.

"Others will say you are a fool." She pushed him away and said.

He smiled.

"Let them talk." He said triumphantly, and lifted the blanket off her body.

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