The bells of Belgian churches are obviously different from those of French churches. Georgiana tried to operate the glockenspiel with the permission of the archbishop. It was interesting, but if a layman fiddled with the music clock, it would make noise and disturb the people, so she didn't touch the device after a couple of tries.

Even if the Church of St. Lumodi is much larger than other churches in Mechelen, she and the Archbishop looked at each other, what should they do next?

"Has the choir come today?" said Grégoire at this moment.

"Oh, here we come, here we come." The archbishop said quickly, and then a member of the clergy turned around to prepare.

"I want to hear a symphony," said Georgiana.

Everyone is looking at her.

"I heard it in a church in Venice, you should try it," Georgiana said.

"This is not Venice," said the Archbishop with a smile.

Georgiana did not answer immediately.

Even if Belgium has been plundered by the Austrians, there is still a wealth of religious property. If the French took the golden candlestick today, what will they take tomorrow?

In the 14th century, the Florentines put their family property in churches and monasteries for property safety. The church is the last place of order. If it is also looted there, it means total chaos, even if defenses are built at home. Fortifications can't stop people who want to take advantage of the chaos and set fire to looting.

After Napoleon went to Venice, he searched for a lot of works of art. There are still many famous paintings hanging outside the churches in the Netherlands. Unlike the secular world, there are basically no masterpieces left.

"The reverberation effect of the church is different from that of the opera house and concert hall. The sound is like being kissed by an angel. I really don't want you to miss it." Georgiana said.

The archbishop smiled happily. "I always hear people say that singing in praise of someone sounds like an angel."

"Voice is a personal gift, and that person is blessed. When sound waves travel indoors, they are reflected by walls, ceilings, and floors. Did people take reverberation into account when they built churches?" Georgiana asked. .

"The Holy See has strict regulations on the shape of buildings, and architects must follow the rules." The archbishop said.

"Because this place is blessed, so is the sound reflected by it, and all those who hear that music in this space are blessed, although these strict requirements for details were not originally intended to Reverberation effect." Georgiana said "God's works are impenetrable to man."

"Everything has a purpose, will, and arrangement of God," sighed the Archbishop.

"I don't think natural science and theology are in conflict with each other. Although many people think so now, Sir Newton rebuilt the harmony between God and nature. We must understand him through his works. To study nature is to study God's spirit. work, and each new discovery allows us to learn more about a part of his plan."

"I'm trying to find a makeshift symphony orchestra in Mechelen that doesn't meet your requirements, Madame, and the children in the choir that will sing for you are all from orphanages," said a member of the priesthood. "We Not like the Pietists, sending war orphans to war orphanages."

Her eyes widened.

"We won't talk about that today." The archbishop suddenly reprimanded, and the cleric fell silent.

"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked, but no one around spoke.

"Let's talk as we go," the archbishop said helplessly.

After many years of war, a large number of orphans were formed in Prussia. They had to live by begging. There was a priest named Augustus Hermann Frank. Seeing that these children were pitiful, he opened a school to help The school for the poor, on the one hand, solves the social problem of prohibiting begging, and on the other hand, provides help for the sick, the elderly and orphans.

The pastor himself is a professor of Oriental Linguistics at Halle University. Halle University is the leading university in the Hohenzollern Territory. There are many pietists and non-religious scholars in the university, who hold important management positions and teaching posts respectively. , the cradle of future pastors and church officials.

With the support of the public and the king's subsidy, the orphans' food, lodging and relief are guaranteed, and these orphans also receive primary education. The teaching arrangement of this institution is mainly around practical skills, which means that these children will learn Learn a craft or two to plan for future career choices.

At the beginning, Frank decided to sell the items produced by the children to maintain the school's expenses. Later, he found that this idea was impractical. The children's manual skills and craftsmanship were not as good as those of the adult workers in the guild. After charitable donations The orphanage reached a balance of payments, and changed the original wooden house into a stone house.

Frank's purpose was to make the complex self-sufficient. He later opened a new fee-paying school to accept children from certain social classes and occupational backgrounds. The school also has scholarships to ensure that children from poor and ordinary families will not be affected by Economic turmoil and out of school.

His dream is to establish a "heavenly kingdom", and through pious efforts, let this education system go out of Central Europe and spread to the whole world.

Education is often associated with books. With more and more orphanage schools and more teachers, they began to sell their own printed books at the autumn market in Leipzig, and then branched out to Mainz and Frankfurt, and A mail-order trade in medicines was also set up, which was more profitable. For this reason, the orphanage hired agents in parts of Central and Eastern Europe to commission operations.

When these children are just burdens, no one will care about them. After years of operation, the original orphanage has quietly developed into a comprehensive building complex integrating commerce and basic education. Without the support of the Berlin government and local officials, it would be impossible to achieve such a level of success. Frank also knew that he would rely on the help of these powerful allies, so he actively maintained contact with the royal family and the government.

So in 1711 the king gave the orphanage a privilege that would come under the control of the new Prince of Prussia, the future Frederick I.

The indefatigable "Military King" promoted the continuous expansion of the Halle education system and also used Pietists to run the newly established Potsdam Military Orphanage and the Berlin Officers' Academy. The child's father died on the battlefield. As an orphan, he will be sent to a military orphanage to be trained as an officer. After passing the test, he will enter the Berlin Candidate Academy and become an officer after graduation.

Even if you want to join the public service system of Brandenburg-Prussia, you must enter Halle University for two semesters of education and training. When Frederick II took over, not only civil servants, but even priests and military officers Halle model of schooling too.

There are also field priests in the Prussian army. They are different from the chaplains accompanying the army. The chaplains in the army listen to the soldiers' confession and prayer. The field chaplains are separated from the civilian churches controlled by the Orthodox Church. Most of the time they are "non-employees". Soldiers often referred to them as "Gringos."

The commissioned agents of the orphanage opened branches everywhere. The towering wigs and gorgeous costumes were the characteristics of the Louis XIV era. They were all thrown into the old era, and the Pietists actively praised the beauty of humility, simplicity and self-discipline. The desertion rate in Prussia is very low, and the military discipline is strict. This is all related to the strict moral standards and serious professional outlook of the Pietists. These qualities can help officers maintain a bullying image and establish a strict, self-disciplined and dedicated officer. The image, which was later called the typical "Prussian image".

Frederick II received this kind of education when he was young. He himself liked playing the flute and French literature. He was very disgusted with Pietism, although this sect had been protected by his father. Send ministers to manage religious affairs.

It is precisely because of the loss of the king's support that Halle University is occupied by Enlightenment Rationalism, the number of people participating in the Halle Orphanage Complex is getting smaller and smaller, and the number of donors for the corresponding orphanage activities is also decreasing, and the sect has become unable to pay. , and the main income still depends on the mail order trade of medicines.

The archbishop didn't want to say any more on this topic, and he took Georgiana away from the Cathedral of St. Lumaidi and went to another place.

They went on foot, and although they did not take any religious ritual utensils, the passers-by along the way stopped and stood by the side of the road.

Georgiana has an unexpected eye contact with a mother with a child.

The mother had an old, dry-looking, unattractive face, and her son, about the height of a Hogwarts freshman, pouted and stared boredly ahead, waiting for the parade The team walks away.

She turned her head in a daze, her mind was blank, and she continued to move forward like a machine.

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