Joseph II could be seen as the Frederick of the Habsburg Monarchy, following Frederick the Great as a model and pursuing goals similar to Frederick's. Before Joseph was in power, during his constant tours and private visits, the disadvantages of the landlord’s labor control over the peasants attracted his attention. The mature grain was not harvested because the lord forced the peasants to serve, and the peasants’ hard work for a year was wasted. And when they tried to seek protection from the government, the landlord was often the law enforcement officer in their area.

But Frederick II's state was much smaller than the Holy Roman Empire, and Frederick's power as king was much greater than that of Joseph as emperor. Moreover, the King of Prussia is the largest landowner in Prussia, controlling one-third of the arable land in the kingdom. When the King of Prussia stood up and said that he would treat the peasants of the kingdom well, especially those poor tenant farmers and dying self-cultivators, the Prussian nobles said one after another that the king In the past more than a century, they have taken the lead in oppressing the peasants. If the king is willing to improve the situation of the peasants in his own territory, then there is no reason for the nobles not to follow suit.

Even Frederick the Great was cautious when dealing with the Silesian issue. Although there were major administrative reforms and reorganizations in the area known as West Prussia, he kept the local elite as much as possible to serve continuously. After taking the throne, Emperor Joseph couldn't wait to start his reforms. During his ten-year reign, he issued 6,000 decrees, with an average daily update of 1.6. Only a few of these decrees were successfully implemented, most were shelved, and some aroused fierce resistance and general outrage.

The "Tolerance Act" was one of the few laws that were successfully implemented. This law recognized the legal status of Protestantism and Judaism, and expressed respect for multiculturalism. However, he then closed some monasteries that were not converted into schools and hospitals. aroused people's resentment.

There are indeed some priests who do not produce but live a cultured and comfortable life, especially some senior priests, whose lives are quite flashy, and the coffin of Joseph II is the simplest among all Habsburg emperors.

However, his epitaph reads "The monarch who had a benevolent idea but achieved nothing died here forever."

From the literature left over from the 13th century, the church is divided into "the church of triumph", "the church of battle" and "the church of purification", which does not mean that the church is divided because of this. The triumphant church is located in the kingdom of heaven, and it is with the kingdom of heaven. The purified church is located in purgatory. Although purgatory suffers, people can be saved because of this. It is a more hopeful place than the "battle church". The Church in battle is on earth and must keep striving to join the Church in triumph on Judgment Day in Heaven. According to the scriptures, the church must fight both visible and invisible enemies, and Satan's minions in human form are everywhere.

The priest who blurted out in front of Georgiana last time was a "battle priest", "A man's enemy is his own family." When the Pietists were promoting Yiddish to replace Latin, Joseph II also used German replaced Latin as the official language. When Queen Maria Theresa took her baby Joseph II to the coronation, people cheered the Queen in Latin. By the second half of the 18th century, Latin was only used by priests. And some doctors, lawyers, judges, and scholars are using it, but most people don't know how to use it in real life. Who knows what the Latin scientific name of rhododendron is?

For Joseph II, whose only concern was efficiency, Latin was unquestionably a "historical relic," "without any mystical power." With a single order, he announced the replacement of Latin, which had been regarded as the official language of the empire since the Middle Ages, with German, and only gave officials at all levels of the government three years to learn German, otherwise they would be dismissed.

People who usually speak German do not need to learn it, but people who speak other languages ​​​​have to learn it. Pope Pius VI personally went from Rome to Vienna to visit the emperor, hoping that the emperor would compromise on certain reform issues, but the emperor was completely unmoved. This action is also known as the "reverse trip to Canossa". .

When mankind united to build the Tower of Babel, in order to organize mankind's plan, God made mankind speak different languages ​​so that mankind could not communicate with each other.

The difficulty of unifying the language is not that simple, nor can it be solved in a hurry.

The 18th century was the "age of men's wigs". Powdered wigs and knee-length tight silk shorts were common attire for gentlemen. Beethoven's great-grandfather ran to Cologne. He lived in the era of soaring food prices after Louis XIV, Belgium The land in the Netherlands is fertile and can grow a lot of food, but ordinary farmers rely on eating potatoes for a living. It is hard to imagine that the Netherlands was once a very wealthy place.

There are probably two reasons for this. The woolen textile industry that used to be the pillar industry of the Netherlands was replaced by the cotton textile industry. The other is the decline in the trade of tin glazed pottery in the Netherlands. German alchemists discovered how to make "real porcelain" ", and the Sevres Ceramic Factory and the British Wedgwood Company took away a large number of orders for painted pottery, and the mercantilists turned to porcelain.

Joseph II’s policy of not restricting craftsmen’s employment of daily workers will bring a large number of floating population, which will cause security risks. It is a kind of urban forest different from the original forest. No one knows the real identity of the other party. The other party can leave after committing a crime. , disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

People who come out of prison will hold a yellow ID card in their hands, no employer will hire him, and many people may go astray.

Georgiana likes Rembrandt's "The Return of the Prodigal Son". The tolerant father accepts the return of his son who traveled far away. In this tolerant world, tolerance is needed. There are plenty of people who are unforgivably guilty of a single sin, even if it was only a sin of stealing a piece of bread because they were hungry.

But if this son becomes a robber and commits an unforgivable crime, the father accepting him is covering up.

In addition to Goethe and Schiller in Germany, he wrote an opera called "The Robber". The protagonist Karl is a young man who loves freedom and has a sense of justice. When he was running away, he sowed discord. He intercepted Karl's letter asking for forgiveness, hoping his father would forgive him when he returned home, and forged a curse letter from his father severing the relationship between father and son. After receiving the letter, Karl threw himself into the green forest angrily and became the leader of a gang of robbers. .

Karl's younger brother Ze told his father that Karl had died on the battlefield. The old father was in pain and unconscious. Now Franz was completely "free". fiancee Emilia.

The ending of the story is a tragedy. In the end, Karl killed Emilia, left the robber and surrendered himself to the court.

Frederick the Great's reform of capital punishment was not limited to the process of wheel punishment, only a very small number of serial killers and crimes of subversion of the state would be used.

She doesn't want people to misunderstand that as long as they become robbers, they will be publicly dissected. At the same time, she doesn't want people to think that they are treated so cruelly because they protest because of their political differences. "Bloody Mary".

In the play "The Robber", the old father said, "Let forgiveness be his punishment, and my revenge is double mercy!"

Bonaparte would not believe this. Now he has not ordered the soldiers to search for who is protecting the assassin, nor has he ordered martial law. The residents of Mechelen live as usual, and the vegetable market is still so crowded.

Frederick had many admirers, but the admirers behaved in different styles.

Those who get married do not need to serve in the military, and it is very risky for those who hide in the forest to return to their hometown. How does the woman know what the man has done in the forest.

And she still remembers Fantine, who was originally a beautiful blonde girl who worked hard in the factory, but was fired because her colleagues reported that she had an illegitimate child.

That was really an excuse, because the factory manager was plotting against her, and Fantine turned him down.

The eloquent St. Catherine also rejected the lord, and was sentenced to death by the lord who was furious.

What's more, whether the marriage proposal is successful means the extreme question of whether to serve in the military.

Women do need heroes, knights, but...

"Ma'am, Madame Bertin is here," said Marguerite.

"You still look so beautiful today." Bertin said with a smile as he walked in.

"I have something for you to do." Georgiana stood up from the dressing table and walked to Bertin. "Have you heard of the Golden Scissors Award?"

"I am a tailor in your eyes?" Bertin asked in surprise.

Since the 16th century, Italian tailors have been competing for the "Golden Scissors" award, which is also the highest award in the European tailoring industry.

But Bertin was a designer, although an Italian girl she knew knew both design and sewing.

"I want you to find a tailor with a Golden Scissors Award."

"Can't it be just my girls?" Bertin asked.

"Do they have Golden Scissors?" asked Georgiana.

Bertin shook his head.

"You can ask someone else to find a tailor. Let me ask you, have you ever designed men's clothing?"

Bertin clasped his arms across his chest.

"May I know what exactly you want to do?"

"I heard that you still did not abandon Marie Antoinette when she was imprisoned, so you are not a coward, right?" Georgiana said with a smile, "Have you ever thought about trying to challenge a new field?"

"You mean men's clothing?"

"No, I want to design the new Belgian police uniform, do you think you can design it, Rococo godmother?"

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