For students who speak privately in class, teachers can roughly divide them into two methods.

One is to prohibit them from talking in class, which works most of the time, but it still cannot prevent them from passing small notes in private, or secretly saying a few words when the teacher is not paying attention.

The more prohibition, the more interesting and exciting it is, so some teachers simply ignore them and let them talk in class, such as Pomona. Some people lose interest in talking very quickly. If a person keeps chatting and talking with you, you will find him very annoying.

And then there's the guy who just got worse, and Ron Weasley not only discussed it with his friends, but also smashed Pomona's head with a pod twice without even saying an apology.

It's like some young couples, if their parents or other forces object, they think it's time to "test" the firmness of their love, and the two finally entered a "happy marriage", not just all kinds of trivial things The details of my life caused friction, and most importantly, "legal", that "feeling" suddenly disappeared.

You don't care about them, they are noisy and broke up within a few days. Such couples are very common on campus. On the contrary, there are relatively few couples who meet and get married in school. Harry's parents are the latter , Harry's wife Ginny and Dean Thomas are the former, and Harry is married to Ginny, and they also started dating in sixth grade.

The campus is a relatively closed environment. After leaving the campus, the situation is different from that in the school, especially in social situations.

During Georgiana's "absence" time, Mrs. Devonday really presided over the salon like a "hostess". When Mamluk and Georgiana appeared in the station, it caused quite a commotion, but when she really came down from the "upstairs", everyone's expressions were very exciting.

Nor was she really trying to embarrass Mrs. DeVaudy, she blended in like a regular guest among the guests, and the subject of their discussion was the Enclosure Act promulgated in 1801.

This was the last bill passed before William Pitt Jr. stepped down. Although the enclosure movement has been carried out in the UK for many years, it has always been "non-prohibited", and the "Enclosure Ordinance" simplifies the procedures for enclosure .

To put it simply, the enclosure of land was not planned by the state. In the early days, the enclosure of land by nobles, merchants, and peasants was condemned by the government. In order to make this kind of transaction look "legal", many complicated procedures were derived, such as agreements, The contract, etc. will be used as evidence for court mediation, and then a set of "procedures" will gradually appear. The procedure is complicated and expensive, requiring the consent of the local people, the enclosure committee, opponents, the king, the parliament, etc., similar to whoever agrees with At the wedding, the priest asked "who else has objections to this marriage", and if someone really jumped out, the matter could not be done. The Enclosure Act of 1801 recognized the legality of enclosure, simplified some application procedures, and established an Agricultural Committee with agronomist Arthur Young as secretary.

Georgiana remembered that Napoleon had met Arthur Young, and they had breakfast together, discussing the topic of beer, but the latest news was that Arthur Young was almost hanged by farmers during his study tour in France, and he wanted to see Georgiana introduce Holland What is the effect of pulling horses to plow the fields and implementing unified farming on large farms? A farmer asked who he was, and he said he was Arthur Young. The farmer asked him, "An agronomist from the Agricultural Board of the Enclosure in England?" Arthur Young didn't say he was, he didn't say he wasn't, and then The French peasants did it.

British farmers can only curse those who advocate the enclosure to die early, or write them anonymous letters to threaten them, or destroy the sign of enclosure, which is different in France, which has just experienced the Great Revolution. It took a total of 5 minutes. The rope was taken from the horse. There was a big tree nearby. Throw the rope into the tree and tie a ring. This is the noose. When the noose was around Arthur Young's neck, he quickly said that he, like the peasants, had to pay taxes. The peasants didn't believe it, and asked the British nobles to pay taxes too? He quickly said yes, and then he was regarded as "one of his own" by the peasants.

Only then did Georgiana realize that she had not brought a Rambouillet merino here for a sheep-eating enclosure. Before she could figure it out, people from the French Ministry of Magic appeared, and Georgiana had to go back "upstairs", where Labastan Lestrange was waiting for her.

"Why are you here?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"I heard that you asked someone to check the previous residence. What happened?"

"It's nothing, just a few mischievous elves." She said lightly.

Rabastan looked surprised.

"Madu are not used to it."

Labastan then laughed, "Indeed, they love to make a fuss."

"You don't need to make a trip for this yourself."

"In fact, there are other things." Labastan put a document in front of Georgiana. "This is an extradition document signed by the Ministry of Magic in Berlin. If we have prisoners who need to be executed, we can hand them over."

"What do you mean?" Georgiana looked at the document.

"It means that they can execute prisoners instead of us." Labastan said, "No extradition to Azkaban, accept the kiss of the dementor."

Georgiana looked at him.

"About the 16th century, they captured a female manticore. It would take a lot of casualties to destroy it, and she was pregnant at the time. If humans could provide her with food, she would not make trouble, so she She becomes the prison guard, and when the time is right, the prisoners become her food."

"It's disgusting." Georgiana threw the paper aside.

"You may not have noticed that we have taken back Dunkirk, and the British have recognized that border." Labastan said calmly, "There is a piece of Pomerania belonging to Sweden to the north of Prussia. Kirk has the potential to become that kind of place too."


"You just need to sign, and we will take care of the rest." Rabastan said impatiently.

"I wouldn't sign a document like this."

"Even Maria, don't you want to execute her like this?" asked Labastan.

"I'm not a monster." Georgiana said heavily, "Where was that monster, I said manticore, caught? How could it be in Prussia?"

"She was domesticated once, maybe a wizard used it as a guard." Labastan sighed. "That's why I don't think women are suitable to be leaders."

She looked at him coldly.

"In view of the current complicated situation, I think that Pierre Bonacourt, who is running for the rights of trolls, should no longer be allowed to serve as the president of the International Federation of Wizards. We need a new leader."

"Is this your opinion or the opinion of the magical society?"

"If you ask this question, it is the joint opinion of the French Ministry of Magic and the Executive Directorate of the British Ministry of Magic. The war between wizards and scavengers has begun." Labastan said, "Of course, the British Minister of Magic also rejected this proposal just like you .”

"Do you think of people as people?" Georgiana asked.

"This is Europe, so we won't be like the Yankees who let the Scavengers marry Muggles as long as they get married." Labastan stood up. "You can pretend you didn't hear about it, I know how to deal with it."

Georgiana glared at him.

"I shouldn't have polluted a lady's pure soul." Labastan smiled arrogantly, bowed to her, turned and left her suite.

"The 'caretaker', she has a child?" Georgiana asked before Rabastan left. "How much?"

"I know how to deal with it." Rabastan said without looking back, and then closed the door.

Georgiana thought of the cave in the Alps, where there were many big-headed monsters.

Animals will continue to reproduce without natural enemies. During the Spanish War of the Throne, only one monster was killed, and then someone left a sign on the wall saying "the devil is dead".

Hagrid likes to find companions for his "pets", such as the eight-eyed spider Aragot, is his ancestor also like this? The male manticore stayed in the cave while the female escaped and was caught in Berlin?

Distraught, she went next door, where Bonaparte was working.

"I asked you to play, why did you come back so soon?" He said without raising his head.

"I'd rather stay with you for a while." She wailed after lying down on the sofa. "God, I really want to go back to school and continue studying."

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