Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 234 The Winter's Tale

It is a long way to go from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts. The school stipulates that only students in the third grade and above can go there on specific Saturdays, and the guardian's signature is required.

On these special days, there will be a carriage to pick them up, which is not usually available. The four of them walked to the school facing the heavy snow.

"At first I was curious, where did the food on the table come from, and then I asked where the kitchen was, it was just below the Hogwarts auditorium, but to get there, you had to go through the door on the right of the main hall, At the end of the corridor there will be a picture of fruit, you have to scratch the pear to make it a doorknob, the first time I went in I saw at least a hundred house elves, it was the first time I saw that It scared me at the time." Hermione gasped and said, "I thought the school was overrun by monsters, but then they complimented me like they were serving the queen, and I realized they were domesticated animals serving Hogwarts. Elf."

"I've never been," said Master Malfoy. "Goyle and Crabbe go often."

"Every time they have to take away a lot of food." Pomona complained, "How can someone be so good at eating."

"They don't grow their brains, they grow their appetites, so do you know how surprising it is when Potter and the others tell me that Goyle wears glasses for reading?" Draco looked at Hermione, "I heard you made compound soup Potion, I wanted to become Milosenbrod, took a cat hair from you, and finally turned into an owl, right? Hermiuri?"

Draco Malfoy said deliberately imitating Victor Krum's accent.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Hermione yelled at him.

"You're lucky to be able to change back, Hermione, how many Animagus can't change back in Saint Mungo, you really shouldn't be as reckless as Harry and Ron."

Hogsmeade is located in the southeast of Hogwarts, and the three broomsticks are the closest house to Hogwarts station. She originally wanted to go to the Honey Baron shop, but she desperately wants to go home now. Next time she has plenty Chance.

The freshmen will take a small boat from the Black Lake to the castle, which is actually the back door, and the front door makes a big circle along the school, from southeast to true north, passing the Quidditch pitch on the way, which was used during the Hogwarts battle Destroyed and now rebuilt, there are only a few people in the field, and no one is riding a broom. Obviously no one wants to train when it is snowing.

"Too bad luck, I was going to have dinner there," sighed Amos.

"Granger, are you still planning to develop your 'vomit' at the Ministry?"


"Why not?" Draco challenged aggressively.

"Because I found out that house-elves don't appreciate liberation at all." Hermione said with some disgust, as if she didn't want to discuss this topic any more.

"Do you know why Hogwarts can't Apparate?" Pomona asked the two little ones. "And Malfoy Manor."

"Because of the Anti-Apparition Charm." Hermione and Draco replied together.

"How did it work?" Pomona continued to ask.

"Floor tiles." The two answered together again.

"Oh, hell!" Pomona was so frustrated that she wanted to play tricks on the two of them.

"I thought of it when I saw footprints on Harry's Marauder's Map. Are those magic floor tiles?" Hermione said with a smile.

"The floor tiles in my house are the same as those in Hogwarts, and we are the trustees of Hogwarts." Draco said proudly in a Malfoy style.

"How does the key work?" Hermione looked at Draco, "House elves can Apparate."

Draco was lost in thought.

Seeing that Amos was staring at the Quidditch field in a daze, Pomona immediately cast a earplug on him, then took a deep breath, and said as if she was going all out.

"Draco, when you were in fourth grade, the potion warehouse was often stolen. Your godfather thought it was Peeves, so he put a spell in his office, only 'wizards allowed', so that Peeves and the housekeeper The elves can't even enter his office, and you little wizards can go in normally, so your work will be much more that year than in previous years."

"Oh, I see, you just need to cast a spell on those floor tiles, 'Do not allow wizards to apparate'!" Hermione suddenly realized, "This way the house elves can still apparate."

"I hate top students." Pomona gritted her teeth and whispered, these two people made her feel no sense of accomplishment.

"What's the secret in that floor tile?" Draco asked again.

"This is the category of earth magic. A mineral is mixed in these bricks."

"What mineral?" The two asked together again.

"This is a secret." Pomona said with a triumphant smile, "Only the dean and above can know."

"If you didn't intend to tell us in the first place, why did you remind us?" Draco said with disgust.

"During that war, many buildings in the school were destroyed. Even if the surface was restored to its original state, the previous magic circle may not be usable. I need the help of the fairies. I just took this opportunity to let them visit the school. They can see the good show you arranged."

"How many secrets do you hide that we don't know?" Hermione looked at Pomona strangely.

"Do you still remember the spell of disappearing without a trace? The thing you want to disappear is not really disappearing, but disappearing before your eyes. What is better than the land to bury secrets." Pomona stomped vigorously stomped.

"You teased us." Hermione said angrily, "Why didn't we know these secrets earlier."

"Then do you really understand Hufflepuff Academy?" Pomona sneered and said, "In your eyes, Hufflepuff has always been a waste academy. The plant magic we are good at has many restrictions, so we are not like other colleges. Students are also good at duels, wisdom makes people arrogant, and being down-to-earth makes people covered in mud. Dumbledore doesn't let me wear new clothes, and asks me to restrain my material desires. I paid a lot of money to have the opportunity to touch those secrets, you guys I also paid a price to protect this school, so you have this qualification. I will not dress up brightly like Lockhart to attract the attention of others. The nickname given to me by the predators is Knox. It's Hufflepuff's style to keep a low profile, I don't need fame to make people think I'm a big deal."

"I saw them have a tryst," Draco said to Hermione. "It's disgusting."

"I've seen it too." Hermione looked at Pomona full of hatred. "It's almost like a replica of Lavender and Ron. I wish I could melt into one person and keep kissing."

"Shut up!" Pomona yelled angrily.

"Remember to lock the door next time, I don't want to see it." Draco said as if he had suffered some trauma. "Ouch, I'm about to throw up."

"Yes, remember to close the door next time." Hermione also said coldly, "No one wants to know what you did in the bedroom."

Pomona froze as if she had been petrified.

"Seeing Arthur and Molly every day is hard enough for me, but I also need to see you two." Hermione said angrily.

Professor Sprout felt that the image he had worked so hard for decades collapsed at this moment.

In the eyes of the two children, she became "Molly Shiver", and the old Slytherin bat, who used to keep the lights everywhere dark, became the red-haired fool Weasley.

"Look at what you've done, Severus," she whispered bitterly, before refusing to speak to either of them.

Draco and Hermione took this opportunity to discuss how to arrange a duel between the two monsters. As they got closer to the main entrance of the school, the snowstorm gradually stopped, and Hogwarts Castle revealed its true face.

"Why is the door locked?" Hermione said sharply.

"I'll find out later." Pomona took out the parchment and quill from her velvet pocket, wrote the message and turned the piece of paper into a bird, and then blew on it, and it Just like a real bird, it spread its wings and flew towards Sita.

"It seems to be Ravenclaw over there. Why didn't you ask Professor McGonagall if you wanted someone to open the door?" Hermione asked. "You said you were classmates for two years."

"Hahaha, how funny you are to ask the headmaster to open the door himself, Hermione." Pomona said with a dry smile.

"Who told her to leave all her jobs and elope with my godfather." The snitch Draco Malfoy said with a sneer, "When she left, she said that she would give Longbottom the professorship of herbal medicine and nothing else. Without explaining, even the dean passed it on to no one and ran away.”

"You are so irresponsible, Pomona." Hermione looked at her with condemning eyes. Hermione has always been a responsible girl, so she can't bear to see other people's irresponsible behavior.

"I heard he's dead, Granger, he suddenly appeared in front of me when my mind was blank, what would you do if it was you?" Pomona said blankly, "I I even thought that I used the resurrection stone to resurrect him, until now I feel like I am dreaming, if it is not because of his unbreakable oath we will never come back, you have no right to criticize me."

She didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, even if she was given another chance, she would still go with him.

Those six years were the best time in her life. She could be herself and not be responsible for anyone's life. They were just two ordinary people, just like most people.

Even if they were tired of being together, it didn't bother anyone. Anyway, they were in the wilderness, no one would know, what mistake did she make?

"I'm sorry," Hermione whispered, "I shouldn't have judged you."

"When will your domineering attitude change, Hermione, you are not always right, you are human and make mistakes, although you are much better than when you first entered school, you still haven't fully grasped this problem. Change it, you will offend many people in the future."

Pomona said a lot of angry words, because she really felt offended but she didn't let go.

She likes this girl very much. Although Hermione was not born by her, she still treats her as her own. It just so happens that Hermione has no biological parents yet. Pomona wants to form a new family with her and Severus. In this way, Hermione doesn't have to be like Lily, even if she is wronged, she doesn't know where to cry.

Women are like flowers, they need to be carefully cared for. Even girls like Hermione, who are independent and intelligent, can make boys feel intimidated, are sometimes emotionally vulnerable.

Women should help women, not fight each other for men. Pomona wanted to help Lily, but her heart became impure because of a man.

Sirius was much simpler than him, but she chose a complicated path.

Choice is more important than hard work. Whether to listen to reason or heart, she chose the latter.

No one is always right, even Dumbledore. Being able to graduate from Hogwarts twice in twelve years can change a lot of things. Sirius missed the best time in his life. Fate really treats him It's unfair, but it's too late to say that now.

While waiting silently, a small figure slowly walked over. Fei Liwei was still the same, time seemed to stop on him, and he basically remained unchanged.

"Long time no see, Pomona." He greeted her from a distance, "Are you here to see me?"

"Open the door for me, Felius." She said with a smile, "Why do you open the defensive formation during the winter vacation?"

"The principal said, just to be on the safe side." Felix waved his wand, the door made a soft "buzz", and then slowly lifted it up, "Because we are now at war with werewolves."

After the four of them entered the school, Fei Liwei immediately closed the door.

"It seems that it's not as strong as it used to be." Pomona felt the fluctuation, and the defense of Hogwarts was as weak as someone recovering from a serious illness.

"After all, it was destroyed by external forces." Fei Liwei said in admiration, "Whether the mysterious man is evil or crazy, he is an extremely powerful person. It's a pity that I have never been his teacher."

"Slughorn did, but I think he seems to regret it."

"We can't choose who our students are, can we?" The duel champion said helplessly, "I really miss the ancient times, when I can choose my own disciples."

"What about the ones who weren't chosen?" Hermione asked.

Feliwei didn't answer her, as if this question was too difficult for the goblin.

Fate is not fair, Sirius' fate was so much better than Severus's at the beginning, but it ended like that in the end.

It’s not that this world can’t tolerate him, but that his heart is too pure. He is the brightest star in the night sky, but he was born in a “dirty” family that advocates black magic, Pomona recalled The wanted photo that had been plastered all over the streets and alleys, he was actually going crazy at that time.

"Are you all right, Draco?" Pomona asked the Slytherin prefect who was galloping away with her mother, his face expressionless.

"I'm fine." He said indifferently, "There's nothing to be afraid of here."

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