Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2374 true believers (middle)

During the Dutch Golden Age, the "Sea Coachmen" transported goods from all over the world to Europe, but the VOC's primary goal was of course profit, and the best way to ensure profit was to monopolize it.

But the sea is vast, and there are many competitors, so it is not that simple to monopolize.

Soon some Dutch men discovered the importance of their wives. These colonial or foreign women had a low legal status in the Netherlands, but they had a higher status in the local area. They could use their social connections and familiarity with the local market to participate in local trade.

It was easy at first to go back and marry a "decent" wife after saving enough money. Later, these shrewd businesswomen also knew how to use their influence under the table to manage their assets well, and even obtained legal marriages in the Netherlands relationship, the man may not be able to succeed smoothly. There was once a case in which a husband finally obtained the right to manage his wife's property, but he went through nineteen years of legal procedures, and he was almost dying when he got it.

Europeans abroad were prone to die young, and there were few Dutch men who lived long in Batavia, and such women were often the hot pursuits of the next European adventurers.

Some of them married three or four times in their lives, helping their young husbands to obtain high positions in the Dutch East India Company. When they get rich they divorce and remarry. At this time they no longer need to marry a woman who is particularly well-connected or very rich, so they will leave very rich widows after their death. The indulgence of these women is often Disgusting Calvinist Dutch men. But men have the law and the church as their backing, and the apologists have been trying to "tame" these women, and it has finally worked, at least they abide by European morals more than previous generations of women.

Next is the newly promulgated "Civil Code", which clearly prohibits women from disposing of their wealth without authorization. If they are married, then the husband is the guardian of their property. If they are unmarried, they must find a guardian. In other words, this civil law The Code is built around the property rights of the male head of household.

Tania Borski used the profits from her husband's business to engage in real estate sales and loan business. When the British East India Company increasingly squeezed the business space of the Dutch East India Company, her business was not affected. In the 18th century, traders in the New World built warehouses and assigned agents to gather goods, which greatly shortened the time spent in the seaport and reduced the cost of Atlantic shipping. Pioneers pushed further inland. Many of the real estate companies she invested in were like this warehouse. Taking advantage of this advantage, she also started her own tobacco business, because the warehouse itself is to purchase tobacco with competitive prices.

While other young widows squandered their youth and money on pleasure, Mrs. Borski managed her business carefully and became richer and richer, as she thought it wise to do. But she still wanted to live the life of those young and beautiful widows, only now she was no longer young, but she met Georgiana, a "real" witch, not the kind with a crystal ball or a substitute. People read palms.

"There is no such potion as you said." Georgiana interrupted the old widow. "Aging is irreversible."

She looked at Georgiana in shock.

"Surprised? You didn't approach me because I was a witch?"

"How do you know?" Madame Borski asked.

"I read your mind," Georgiana said with a smile.

Borski didn't mind. She laughed and said, "I knew there was no fountain of youth."

"But there is the Philosopher's Stone, which is an elixir of youth," said Georgiana.

"Does it make me look younger?" Mrs. Borski asked.

Georgiana shook her head, "It can only maintain your current appearance, and will not continue to age."

Mrs. Borsky smiled, "Forget it. If I get eternal life, but I have to see that old hag with loose skin in the mirror every day, I will be overwhelmed faster than others."

"You just want to look younger?" Georgiana asked.

Mrs. Borski suppressed her smile.

"Can you do it?"

Georgiana did not answer.

"What will it cost me?" Madame Borski asked.

'Your soul. '

Georgiana wanted to joke about it, but she didn't say it, because Mrs. Borski might take it seriously.

Why are women so obsessed with youth and beauty, smearing so many things on their faces every day, just to make their faces look smooth or delay aging?

"If I am no longer young and beautiful, if I have nothing", even if they fall in love, it will not arouse the envy and admiration of others, just like Quincy and Emily, they are just a poor couple.

If Georgiana didn't have this pretty face, she might not have gotten into so much trouble. It is impossible for men to look at the short and fat Sprout in a dirty witch's robe.

Love and marriage are conditional. In this "market", men need to be rich and women have good looks, or vice versa.

All of this is her own trouble, it's time for her to stop this illusory dream.

"That's a poison that will kill you," said Georgiana softly.

"How long?" Madame Borski asked.


"When will it kill me?" Madame Borski asked.

"Not immediately," Georgiana replied, and the beauty potion was actually non-toxic, "but the more you drink, the deadlier it becomes."

"How much?" Madame Borski asked eagerly.

Georgiana knew that Mrs. Bolski would have paid if she had said an astronomical sum.

No wonder Grindelwald believed in magic to rule the world.

"You're going back to Paris with us, I'm afraid," said Georgiana. "Someone will bring your medicine."

"No problem," said Madame Borski at once.

Georgiana thought sadly that in order to maintain a relationship, women will not hesitate to doubt, change their cognition, compromise, and even change their appearance, turning into someone they don't know from the inside out.

It may not be a good habit for people to be too fickle. In "The Fable of the Bees", the author said that a person who advocates honor must have courage, but lacks courage. His other principles are at best a sword without a tip.

But what sword does a woman wear? Love and a beautiful smile are her best weapons. A woman's tears are only effective for those who care about her. Who will feel sympathy when they see an ugly monster crying?

This monster is so ugly even when it smiles, let alone when it cries.

Luckily Voldemort didn't look like his mother.

"What's all right?" asked Bonaparte.

Georgiana looked at him.

"Madame Borski would like to go to Paris with me," she said with a smile.

He looked at the old widow "Is it true?"

"I have always yearned for Paris, a romantic city at that time." The old widow said.

Georgiana smiled and remained silent.

The legends are so beautiful, and everything they believe in will collapse when they reach the place, just like the mysterious Egypt. The French expeditionary force really saw those legendary ancient cities, and they were so disappointed that they wanted to return to Europe immediately.

Drinking too much alcohol is not good, but even if the Americans promulgated the prohibition of alcohol, some people still try to steal it, which even caused more serious social security problems.

So why ban potions? Paris is a city of romance and love, and love potions and beauty potions are as necessary as perfume, and with this money, the bills can be paid to get rid of the vixen, whose poison is truly deadly.

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