Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2418 royal circus (1)

"That's terrible."

The children gathered around Cedric Diggory in Hufflepuff's common room. This scene used to be very common, but today's situation is different.

"Cedric," Pomona called from the lounge door.

The handsome young prefect Hufflepuff looked back at her.

"Come here."

"I'm sorry, make way," he said to the others, making a way around his children.

Pomona turned and walked ahead, not turning to look at him until he came to an empty place.

"What were you talking about just now?" She asked with a smirk.

Cedric brushed his hair.

"Are you talking about what happened at the Quidditch World Cup?" she continued, laughing.

"I won't talk about it in the future." Cedric said quickly.

"Remember the Chamber of Secrets incident two years ago?" Pomona said softly, "Everyone says that Harry Potter is the heir of Slytherin."

"That was a misunderstanding," said Cedric.

"What did you do?" Pomona asked again.

Cedric was lost in memory.

"Rumors only stop at the wise, but obviously there are not many smart people in our academy, not to mention that even if I tell you not to say it, I can't stop others from discussing it in private, let alone Lita Skeeter, have you read the newspaper yet? "

"seen it already."

"You are a witness, do you think what she wrote is consistent with the facts?"

Cedric said nothing.

"Even if you're not as nosy as Percy Weasley, you have to stop rumors that contradict the facts when they spread. You did a good job just now, but I don't want the same thing to happen in the lounge next time." 'lively'."

"Yes, Dean." Cedric said solemnly.

"What do you think?" Pomona asked again. "I know you've been through something horrible..."

"I can handle it." Cedric interrupted her. "Thank you for your concern."

Pomona looked at him, a little regretful, she should have cared about his feelings first, instead of explaining the task first.

Is she doing something wrong?

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In 1494, Henry VII published a law ordering the decisions of the Irish Parliament to come into effect only if they were approved by the King of England. This law was called the Poynnings Act. It is also because of this that the Witchcraft Act of 1735 is legally valid in Ireland, but the Irish have never used it.

Compared with "witches", Irish people care more about British imports. Whenever the relationship between Britain and Europe is bad, British goods will "free trade" to Ireland.

Before the rise of the cotton textile industry, wool was still Britain's main export product, but British merchants soon complained about the downturn in overseas markets, and believed that Irish cloth exporters had robbed them of their jobs, so in 1698 the British Parliament created Like a tsunami, the Irish export trade should be restricted.

The Irish were very angry at the phenomenon of being "hunted" by themselves, but the ban on wool export was imminent, so a Dublin lawyer and natural scientist wrote a short article based on the law, explaining that Ireland is not a colony, but a country under the British crown. An independent kingdom, this system has existed since ancient times, so the Irish Parliament and the Westminster Parliament are equal.

This argument caused dissatisfaction in London, but this concept was passed down by Ireland. Although London finally restricted the export of Irish wool, the Irish have not given up on abolishing judicial restrictions.

At that time, during the Anglo-Dutch War, Ireland was in a severe economic downturn. The streets were full of beggars. The diocese built almshouses. They followed the core content of the "Poor Law" and taxed residents in the jurisdiction according to their ranks. to meet the subsistence needs of the poor.

At first, there were poor orphans and old people, and later even some able-bodied people entered the workhouse. People soon realized that the main roads of the city were no longer occupied by local or rural beggars.

The number of unemployed workers has increased dramatically, and their behavior has become increasingly violent. In the 18th century, the cotton textile industry was hit again by the British textile industry. There would be weavers kidnapping cloth importers and tailors on the street, and after they were taken to a corner where no one was around, they would be covered with asphalt and feathers as imports. Merchants and tailors ignored their warnings and imported British goods as punishment.

This is a lynching and a police organization made up of innocent students can't stop them at all, so next year the police in Dublin will undergo a massive reorganization, if some of the unemployed who are willing to take up legitimate jobs can be sent abroad during this time Go, then the risk of riots would be reduced, so Richard Edgeworth signed an agreement to provide 50,000 Irish laborers.

The Irish are very good at infrastructure construction, which is a new way of absorbing employment created by the city government after the textile industry was hit. Even if Antwerp and other industrial projects in Belgium don't end up absorbing as many jobs, that's better than it is now. As for the approval of the British Parliament, that is not Georgiana's concern. Her current task is to read the speech.

The Industrial Promotion Bank was created to make Belgium prosperous, and Brussels was so ecstatic. What's more, drinking beer can provide tax revenue for charities that take care of war orphans, and people in the square can't wait to drink... beer from the Julien fountain.

This thing needs to find a city to test run, but the brewer seems to regard it as some kind of gimmick, and the participants can drink and eat at the food festival held in the square, anyway, until Georgiana finishes reading the speech dryly Nothing happened that she worried about.

According to the "cut-off", other people can use cups to pick up the clothes she gave to Julien after they have been put on. But when she lifted off the silk that covered her clothes, the people in the row closest to her saw it. Although they were a little surprised, they didn't react too much.

Georgiana was still a little hesitant at first, whether to give Julien a hunting suit or the Celtic crow helmet of the Roman Legion. The former is quite satisfactory, has no distinctive features, and will not cause any associations, while the latter is more sensitive.

But the current reaction from the crowd seems to be that she was worrying for nothing. After the staff put the silver-plated crow helmet on for Julien, they left the venue, but they didn't go to the city hall they visited yesterday.

After getting into the carriage, Georgiana looked through the window at the men and women drinking happily around the fountain. In fact, the most terrifying thing in the witch hunt is not burning or hanging, but a phenomenon called "witch mobbing". If a person was identified as a witch or wizard, people not only attacked her or him in the street, but even followed her or him into her house.

No one can stop the crowd, the wizard tailor Delfina used to apparate and escape when she found out that the neighbors were looking for them, but this magic cannot be used in this world, if that happened, Georgiana would not use magic Do nothing.

The "people" in this world are not really alive, nor will they really die, but Padma is a living person. Harry Potter used the protection spell when he met the dementor. If he didn't use it, he and Dudley probably wouldn't survive, let alone the hearing.

"You want to join them?"

asked Richard Edgeworth, getting into his carriage.

"I can't understand Belgians." She kept shaking her head.

"No one else can understand, why a helmet?" Edgeworth asked.

Georgiana smiled and told him the story about the Gaul "giant" and the Roman centurion.

Maybe she will have to take the trouble to say it many times in the future, but if it is not misinterpreted, it is a story of "not afraid of challenges", at least she hopes people will understand it that way.

At this time, the carriage moved, and they left in a mighty way, heading for the next place.

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