Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 242 Guardian God

There are many abandoned classrooms in Hogwarts. One of the fifth floor houses the Mirror of Erised. After completing the mission of protecting the Sorcerer’s Stone, it has been neglected, and it is also one of the few escaped the curse , one of the magic items not destroyed in the Room of Requirement.

What Harry Potter saw when he was young was his parents, what would he see now?

Time not only makes trees grow rings, but also makes people grow from youth to youth, youth to middle age, and middle age to old age. Sooner or later, Severus will become as gray-haired as Dumbledore. She doesn't want him to have a desire for eternal life. You can see what happens to Tom, but people's bodies and spirits are different. Does not grow stronger over time.

Tom Marvolo Riddle is just an ordinary human being. He is also afraid of death and has something to desire. On the contrary, Albus Dumbledore, the white wizard, is more like a monster than him.

He and Grindelwald made a blood oath not to hurt each other, which refers to the physical, but not the spiritual. In the past, the demon king who played with the whole world in applause was imprisoned in the prison he built , how sad that is. He might have become as sensitive to sound as the Gringotts dragon, a wretch who could be spooked at the slightest sign of trouble.

What did he do wrong? He was just encouraging pure-blood wizards not to suppress their power, just to be themselves. The reason why there are silent people in the world is that little wizards hide their true selves, avoid the persecution of Muggles, and behave as mediocre as them.

You are already different, why should you associate with ordinary people?

Power needs to be used to be manifested. In order to use power freely, there is no need to hide it. What he pursues is actually freedom.

What he emphasized was the superior race, and he didn't hate Muggles, but a natural "servant".

He never built many safe houses like Dumbledore, but directly killed the Muggles in the houses he liked, and then gave them a decent funeral.

It wasn't because he respected Muggles, or because of his humanity, but because of his own politeness.

He is a pure-blood nobleman, not Tom's kind of half-blood who pretends to be a pure-blood. Everything about him is perfect, handsome appearance, intelligent mind and powerful strength. Isn't this what most people in the world desire? He was born with it, and his starting point is higher than others, so why does he have to do trivial things to show his inferior character?

The cute thing about Master Malfoy is that he always does "evil" things and ends up shooting himself in the foot. Before the fifth grade, he was a nasty little bastard. He became gloomy, without that arrogant smile on his face, and walked alone, not even a follower.

It was also in this year that Severus lost the authority of the head of Slytherin, and the penalty of point deduction could no longer scare the little snake. They have gained knowledge. The Death Eaters easily broke a bridge in the Muggle world, causing heavy casualties. This is the real power. Go off-campus and "play" with really "cool" people.

Pomona and the predators did a lot of things like night tours. One of the secret passages was behind the mirror on the fifth floor. It has collapsed now, but it was still open more than 30 years ago.

In the prophecy of Sybill Trelawney, the "Third Eye", the person with the power to conquer the Dark Lord was born in a family that had defeated him three times, at the end of the seventh month, Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter The situation is exactly the same, but Harry Potter has attracted all the attention. If it weren't for the very few outbursts, everyone would have forgotten his existence.

Auror Frank Barton's main activities were outside the school, while James Potter and Sirius Black were in the school. They were as troublesome as Fred George, and Filch even prepared a filing cabinet for them.

Thirty years ago, Voldemort also sent people to try to make trouble at Hogwarts from this secret passage, but the secret passage collapsed during the battle. In the end, Voldemort's plot failed, and the ending was completely different from thirty years later.

Teenage Severus was not qualified to participate in these things, but as an adult he became one of the protagonists. The boy who was led away by Pomona was gone, replaced by a man who led her away. She staggered behind him, walking through the dark corridors and steps.


She shouted before being dragged into any abandoned classroom, he actually stopped, so she boldly broke free from the painful wrist he pinched, only the breathing of the two of them was heard in the quiet corridor.

"I know that telling you to control your emotions at this time is like dreaming, but I still want to tell you, don't take me as a punching bag, I am not Irene, and you are not Tobias, if you dare to use it with me I'll show you the violence."

His nostrils fluttered and his chest rose and fell rapidly.

"What did you bring me here for?"

"I want to climb up," he said in a hoarse voice.

"But there is always an end to the steps, just like after the full moon, it will turn negative again. The more public you are, the more you must remember humility. Draco doesn't know this truth. He fell badly. You are different from him , once you lose power, others will kill you, you have to learn to endure, I know it is hard, but you must endure."

"Damn it, Pomona, try it on you!"

"Don't let your emotions dictate your decisions. I remember that's what the Slytherin rules say. Where's your tranquilizer?"

"I don't want to take the medicine." He said weakly "Can I lie down?"

"Of course." She walked to the corner and sat down, offering her thigh, and he lay directly on it, like a soft pillow.

He said nothing, just lay still.

"How did that centaur conjure a starry sky?" he said after a long silence.

"They call them Destiny Stars, which are different from Ravenclaw's magic." Pomona kissed his forehead. "Sleep if you want."

"Look at me, Pomona, and, don't talk." His black eyes stared into hers, and she saw his eyes go hollow, apparently using Legilimency, but she wasn't using Occlusion. The technique prevents him from looking at her memory.

Then she heard laughter, Lily's laugh, as they fed the swans by the creek at Cokeworth, where the meadows were full of flowers in midsummer, and they made two crooked garlands with poor workmanship. On the head, I thought I was a princess by wearing it.

"This is your memory of summoning the Patronus?"

She nodded.

"It's changed, hasn't it? I remember it used to be flapping its wings, like a hummingbird."

She nodded again.

"It wants to fly, but its body is too bulky, so it always runs on the water."

"But it looked so fierce that I thought it was some kind of bird of prey," he said with a smile, stroking her cheek. "Let me see what changed you?"

Her memory began to fly, and many people passed by in her mind, and the last image that appeared was that she was dancing with a half-blood prince at the ball at Malfoy's house.

This time she didn't avoid his gaze, she looked straight into his eyes, her brain seemed to stop functioning, she didn't think about anything, only him was in her mind, and even the faces of the people around her became blurred .

"Why say no to me?" asked the prince who was dancing with her.

"I want your attention," she said stupidly. "I want you to rack your brains for me."

"I think you've got my attention enough," he said, smiling, and kissing her in front of everyone, a gray-haired half-breed veela who looked dreamy like something out of a Muggle fairy tale. Winged sprite.

"That stupid savior said to the Dark Lord, Severus Snape is not your man, he is Dumbledore's, and I have stood with Dumbledore from the moment the Dark Lord planned to kill his mother Lily Lido, because my Patronus is a doe, just like his mother, I love his mother and it has nothing to do with my loyalty to Dumbledore. I am not the same as the old fool. Let the child take risks, I don't want to be like him, I killed him for Draco, just like the oath I made with Sissy, I protected the child, isn't that why you like me?"

He smiled smugly, and Pomona was so angry that she wanted to pat the smile off his face.

"If something happens, you go to Castrobushe, they specialize in herbs and magical animals, and they are sister schools to Hogwarts, Brazil is far enough from the UK, and the school is still surrounded by rainforest, and no one will find it your."

"I won't go!"

"I don't want you to escape, but to find a way to leave, and then find a chance to save me. Don't you wonder why Dumbledore didn't destroy the Dark Lord when he first started to rise? The Dark Lord will be loyal to Grindel Waugh's followers are under his command, so that no one will try to save Grindelwald, and it's easier to deal with Tom Riddle than Grindelwald, because the Dark Lord is a madman."

"How can you say that about him." Pomona slapped Severus on the forehead.

"I'm just saying that you must think that the Dark Lord has good qualities. In your eyes, what kind of monster cannot be loved?"

"He is your mentor. He has taught you a lot. You should respect him."

"And do you respect me, Pomona?"


"How do you respect me?"

Pomona was confused by the question, and she began to try to remember.

"You thought of my nickname in advance. This is your new homework. Think about it, Vitality." He sighed and closed his eyes. "I need to be quiet, don't make a sound."

"Okay, my lord." She said angrily, leaning against the wall to rest, it is really a kind of happiness to be able to think about nothing, being a fool is very happy, why so many people want to be a smart person.

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