Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2434 Complicated Situation

That is, after the announcement of the suspension of the conscription plan in 1802, in the morning in the Brussels People's Representative Hall opposite the Royal Opera House, Langenhofen announced that starting from January 1803, Belgium would stop forcing young married men, school-going monks, widowers Or divorced men with children, and those who have brothers who have been recruited, the recruited draftees must pay for someone to replace them. In view of the fact that thousands of families have lost their husbands, sons, and fathers, a corresponding social support mechanism will be established to take care of war survivors.

Even if the issue of resettlement of veterans is not mentioned in the new decree, it is a happy thing. People hate the "blood tax" and even Nink fled to the forest, so people have been suffering from bandits and looting.

Such a day seems to be suitable for a few more drinks. Unfortunately, the city government does not allow fireworks, but it still cannot stop drunk people from buying and setting them off. The fire brigade has put out several fires caused by fireworks.

Tomorrow there will be a victory parade. The French Legion stationed in Belgium will send representatives to perform outside Brussels. They will be stationed in camps outside the city one after another. They will be mainly responsible for eliminating bandits and bandits. The security of the city still belongs to the police in each city. .

With the exception of Pisgru, the early republican armies in the Low Countries did not fight in winter, although the weather in Belgium was not as severe as in Russia.

The regular army has military discipline, and if the supply cannot keep up in winter, they can only rob civilians. Correspondingly, the coalition forces plundered entire towns and villages when they retreated. The Revolutionary Committee used this as an excuse to let the militias control the situation in various places. The old oligarch officials were deposed and replaced with new ones.

War has its particularity, if he does not adapt to war, then he will be eliminated in the war. After everything he's been through, it's hard for him to go back to his old life.

France's "big army" is dreadful. This decree was first issued in Belgium and was not announced in Paris. But everyone knows that Bonaparte is now in Belgium, and without his acquiescence, who would dare to make such an announcement.

At the same time, a re-measurement of Belgian land is being carried out, as is France, where land tax is currently one of the important taxes in France.

The maps used by the French during the Flanders War from 1792 to 1795 were all drawn by the Austrian commander who organized the Battle of Valenciennes, now the borders have changed and the landowners have changed , Towns and cities that used to adapt to the old system, centered on church and aristocratic power, will experience turmoil in the process of adapting to the new order, so the village of Metz outside Brussels is regarded as a new industrial center.

But the British didn't think so, especially the French aristocratic officers who served in the Whitehall War Department. They saw Napoleon's "true purpose" at a glance. What he wanted were horses and carriages. requisitioned.

The power generated by the steam engine can pull the train, but horses can catch up with that speed. The robbers chasing the train on horseback in western movies are not fabricated, and there are even people who ride horses to compete with steam trains.

Belgium's land is flat and muddy, which can be said to be suitable for cavalry or not. When Austria left the Anti-French Alliance, it also got rid of the influence of Britain. It was their own decision to sell bad horses to the French. However, they can prohibit state procurement, but they cannot prevent the private sector from purchasing horses for business.

Napoleon's assassination in Mechelen was quiet this time, just like after Xueyue's assassination. But that assassination was followed by Bonaparte's expulsion of the Jacobins. This time it was the British ambassador to Hamburg, Rumbold, who was detained. There were rumors that Pischglu would return to the UK via Hamburg, so the streets were full of secret police and spies, and the city government of the "free city" Hamburg was in a panic. Seek protection from England and Prussia.

If Bonaparte wanted to start a war, then he would not not recruit troops after reducing the number of troops. If he did not intend to "make trouble", what is the situation in Hamburg?

"Where is he now?" asked Henry Petty, anxiously.

"How do I know?" Georgiana replied, rolling her eyes.

"Where is he going?" Henry Petty continued.

She remembered the itinerary she had seen in his carriage.

"You know, don't you!" demanded Henry Petty.

"You have so many spies watching, why do you still ask me?" Georgiana asked back.

Henry Petty endured a moment, and said slowly, "Do you know where he's going?"

She stared at Henry Petty.

"What do you want?" He said helplessly.

"Tell me, why did the 'Diamond Boy' suddenly care so much about the abolitionist movement?" Georgiana asked.

"I won't tell you, you won't tell me?" asked Henry Petty.

"He wants me to protect Toussaint Louverture's wife . . . I need to know what a risk I'm taking," she said frightened.

"Tell me where he went, and I'll tell you." Henry Pei said with an uncompromising look.

"It's possible he's gone to Maastricht," said Georgiana hesitantly.

Henry Petty looked at her for a while, as if to make sure she was telling the truth, then left the lounge, talked to "Captain Nightingale" at the door for a while, then closed the door again, and returned to the previous room seat.

"Toussaint Louverture did not really surrender to France, but intended to be independent from French control. He first promised to the Spaniards who controlled the east of the island to help them fight the French, and promised that they would loyally support religion and the monarchy and oppose The Revolution, in exchange for the Spaniards to support their actions."

"So it has nothing to do with England?" Georgiana asked.

"We're just fulfilling the peace treaty, giving up the shipping lanes, and letting the French take back their colonies."

Henry Petty was telling the truth, but why didn't she believe it?

"To Maastricht?" asked Henry Petty again.

"I see that's what it says on his itinerary."

"Itinerary can be changed, when did you see it?"

"You also know that the itinerary can be changed. If his itinerary is changed, what does it matter when I see it?"

"What about the Louisiana Acquisition, how far is it going now?"

Georgiana did not speak. If Louisiana was sold, he could indeed get a sum of military expenses, enough for him to start a war.

"The Americans gave a condition that if he agreed to sell Louisiana, they would support France in the next war." Georgiana said.

Unexpectedly, Henry Petty was so calm.

"Why aren't you surprised?" Georgiana asked.

"The Americans also participated in the Anti-French Alliance War, even though George Washington was still alive at that time." Henry Petty said indifferently, "What did Napoleon think?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"Then what do you usually talk about?"

She recalled it.

"No wonder 'Diamond Boy' said he couldn't count on you." Henry Pei said with disgust on his first face.

"Then what does he expect from me?"

Henry Petty hesitated.

"You just have to make him love you."

Georgiana was unusually calm. Did he really love her? Or is this also part of his disguise? Because of this he was able to cross the English Channel by boat.

Even passing through instead of crossing is sensational enough.

"I want to make a request," Georgiana said.

"Go ahead," said Henry Petty.

"In the future, you should write books for him. Don't say that he is a dedicated person, which will mislead many idiots like me, and don't say that he is a heartless or playful person, because that will cause many people to misunderstand."

"And what do you think he was like?" asked Henry Petty.

"He's a great man, he has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't have time to accompany me, so I find something to do for myself."

"Then do you love him?"

"I love a dedicated man." She smiled wryly, "and a dedicated man likes me, is he still dedicated?"

Henry Petty shook his head. "You're complicated."

"I think I'm quite simple." She looked at Henry Petty, "On the contrary, you humans are the real complex."

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