Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 244 Evidence and Speculation

Get rid of all the impossible, and what's left, no matter how much you don't want to believe it, is the truth.

Tom was used by Dumbledore. I'm afraid no one would think so, because when dealing with Grindelwald, the White Wizard didn't even set up the secret organization of the Order of the Phoenix. The worst enemy, this is known to the world. It is precisely because the white wizard tried his best to deal with Tom that it was more difficult to deal with Grindelwald. The white wizard thought that he might lose, so he used despicable means.

Unlike Tom Riddle, who hates Muggles, Grindelwald believes that Muggles are a threat, and wizards are weak. They have been persecuted by Muggles who have an overwhelming population for a long time. Wizards are to resist and no longer suppress their true self Just followed Grindelwald.

Throw Grindelwald in prison, then set up a new Dark Lord, and let Tom recruit the pure-bloods who followed the Dark Lord before, so that no one will miss the "outdated" idol anymore, or even rescue him .

It's hard to believe that the mysterious person who scares so many people and dare not even say his name was actually used by the White Wizard. His every move can be predicted by the White Wizard. The first time was the Triwizard Tournament.

Harry used the Philosopher's Stone to destroy Quirrell's cursed body, but did not destroy Tom's soul. The protozoa potion can help the wizard who lost his body to initially obtain a weak body. It is difficult to make but not impossible to obtain. The soul that Voldemort resurrected in the Riddle family graveyard is actually the one that Harry ran away from Quirrell in his first year.

A cake is cut seven times along the center of the circle, and will eventually be divided into eight points. Tom Riddle's notebook, Gunter's ring, Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's gold cup, and Ravenclaw's crown There are six crowns and Nagini together, and the soul used for Tom's own resurrection is seven. If Harry Potter is also a Horcrux, then Tom destroyed his last one with the Avada Kedavra A fragment, after he is destroyed, his soul no longer exists in the world, and the magic related to his soul is no longer related.

But the mark on the Death Eater's arm didn't disappear, Harry Potter's scar was hurting again, and Pomona annoyed the old Slytherin Bat by assuming Harry wasn't a Horcrux.

He thought that the Dark Lord had already left and would never appear again. Now it seemed that he might be wrong again, and the possibility that there was still a soul fragment still lingering in the world could not be ruled out.

Miss Hermione Granger took the arithmetic and divination class, and Ron and Harry Potter took the general divination. In the words of Miss Know-it-all, "compared with arithmetic and divination, the divination class is rubbish.", in Slytherin House In the eyes of the long-term, Harry and Ron are such "garbage" existences. After the war, Harry threw the resurrection stone in the Forbidden Forest. The "good news" is really continuous, which makes people "surprised". .

"Can you not ruin the atmosphere."

Pomona said weakly, she just wanted to date, why is it so difficult?

"I hate this place." Severus said grumpily. "I substitute for Lupine the werewolf and arranged two rolls of parchment papers on werewolves, but he told me that I don't have to write so much, and only Miss Know-it-all will hand it over." Now, he's a lovely teacher, and I'm a nuisance, just because Lupine's class is easy and fun!"

Defense Against the Dark Arts is a class that Severus has always wanted to take, but unfortunately he is as serious as his name, taking his Potions class is a kind of torture for many people, let alone black people. Magic defense class.

"Can't we buy a house in Hogsmeade? Just like Minerva, it's dangerous to Apparate home every day." She took his arm and shook it. "Aren't you afraid of my split body?"

"I won't buy a house in the village." Although Severus' face was still ugly, it was much better than before.

Almost all the houses in Hogsmeade were converted into small hotels, and they were full of people during the Triwizard Tournament and Dumbledore's funeral.

Eros is uncontrollable, especially for adolescent students. The boarding school is far away from their parents. Boys and girls who lack judgment are prone to foolish things. Not to mention them, even she herself is sometimes confused.

"Malfoy is very suspicious, I don't want to make him suspicious by moving, you ask Minerva to find a fireplace and connect it with the house on Guihua Street, that house is our safe house, if the situation changes, you will live there. "

"Teach me the Fidelity Curse!" she took the opportunity to say.

"No!" He refused without hesitation.

Almost everyone knows that the Loyalty Curse is a characteristic of the Order of the Phoenix, just as the symbol of the Nightcaller is the Summoning Curse, and the symbol of the Death Eaters is the Dark Mark and the flying spell, the last traitor of the Order of the Phoenix, Pete Pedirou The secret keeper of the Potter family, even Bill can spell Pomona, but she can't. She hates these stinky men.

"I have persuaded Mrs. Longbottom to let the Longbottom house be the new headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix."

"I can help you." He recommended himself with a smile.

"I don't like being kept in the dark, Severus, you and Dumbledore are keeping everything from me and Minerva, do you know how I felt when I heard you killed the Headmaster?"

"You told me with your actions. I think if it wasn't for the news of my death, you would still hate me." He still smiled and said, "Albus Dumbledore is like a father to you, have you thought about it?" Kill me to avenge him?"

She felt her heart stop beating.

"For his so-called greater interests, he doesn't care what we think. He doesn't care about my soul and your body. In this day and age, there are very few people who take chastity seriously. I believe Xi Rhys Black doesn't mind that you ever..."

"Stop it," she cut him off softly. "Don't disturb the peace of a dead man, Severus."

"Me too." He trembled. "Can we leave Lily alone?"

"I don't know," she said dizzily. "I've had a very long day."

"It's getting dark, Knox, how about coming back with me?"

She glanced at the sky, and it was indeed evening, and it was time for dinner.

"I haven't had time to talk to Neville yet."

"He's not a member of the family. Besides, you have plenty of time to chat in the future. Let's go to Draco first." He asked her to hold his arm and walked down the carpeted corridor. "Don't you ask who my informant is?" ?”

"Doubt is hard, I believe you." She leaned on his shoulder and said, "If you think that informant will threaten my safety, you will deal with it."

"Why do you think so?"

"You could put poison in Remus' potion, but he told us you didn't do that, even though you wanted his Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship very much."

Severus Snape was not a narrow-minded man in the sense that he kept a werewolf who had nearly killed himself healthy.

"I've discovered another good thing about you, Severus." She said listlessly, "You see big things clearly."

"What if I told you that I traded the protoplasm potion for Fenrir's blood?" he said without emotion. They are allowed to wear the robes of Death Eaters casually, but they are also intelligent creatures, who know what it means to judge the situation and know how to endure and compromise when they are weaker than others."

"You mean they rebelled because there is no one who can threaten werewolves now?"

He pinched her nose. "A bad dog needs to be taught a lesson before it will be obedient. Treating it blindly will not learn a lesson. Instead, it will make them feel that you are easy to bully. Properly showing your strength will help build your prestige."

"I'm older than you, you can't call me a girl."

"Bite me, Hufflepuff." He pointed viciously at his arm. "You bite me so badly."

"You deserve it, Slytherin," she said without hesitation.

Hufflepuff's Code of Conduct thirty-seven: We are badgers, and it is necessary to show our teeth when necessary.

"I had a dream when I was unconscious in the hospital. I dreamed of King's Cross Station. There was a blood man who looked like Tom lying under the bench. I think that is the eighth soul shard you mentioned."

Severus stopped immediately, his eyes wide with shock.

"Dumbledore was with him. When I saw that little monster, I felt that I must have missed something. Thanks to Hermione for reminding you."

"It was you who reminded her, it was you who insisted that Harry Potter is not a Horcrux." He said through gritted teeth.

"Nagini also has two souls in one body, does it stink?"

"Not as smelly as Quirrell." He said displeasedly, "If Harry Potter isn't a Horcrux, how did he come from Parseltongue?"

"How would I know!" she screamed.

Before the Savior's fifth year, he had no spiritual connection with the Dark Lord, which only started after Wormtail resurrected the Dark Lord with Harry's blood.

The body is the container of the soul, and the soul cannot exist alone for a long time. Pomona thought why those people were looking for Theodore Not.

"Do you think Theodore has the ability to create the original body potion?" Pomona asked.

"How do I know!" The old Slytherin basilisk wrapped his "girlfriend" in his robes, and strode across the castle looking for the little snake.

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