Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2454 elysium

Just before John Adams left office, he signed a number of documents, including the appointment of judges. But now the Minister of Justice in Brussels is France's second ruling Cambacérez, so it is very likely that Rupe signed and appointed an officer of the Belgian National Guard.

The word "police" comes from French, and it was still promoted by Louis XIV. Prior to this, social security was completely maintained by the local lord's troops. The Sun King issued an edict to set up a police station in Paris to punish minors other than the death penalty. Crime, surveillance of hotels, printing of documents, etc., were gradually adopted in other provinces until 1800.

After Napoleon came to power, he changed the "King's Police" into "National Police". The location of the police station is in a narrow alley on Jerusalem Street. It was originally a city military camp, and this military camp was earlier a poultry market. Soon the cops had the chicken "poulet" nickname.

At present, the French police can be roughly divided into the security police controlled by Fouché, the interior police controlled by Lucien, and the secret police controlled by Diloc. The Guard is not a system.

In 1793 Dumeriere issued a circular in Leuven, stating that in order to avoid a catastrophic defeat for his troops, he had to abandon the Netherlands. Six days later the northern flank of this force was routed at Nerwinden, and the remnants retreated hastily in confusion, abandoning the whole of Belgium, leaving Lille and other important urban fortresses in northeastern France in a precarious state, and the Revolution on the brink of collapse.

He also lost a lot of equipment and supplies, including a large number of French artillery, which was lost during the retreat. Some of them were collected by the Belgian commissioner appointed by the Minister of War, but the commissioner was more interested in the church's gold and silver sacred vessels than the cannon.

In other words, those bandits hiding in villages and forests may have official equipment of the French army, and they may also have cannons. It is difficult for the National Guard mainly composed of militias to destroy them.

There are also villagers with families in the forest, and they hide not far from their farms. Those who do murder and rob goods often hide in the deep mountains and old forests like Barank.

The Mamluks took Betty to catch the person who responded to her, but they were in vain, and they searched separately, but found nothing.

By this time it could already be seen that Betty was tired, but she was handed over to the Belgian police, and although torture had been abolished, late-night interrogation was still available.

Georgiana didn't feel that she could sleep in this situation, and the quality of sleep she was once proud of seemed to have left her.

Unable to sleep, she tried to reply to Bonaparte's letter, but she still couldn't find inspiration, as if her wit and her tears were all drained.

If a person deliberately deceives you, even if you have the ability to peek into the future, you cannot guard against him.

What Albus and Grindelwald did at the Wizarding Commonwealth was a shame, but they were very much alike.

‘I met a con artist yesterday who sneaked into the castle pretending to be attacked by robbers and tried to steal my jewels. '

Georgiana wrote.

‘I asked Mrs. Rushfoucauld to find someone to watch her, but she attacked Mrs. Rushfoucauld. Alice was so angry that she wanted to kill. '

She wrote here, dipped the ink with the quill, as if her dry heart had water again.

‘Mrs. Rashfuk is fine. The doctor said she’d better rest for two days. Later, I asked the Mamluks to search for the woman’s accomplices, but nothing was found. This is really terrible. '

She paused when she wrote this. Originally, she wanted to write about prison and typhoid, but she thought he might not want to hear it now.

'I heard that in 1784 Bernardin de Saint-Pierre placed a statue of an 'upright citizen' who did not represent any particular person on the green of the Luxembourg Palace, next to a statue of an obscure wife and mother Sculpture, and farther away are those outstanding defenders, writers, and inventors of the country. This sculptor abandoned the traditional isolation and inequality between great men and the masses. He said that true greatness does not isolate people from each other. , instead of connecting people together, should not draw an insurmountable gap between the gifted hero and the crowd who admired him. He dreamed of an egalitarian society in which everyone does not need to have perfect character, It is enough that everyone's morality can constrain them to make extraordinary demands. '

When she wrote here, she found that the quill was out of ink, so she dipped some more ink.

'He opposed complete equality regardless of morality and contribution. If the new France wants to pay tribute to a great man, it will only be the people themselves, so he created two sculptures of 'upright citizen' and 'unknown wife', I have not yet I asked you how you buried the unsung heroes who died in the war. '

Georgiana stopped here.

After the First World War, the French buried a simple wooden coffin under the Arc de Triomphe, which was the remains of an unknown French soldier. The Arc de Triomphe also stands on the most prosperous Champs Elysees Avenue in Paris.

‘Leon, I have seen many sculptures in Venice, including equestrian statues of mercenary captains, or building churches, and carving their own stories on the facade of churches. I think they hope that they will be remembered by future generations. You said in your last letter that it is not a good thing for people to pursue fame and wealth. I don't think you are wrong. People don't need perfect character, but a citizen of common origin does not become a leader through crime or other difficulties. Tolerated violence, but relying on the support of their fellow citizens, are the many nameless 'righteous citizens', 'wives and mothers'. The leader of the gang of robbers, he had joined the French army, but he couldn't stand the military discipline and became a deserter. They attacked people like wild animals in the forest. Planets have their own orbits around the sun, there must be a rule in a system, and those unconstrained meteors will cause damage to the system. Therefore, even if you want to chase fame and fortune, you must have constraints. '

She dipped some ink and started a new line.

A tribute to a man of virtue we do not know, unknown in life, forgotten in death, the greater they were the less they sought fame.

After finishing writing, she was a little hesitant, whether she should write this last sentence, and whether there was anything to be revised.

Unexpectedly, the letter in her hand was taken away at this time, and Charlotte read her letter.

"Give it back to me!" she said angrily.

Charlotte looked back at her.

"Do you think chasing fame and wealth is not a good character?" Charlotte asked.

"What do you think?" Georgiana asked.

"Chasing fame and fortune is not a sin, but stay away from those who indulge in chasing fame and fortune and give up the bottom line." Charlotte said, "There are also those who only care about themselves and abandon their companions. I have a request."

"I've given you the necklace," said Georgiana.

"I can pay you back." Charlotte said indifferently, "I have a few friends who are looking for work. They are construction workers."

Georgiana held out her hand to Charlotte.

Charlotte did not return the necklace to her.

"Give me the letter, and I'll rewrite it," said Georgiana.

Charlotte put the letter in Georgiana's hand.

"Don't mention Venice, he doesn't like that place," said Charlotte.

Georgiana ignored Charlotte, revised the letter slightly, rewritten it, and then went to Du Roc.

As for that nasty love letter, let's pretend it doesn't exist.

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