Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 246 The Catcher in the Rye

For Albus Dumbledore, his greatest advantage over the Dark Lord Tom Riddle was that he always made the right choices.

Hufflepuff's school ethos is to do the right thing because it's right, Hufflepuff should be a staunch friend of the "Justice League" and not mess with Dark wizards.

Not all Slytherins are as cute as Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy, at least Neville Longbottom's parents were tortured by Bellatrix, who was also a Slytherin . Then there's Trevor, who killed Marlene McKinnon's family, and Crabbe, who almost killed Hermione with the Avada Kedavra. There are many Muggle-born wizards like Justin in Hufflepuff. Dean Thomas is a Muggle like him. Dean left school and was caught in Malfoy Manor while wandering. He witnessed two murder, it's not a good idea to ally with Slytherins.

Hufflepuff is a trash academy that doesn't have any sense of existence, but as long as they help allies, life will go smoothly. Sirius Black is excellent in every aspect. He is very, very handsome, taller than Severus, with hair He is very elegant and beautiful, and his gestures exude indescribable charm and elegance. He has been very popular with women since he was a student, and two girls fought for him. After he came out of Azkaban, although the prison disaster made him His charm has been reduced, but he still managed to impress his niece Tonks, Lupine thought she was in love with him.

Normal women would choose Sirius Black to help him tide over the difficulties and cooperate with him to reorganize the Black family business. It would be easier for him to have Dean Hufflepuff help him. The neutral Hufflepuff is good at mediating. If she can succeed Let Sirius and Severus put aside their past grievances and deal with problems rationally, so that Sirius has allies in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin, and he will become what his name says That way, the brightest star in the night sky.

He is still very loyal, his Animagus is a big dog, wouldn't it be perfect to find such a man as a husband?

But Pomona is not the kind of person who is greedy for appearance, she pays more attention to a person's inner quality. Besides, she has never regarded Sirius as the opposite sex. Although sometimes being stared at by such a handsome man will distract her, she can still wake up, and she can still insist on doing the right thing and not doing what she knows is wrong. Wrong, still doing crazy moves.

He loves Lily so much, so let him like it, why should he replace her?

No man will pay attention to a short, fat and muddy woman. She can be not tired of love like ordinary women. She can concentrate on being a good teacher and dean, and make the right choice at critical moments.

When he came knocking at her door, she opened it for him, as a merciful person does, and Helga Hufflepuff opened it for house-elves who had sought refuge from war, to Chances of them working in the Hogwarts kitchens.

She feels that she has done the right thing like Helga, helping those in need, and helping others is helping herself. Severus' life was messed up by himself, and now it's back to normal, so it's time to start a new life, marry and have children like ordinary people, a good marriage partner can provide him with more help, this is a A wise person should make a choice. He will become the second Slytherin-born headmaster after Phineas Black, inherit the legacy of Albus Dumbledore, and become a hero who protects Hogwarts and the students. Inscribed in the annals of history.

He made the right choice at the critical moment, and he took refuge in Albus Dumbledore. He did not follow the Dark Lord to the end like Evan Rozier, and he still maintained his aristocratic demeanor and died in battle.

But he told Narcissa Malfoy that everything he said in front of Dumbledore was a performance, and that he wanted to live, not to be caught in Azkaban to waste his life like other Death Eaters, and then he turned around and used His own memory proves that he loves Lily, and has always been like this. He can do anything to protect her, and then the great savior is moved, believing that he is the last Horcrux, and then dies generously. The origin is because of a prophecy made by Trelawney in his third grade, the master and the servant will be reunited on this night, Pettigrew Pettigrew transforms from a mouse into a human form.

Traitors will not be trusted, Severus is not trusted in the Order of the Phoenix, Pete is also not accepted among Death Eaters, but Severus used his brains and acting skills very manly Became a double agent, and Pete contributed his own hand and became the material for the resurrection of the Dark Lord.

As long as she is not dazzled by love, Pomona can also analyze rationally like Ravenclaw, but she, like Hermione, met a man who could make her lose her reason and common sense.

The paintings in the Hufflepuff corridor are different from those hanging in other places in Hogwarts. Food is everywhere. For that person, power is happiness, and for her, food is happiness. They have different views on the world and life. Two completely different people, also located underground, this is a very comfortable and warm place, quite different from Snape's dungeon, there are many yellow curtains, fat armchairs, the Carlo brothers and sisters called her a sweetheart. As for Snape, he was used to the gloom, and on the shelves along the walls of his office were many large glass jars filled with all sorts of slimy, disgusting things like animals floating in different colored potions and plant.

He is like a slug at a feast, it will only be unappetizing when he appears, and he keeps his hair greasy all year round, and people with thin lips usually speak harshly. He is very talented, but his personality is really not likable at all, but Even if his face looks pale or sallow, he looks no different from a vampire, he still has to eat human food. At this moment, the corridor filled with the smell of food can make him very relaxed. After enjoying the food and wine, if a woman herself It's even more perfect when it's delivered to your door.

His tongue, which is good at uttering vicious words, is also good at kissing, he can do everything on her that he didn't get with Lily, not pure platonic love without any desire, not pure white and undefiled Eternal, unrequited love, he is just an ordinary man who wants to find a woman to accompany him.

God gave them fate to meet, but he forgot to give them a point of friendship, so this love can only become a distant watch, he guards her son for Lily, because he has a pair of Lily's eyes, he said She is a saint, he is not a lover himself, although he is not as handsome as Sirius Black, he can easily capture a woman's heart, but in the end he makes a woman sad, because the only person he loves is Lily.

You are a fool.

In the empty corridor, she seemed to hear someone say that.

Fools are often used by others, let alone being used by others, she must never let her students be used by cunning snakes because of her.

Dumbledore took away Severus's influence, and it seemed like she could follow suit, but what to do to give the influence to Minerva.

She is a strict person, even for the students of her own academy, if she makes a mistake, she will not hesitate to deduct points. Unlike Pomona who prefers her own academy students, she is truly fair and just.

Hufflepuff has always been very united. When Harry Potter became the fourth contestant, the well-behaved little badgers yelled that it was unfair, and collectively excluded Harry, thinking that he had stolen Hufflepuff's honor.

If Pomona could make Hermione Granger do better than Newt Scamander in the house-elf reset office, would they think she had betrayed the House?

She hopes that these stupid boys and girls will not develop the habit of blind obedience, and learn how to judge by themselves. This is something she didn't have time to teach in the past. He felt that Hermione not only took advantage of Harry's fame, but also got entangled with Victor Krum.

Learning to judge for yourself is difficult, but it can save your life in critical moments.

This time, no one gave her an order. She decided to help Hermione. Girls should help each other. She hated the way girls turned against each other for a man and fought. It was so ugly.

Lily is a good girl, she has a sense of justice, but this thing can't be eaten, she needs a stable life, the money in James Potter's treasury can give her material security, that's the thing that was still fooling around with Death Eaters at the time. Fleurs couldn't give her that.

She made a not-so-smart, but wise choice.

One day, Plato asked his teacher Socrates what is love? The teacher asked him to go to the wheat field first, and pick the largest and most golden ears of wheat in the whole wheat field. He could only pick one time during this period, and he could only go forward and not turn back.

Plato then did as the teacher said. As a result, he walked out of the field empty-handed. The teacher asked him why he couldn't get it?

He said: Because I can only pick it once, and I can’t go back. Even if I saw the biggest and most golden one, I didn’t pick it because I didn’t know if there was a better one ahead; Well, it turns out that the biggest and golden ears of wheat have long been missed; so I didn't pick anything.

Socrates said: This is love.

Then one day, Plato asked his teacher what marriage is, and his teacher told him to go to the woods first, and cut down the largest and most lush tree in the whole forest, which is most suitable for making a Christmas tree at home. During the same period, it can only be cut once, and it can only go forward and cannot turn back.

Plato then did as the teacher said. This time he brought back an ordinary, not very lush, not too bad tree. The teacher asked him how he brought this ordinary tree back. He said: "With the last experience, when I walked most of the way and was empty-handed, I saw that this tree was not too bad, so I cut it down so as not to worry about it." If you miss it, you won’t be able to bring anything out in the end.”

Socrates said: "This is marriage!"

She can make do with an ordinary person, Ron Weasley is not that bad, but she has a crush on the last person she should not provoke.

Lily closed the door for Severus, as if abandoning him, and Pomona opened the door to retrieve him.

This was definitely the most irrational thing she had done in her life, because she couldn't bear it, just like Hermione couldn't bear to watch the dragon suffer, because the kindness of a woman caused her a lot of trouble.

How lucky is the man who has a hairy heart.

Pomona let out a long sigh, walked to the front of the painting, reached out and scratched the pear in the painting, it squeaked, and suddenly there was a handle on the door.

"Stop." Just as Pomona was about to open the door, Hermione said suddenly.

"What's the matter, Director?"

"They hate me," said Hermione, "because I gave them clothes."

"Not necessarily now, they know how to resist."

"No, that's different," said Hermione. "That's because Peeves interrupted their work. Now they must be preparing dinner. We will disturb them when we go in at this time."

"I think your life as a housewife in those years was not in vain. How about we help each other now?" Pomona smiled and pushed open the door, and hundreds of elves immediately turned their attention to her.

"Dean!" The elves shouted happily, and their faces darkened after seeing Hermione, obviously they still remembered her.

"Are you still busy?" Pomona entered the kitchen with Hermione in her arms.

What you think is good may not be good for others. Hogwarts house elves have lived here for generations. Letting them leave Hogwarts is leaving home. Hermione giving them clothes is a kind of exile. The outside world Not necessarily as good as in school.

When the Ministry of Magic was still using owls to deliver letters, those owls deliberately stained the glass. The elves had to wipe the glass over and over again, while the elves at Hogwarts could study food magic. There is also a difference in doing housework. .

Anyway, Pomona thought the little guys were doing a great job, and Hogwarts wouldn't be able to function without their contributions.

To help others is to help yourself, but when you want to help others, you must see whether the person in need is worth it. Compassion cannot be abused, otherwise you will be like the farmer in the fable, who was bitten to death by a poisonous snake and screamed before he died. I just deserve it.

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