Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2511 man on a mission (4)

If you start a family, you must first face a problem - who is in charge of the family's financial rights.

The philosophy of most wizarding families is that the woman is in charge and the man is out to earn money. Expanding to the school, this involves the problem that has existed since the establishment of Hogwarts, whether arithmetic and divination belongs to Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff College.

The arithmetic and divination class has to deal with mathematics. If someone wants to work at Gringotts Bank, she or he must obtain an owl certificate for the arithmetic and divination class. If someone wants to stay in school, they can also enter the arithmetic and divination department. Since Albus Dumbledore became the headmaster, Transfiguration has also had a special department, which has excellent transfiguration talents, but not everyone is a teacher, it belongs to Gryffindor College.

Fortunately, Felix was not in charge, so Pomona could safely and boldly purchase materials and hold a grand banquet.

The history book Pomona read about wizards in the 16th century was written by Dexter Fusco, who was the headmaster of Hogwarts. At that time, he advocated converting a tower into an astronomy tower. Spending a lot of money on equipment like astronomical telescopes was met with strong opposition.

Astronomy is the only subject at Hogwarts that shares knowledge with Muggles, because the trajectories of stars and planets are recorded, and wizards do not need to use wands when taking this class.

The contradiction between wizards and Muggles in the 17th century was already very intense. At that time, there were no Muggle studies classes, but there were many books about how Muggles burned wizards. Fusco also wrote it, but he did not focus on discrediting Muggles like other authors, but connected extreme weather, plague and political struggle, which obviously did not conform to the views of the pure bloodists who were in power at the time. Also this book has never appeared on the bookshelves of the Hogwarts library. You can't find a book about witch hunting in the school library. Pomona is only found on Professor Binns' private bookshelf. took it.

Muggle astronomy in the 17th century was changing from the geocentric theory to the heliocentric theory. Fusco believed that wizards should also keep pace with the times instead of keeping their doors closed. There was even a hearing on the building of the Astronomy Tower, and the trustees did not agree to sponsor it.

In short, after overcoming many difficulties, astronomy and observatories have been established. Someone wrote a biography of Dexter Fusco, which is very thin. It is on the shelf in the Ravenclaw lounge. The only trace of Kirster Fusco left at Hogwarts, his portrait is not hanging on the wall of the headmaster's office.

According to "informant" reports, Ravenclaw prefects always say that Ravenclaw is the smartest and funniest when they give speeches to new students, and Hufflepuff is the friendliest group. Don't worry too much about competition when you run into it.

No matter how good the temper is, it will be annoyed by these "crows", but Pomona will not take the initiative to say this to the children.

Even wizards, most people are destined to be ordinary, they can't tell the difference between "what I really want" and "I was told that's what you want".

Rohart knew what he wanted since he was a student, and it is understandable that he would have such achievements in the future, but his method is feasible in society, but it is not feasible in Hogwarts.

What bothered her more than his perfect eight-toothed smile and the contrast between his cornflower blue eyes and the squat Pomona was that Rohart was standing there. On the podium, he became a role model for the children.

The role of role models is very important. Children are very good at imitating. Fortunately, the students of Hogwarts have not "woke up". If Rohart is not cursed and sent to the madhouse, he has connections and social resources. When Lippert improved himself, didn't Harry make the headlines of the newspaper because of him?

Few people recognized Harry in his first year, and now many people in the wizarding world know what the "Boy Who Lived" looked like.

The use of Evoking Guardian requires sufficient happy memory, so what is happiness?

The last time Remus gave Harry extra lessons, Harry used the memory of riding a broomstick for the first time, the wand sprayed out a thick mist, and almost had a physical Patronus, which is already very remarkable.

Many people have not found the memory that really makes them happy throughout their lives, so they cannot complete the curse of calling gods to protect them.

The Arithmetic and Divination classroom is right next to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. When passing by, Pomona looked there to see if Remus was teaching Harry again. Unfortunately, the door was closed tightly, so she didn't stop. , directly pushed open the door next door.

The exam is coming soon, everyone is reviewing in the library or the common room, the classroom is empty, not even the usual gray lady is there.

"Why isn't anyone here figuring out what their grades are?" Pomona said with a laugh, before amplifying her voice and shouting "Cetina!"

No one agreed, and it seemed that even the professor of arithmetic and divination was absent.

Pomona looked at the imposing office that Slughorn had wanted long ago, or the room next door that used to belong to Professor Dorothy's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Spacious, much better than a dank and dark cellar.

But because the walls of the Arithmetic and Divination classroom are full of bookshelves, the actual area of ​​the classroom is much smaller than that of the next door, and only a few desks and chairs can be accommodated.

She chose a seat and sat for a while, looking at the bookshelves, Albus said she would find the answer in this place, where is the answer?

She stood up again, and her fingertips slid across the books and scrolls displayed on the bookshelf. That feeling was like being in a roadside cafe. Her butterfly sleeve accidentally caught a rose on the coffee table, and then let the rose vase fall, and the water in the vase spilled out, disturbing her. The guy writing at the coffee table.

It was a small accident, she didn't mean it, she met the author's eyes before apologizing.

Pomona stopped, took the book that "hooked" her off the shelf, and flipped through it casually.

This is her personal experience. When you finish a busy and heavy work day, it is a pleasant enjoyment to read a book for a while.

Here you can hunt for treasure, maybe a beautiful butterfly, or a leaf, although it is not as valuable as jewelry, maybe, you can see them dance with the wind, so light, don't think about the heavy ones that weigh you down Breathless stuff.

She stayed in the arithmetic and divination classroom until the sun was about to set, and it was almost time to prepare dinner, but Tisena didn't come back, so she just "passed" the book and planned to go back to the office to continue reading.

As soon as she walked out of the classroom, she found a black dog standing in the middle of the corridor. It looked extremely embarrassed, thin and dirty, like a stray dog.

It walked towards her slowly, gradually from the darkness to the light, the dog's eyes looked at her with emotion, as if it would cry in the next second.

She thought it looked familiar, and thought to herself that it was just another pet dog abandoned by a student, so she could just take it back and raise it. She was about to greet it, but it was the first to notice something, turned and ran back into the darkness, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom opened, and Snape stepped out, his black robes billowing with the wind from his stride.

"Why are you here?" Pomona asked. "Remus wants you to substitute again?"

The substitute teacher looked very annoyed, but still suppressed his anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Send medicine."

"What are you kidding with him again, Remus?" Pomona called into the classroom.

"No!" Remus replied weakly from within.

"Then what are you mad about?" Pomona asked Snape.

"What are you doing here?" Snape asked aggressively.

"Borrowing books." Pomona showed him his "results".

"After astrology, you want to learn other fortune-telling?" Snape said meanly.

"No, it's for other reasons." She put her waist on her waist and increased her momentum. "Do you know what the hell Malfoy has been up to lately?"

The snotlite, who had grown much taller than her, looked down at her, and then looked behind her.

She also turned her head and looked over, it was the direction where the black dog disappeared.

"What are you looking at?" Pomona asked.

"Nothing." Snape said, looking that way, then turned his gaze to Pomona. "What's your relationship with him by borrowing this book?"

She held back, and told him everything Scamander told her, and what the Headmaster later told her, except that Leta Lestrange was Newt's first love.

Since Albus asked her to keep it a secret, she wouldn't tell anyone.

==================================================== =========

"Go away!"

A dragoon chased the black dog away. It had its tail between its legs and howled, and when she saw it clearly, it didn't look like the one Sirius had changed in terms of size.

"Are you all right, ma'am?" asked the major with concern.

"Help me back to the carriage." She gasped, and she felt the heavy things coming back, making her breathless.

"Here you are." Monte handed a small bottle to the major.

The major dipped something from the bottle and put it under her nose, and she took a deep breath and soon felt better.

The major offered to return the bottle to him, but Monte refused.

"Keep it, I still have it," Monte said.

Obviously no longer wearing tights, why did she still need smelling salts just like those women who passed out in the salon?

She let out a long sigh, the hot air turned into smoke when it was cold, and then she remembered that it was winter.

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