Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2529 man on a mission (twenty-two)

Hermione Granger is the favorite student of Felius Felix, he likes her even more than the students in his own school, so in many cases Hermione can get first-hand information about the exam from Felix, and even Exclusive news.

Of course, everyone would not say it directly, but it was rumored that Miss Hermione Granger had the ability to predict, and she would often pass the test questions she guessed. As long as it was not too bad, Charms would generally not fail.

As a little witch who loves to learn, Hermione was really busy in her third year, to the point of using the Time-Turner. But at the end of the semester, she was not so busy. For the top students who knew what the conversion spell was in the first grade and also added points to the college, it was more than enough for the final exam. But Pomona still met Hermione in the library. She was reading books on law, and the piles of them were thick and piled up. It seemed that she hadn't given up on saving Buckbeak in this way.

Pomona didn't want to undermine Hermione's enthusiasm, because the execution of Buckbeak was not as simple as it seemed. After trying to manipulate Hogwarts as a school board member to no avail, Lucius Malfoy began to fight for the Ministry of Magic. And use money to expand his influence in the Ministry of Magic, and getting rid of Buckbeak is a "signal".

Similarly, dissecting the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets is not that simple. The reason why the basilisk is associated with a snake is because it moves like a snake, but the head structure of the basilisk is closer to that of a lizard. In the travel notes of ancient Greek travelers in BC, it was mentioned that the ancient Egyptians put the "basilisk" on the head of the pharaoh in the shape of a crown.

The cobra on the Egyptian pharaoh's head is really a cobra. Although snakes are often used as a symbol of resurrection, the cobra on the pharaoh's head has nothing to do with resurrection. The cobra goddess was enshrined in the Nile Delta region and represented Lower Egypt during the dynastic era. At that time, many people in Egypt would be bitten by cobras. People enshrined cobras as gods out of fear, and believed that the cobra gods who accepted the offerings would protect them.

"Normal" basilisks are supposed to have a red feather, as if wearing a crown, but the basilisk in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets had the feathers missing from its head, and at first they thought it might be its owner, Salazar S. Raitling used it to make wands, or other magical items.

Since Feliway and Snape hadn't been able to peel off the basilisk's skin without destroying its skin, they found another way to dissect it from the mouth of the basilisk like Mr. Potter, and they soon discovered the abnormality .

We generally think that brain injuries are fatal, but this is not the case. There are many medical examples that can prove that even if the head has suffered a fatal injury to many people, it is still possible to survive.

After the sword of Gryffindor pierced the basilisk's jaw, according to the anatomical diagrams left by the ancients, it did not actually pierce the basilisk's central nervous system, but it should have destroyed the olfactory area.

People can live without hearing, sight, smell, and taste. The real fatal injury was the loss of brains in the basilisk's skull. The sword of Gryffindor has the magical property of absorbing stronger power than itself, so Feliway judged that it was not the "sword of Gryffindor" that killed the basilisk. Physical" properties, but its magical properties.

The basilisk has a lot of terrible power, its eyes and fangs, but the sword of Gryffindor has no eyes, and Felicity speculates that the sword may have absorbed the deadly poison of the basilisk.

The skin of the basilisk has one of the abilities that fire dragons do not have, that is, they are not afraid of eight-eyed spiders. Spiders are afraid to move when they hear its name, but when they face fire dragons, they dare to dismember dragons, which is also the responsibility of spiders. The role of "decomposition" in the food chain.

Spiders that eat dragon meat do not become less afraid of fire, or possess the other powers of dragons, since they are living beings.

The Sword of Gryffindor is the masterpiece of the Goblin King. Just as no one mentioned the channel of Hermione's "prediction" exam questions, no one mentioned Felius' half-elf blood. Felius has always supported Minerva, not Albus Dumbledore publicly, and he has remained aloof from non-teaching matters of the school.

Goblins, werewolves, giants, and centaurs are all very repulsive to humans, and they are happy to watch wizards fight among themselves. Envoys would be needed to win them over, but Pomona didn't think Felius would serve Albus like Hagrid because the Basilisk's death had something to do with goblin magic.

What happened in the Chamber of Secrets is a secret. Pomona has always been in touch with Charlie of the Weasley family. He can get her good dragon dung in the dragon sanctuary in Romania. Not only is the price cheap but the quality is good, he knows You need to know what the dragon eats and how healthy he is. This time when it was time for "delivery", he didn't send it. Instead, he sent a letter saying that he would also come to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament, and it was said that he would escort several fire dragons to the school.

Hagrid is currently at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, looking for a suitable place to house those fire-breathing lizards. The location of the Dragon House is not far from Aragot's lair. Aragote only listens to Hagrid, and it and its people are not alone. It wouldn't hurt him, and others, like Harry and Ron, weren't so lucky.

Last time they recklessly followed the spider, if it weren't for the Weasley family's flying car, they would not be able to escape the spider's lair at all. But Hagrid reminded the two of them to follow the spider instead of warning them of the danger, and the two little guys almost became meat pies delivered to their door.

In addition to the eight-eyed spider, there are other spiders. They are also afraid of the basilisk. In addition, the skin of the basilisk is not only useful for repelling spiders, but also for repelling other dark creatures. It can be sold for a good price in other countries. The basilisk has not been seen for hundreds of years. Except for the basilisk leather armor passed down from generation to generation by some ancient families, ordinary people don’t have it at all, or even have never heard of it.

Not all sales methods are salesmen knocking on the door one by one with a briefcase, or hawking on the street, advertising in newspapers, and placing them in shiny windows to attract the attention of passers-by.

Another way to sell is to introduce each other among friends at private parties, not to mention that it is leather armor made by Salazar Slytherin's basilisk, even if you buy it and don't wear it, it is still valuable for collection.

The basilisk was big and had a lot of blood. Even if Fei Liwei used a spell to prevent the basilisk's blood from staining his clothes, the bloody smell would enter his body through his breath.

Generally speaking, the longer a person lives, the stronger the magic power, but corresponding to the aging of the body, there is no powerful magic power, but because the reaction ability is not as good as that of young people, they lose.

The basilisk does not have this problem, but although it has great power, it does not have the same brains as a human, and finally becomes an animal with "economic value" like a dragon.

"Wisdom" can make up for the shortcomings caused by a weak body, which is why human beings stand at the top of the food chain.

She might really be an oddball to sympathize with basilisks.

And she never understood why neither Albus nor Severus had told her that basilisks were not life.

What is life?

Pomona did not read the explanations in the books, but looked at a room full of little wizards. They were not much different from the classmates she saw when she was a student. The pointer turned back to the age of 11, and she did not really enter the social life, which is the so-called adult world.

Severus also stayed out of school for a while, and when he came back he was changed, and he didn't like Hermione Granger.

The same goes for other people. Everyone nicknamed her "Miss Know-It-All". Even though the end of the term is approaching, it is more efficient to find Hermione, the first grader, to make up lessons than to study by herself, but no one asks Hermione for advice, including Ron and Neville.

That's actually quite infuriating. Pomona didn't raise her hand as actively as Hermione when she was studying, and she was always remembered only after the test results came out.

She wants to feel a little bit of existence, so she can play with Lily, Severus, Sirius, James and other "drama queens". The school life of others is not as "exciting" as theirs.


Pomona patted her heart, and looked back at the Weasley twins who popped out of nowhere, smiling at her from behind the bookshelf.

"What are you doing?" she asked angrily.

Not knowing whether it was George or Fred, gave her a gift box wrapped in colored paper.

"What do you want?" She squinted at them.

"A present." Fred or George said, "Open it."

"You want to know the content of this year's exam through bribery?" Pomona said deliberately.

"Of course not, take it apart," said Fred or George.

She hesitated for a moment, then opened the box, and there was a pocket potted cactus plant inside.

"Sent from Egypt by Bill, said to be rare," said George or Fred.

"Indeed." Pomona took the potted plant out of the box "Why give it to me?"

"We can't keep it," said Fred.

"And Bill," said George.

"And Mom, so we decided to give it to you," Fred said.

She watched the twins cautiously.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"We went to Greenhouse Three," said Fred.

"There seemed to be a devastation there," George said.

"It's like a tornado has blown by," Fred said.

"Or whoever harvested those magic plants," George said.

"Who do you think it could be, Professor?" said Fred.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Pomona asked stupidly.

"We believe that those plants belong to the property of the school." George said.

"Do you think we should tell the headmaster?" Fred said.

"Are you blackmailing me?" Pomona narrowed his eyes, planning to return the potted plant.

"Of course not. Even though the plants belong to the school, you have raised them so well." George said immediately.

"You have the right to harvest the fruit of those plants," said Fred.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Pomona asked.

Fred and George looked at each other and said together, "How about we do your errands?"

"You can teach and care for plants at school without worrying about it," George said.

"We'll bring you the gold back," said Fred.

She was about to be dazzled by the twins, but it was really convenient not to go to the Hog's Head Bar in person.

"I'll think about it," Pomona said.

Fred and George clapped cheers, drawing Mrs. Pince's stare.

"Goodbye, Dean!" Fred said in a low voice, and together with George, he bowed to Pomona like actors taking a curtain call, and left the library.

She glanced at the small potted plant in her hand, probably because of the long-distance travel, she looked very depressed.

"Poor little thing." She pouted and said like coaxing a child, then hummed happily and took it to the greenhouse.

==================================================== ==============

Even if they are twins, not everyone is like George and Fred. The Patil sisters belong to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. They have very similar appearance, just like looking in a mirror.

Ordinary mirrors reflect appearances. Once the mirror is turned in a different direction, the mirror image will disappear and become an empty mirror.

Pomona didn't want Parvati to be like George, especially with Padma under her supervision.

She will not make the same mistake again, so she started to pick up the quill and write letters. Although she doesn't know where Padma is now and whether she has returned to England, fortunately, she wants to contact a wizard and does not need to know the other party's name. The specific location, the premise is that she must find an owl.

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