Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 254 Antler Wine

Hermione Granger didn't miss a single Muggle Studies class at Hogwarts until she was very, very tired from using the Time-Turner so much that she had to drop Divination and Muggle Studies.

People's physical strength and magical power are limited, needless to say, just seeing how pale Severus' face is at the moment Pomona knows how much energy he has spent on her.

He is such a dedicated person. Black magic and some potions will cause harm to the body, but he will continue to study because he likes it. His greasy hair is a sign of his hard work in a sense, Sla G'horn was less reckless than he was about his health in order to achieve the perfect potion effect.

Genius also needs hard work and sweat to become a talent. Sirius, who is in his class, is also very talented, but Sirius likes to play with his friends. In addition, twelve years in prison have made him mediocre. Only Family matters and looks could beat Severus by a dozen blocks.

Severus will go all out if he likes it. In this process, he not only satisfies his curiosity but also gains strength. Many potions are made at night, and to match the phase of the moon, staying up late is a common thing for him. Pomona, who was going to call him to supper, would sometimes fall asleep by herself, and then he would rummage through her flannel pockets, which were always full of food.

For people with a strong thirst for knowledge, knowledge is food and a necessity for life. Hermione Granger, who was born as a Muggle, also has to take Muggle Studies courses, which makes Caredy Bubbaji very happy, even if In the relatively enlightened Hogwarts, Muggle studies classes are also very neglected.

She likes Hermione very much and often discusses with her, but Hermione doesn't like to chat with her very much. There is a difference between Muggles understood by wizards and real Muggles. The old fool not only wants wizards and Muggles to coexist peacefully, so what Caredy Bubbaji teaches is related to the positive image of Muggles, and she doesn't teach the children about the Salem Trial at all. She probably naively thought that "witch" was a good word in the eyes of Muggles, so she publicly expressed support for wizards marrying Muggles and werewolves in the Daily Prophet.

Apart from being a werewolf, Lupine is excellent in all aspects. The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is the most famous course at Hogwarts. It is normal for the female teacher at the bottom to feel admiration for the male teacher at the top. She appealed for justice for Lupin with her meager strength. Lupine deserved a fair chance. His courses were very good, both in terms of behavior and teaching quality, and he was much better than the pompous fool Lockhart.

Pomona felt that she was dying now, both mentally and physically, she was on the verge of collapse, and she was not in the mood to deal with hypocritical social interactions, so she found a corner to have dinner with Narcissa.

The heads of pure-blood families are basically men, and now they are talking about business while drinking, just like in the slug club.

This was a quantum leap for Slytherins, those old-school folks who always like to talk about things in a very serious setting. There is a tea room for the ladies and a smoking room for the gentlemen, and now it has been converted into a conference room, so the dinner party has to be held on the women's side. It's full of upholstered armchairs, lace, and all that feminine stuff, and the men in serious formal attire look out of place here, they're so uncomfortable, that's why Dumbledore makes dealings with male nobles The reason why it was handed over to the half-blood Prince to deal with.

Men and women are like two parallel lines, they can only look at each other and cannot meet each other. An unattractive woman rushing in to chat with them will only make them feel that there is an intruder, and a beautiful woman will make them end their original relationship. topic, and started teasing her. When women get together, they can accept boys, but when men come in, they will show their upbringing. Aristocratic women will not take the initiative to throw themselves into the arms of men like Lavender Brown.

In social situations, girls are often seen sitting and waiting for boys to invite them to dance. For the girl who dares to take the initiative to pursue her, she will be ridiculed if she does not succeed, and will be jealous if she succeeds. Men will cause conflicts between women. Fighting openly and secretly, so Pomona hates liars like Lockhart.

He captivated the women with his bright smile and then left. However, he was not very capable, and the books he wrote could deceive ignorant people, and his reputation abroad really made people fall for it. He encouraged women to pursue him, write him letters and so on, causing disputes and fighting, and Pomona wanted to raise her wand countless times to give him a grin and make him a "prince" embarrassing in front of everyone.

Now that hatred is back again, she wants to point her wand at Severus's hooked nose and cast a Mad Growth Charm on it, turning him into Pinocchio, whose nose grows every time he tells a lie long.

He played truant, lied, made bad friends, robbed his house with Death Eaters before he graduated, he screwed up his own life, and Lily's too, why didn't she think about it before, why Voldemort wanted that prophecy ball.

He needed an exact and complete prophecy. He wasn't sure if the previous prophecy was credible. He was killed by Lily Potter's rebound spell, not Harry Potter himself. The prophecy said that the person who defeated the Dark Lord would Appeared, born at the end of July. In fact, it often happens that the prophecy is not accurate. Maybe he can ignore Harry Potter, the savior who is not worthy of the name, especially if the prophecy is reported to him by someone who still cannot believe it.

In fact, Severus achieved his current achievements by lying just like Lockhart, but he was smarter than Lockhart and was accepted by those pure-blood families instead of treating him as a joke.

"If you could keep staring at him like this at other parties, Lucius and I wouldn't be so surprised." Narcissa Malfoy held up champagne and said with a smile, "You still look for him later?" He has a male companion, but he has never had a female companion, do you know how sought-after the head of Slytherin is?"

"Of course I know." Pomona was so angry that she lost her ability to think.

Although he couldn't marry old and prominent pure-blood nobles, he could marry some mixed-blood and declining pure-blood families.

"Don't you feel jealous at all when he is pursued by other women?"

Pomona took a sip of her champagne and avoided the subject.

Her heart was like a stone at that time, unmoved at all.

"Why doesn't Severus like eating in restaurants?"

"After Dumbledore's death, he didn't sit on the throne, which is the most central position among the faculty." Pomona said insincerely, upset, she still remembered his previous reminder that the Malfoy family didn't know she was Member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Whether it was the Death Eaters or the Order of the Phoenix, meetings were held around the table, and he was full of unhappy memories of restaurants, preferring to eat in the kitchen.

"Another woman has already asked him all kinds of things, you know, just like the queen to the king, why don't you want anything?" Narcissa put the empty wine glass on the silver plate held by the passing house elf , took another cup full and held it in his hand.

"Do you know Mary, Queen of the Guillotine? She loves fun and is extravagant, causing the national treasury to run out of money, and finally was sent to the guillotine by the people, even though she has a beautiful appearance." Another glass on the Genie's tray "I want to make him, not destroy him, if he doesn't screw everything up himself."

"How did you mess it up?" Narcissa asked coldly.

"The werewolf issue, if the conflict is intensified due to poor handling, then there will be more werewolf attacks in the future, and they will even collude with the goblins to rebel. Our current population has gone through two wars and is not as large as before."

"Repopulation is a big deal, and Lucius thinks so too. Those stinky animals actually steal our children and turn them into werewolves, keeping them away from their parents. They live a barbaric life of ruthlessness and blood drinking since they were young. Stole our hope, they started it, anyway I support the execution of werewolves."

As a mother, Narcissa Malfoy was right to say that, but Pomona was thinking of Remus Lupin, the pale, thin Wilwolf who still had the innocent smile of a teenager on his face.

He would rather ruin his health than eat human flesh. Human flesh is an excellent tonic for werewolves, allowing him to quickly recover the physical strength consumed after transformation.

"Speaking of which, take it." Narcissa stuffed a note into Pomona's hand.

"What is this?" She unfolded the note, which recorded the potion formula.

"You know how hard it is for a pure-blood family to have a child." Narcissa smiled enigmatically, "and I don't think he wants to leave your bedroom at all."

"Oh, hell!" After reading the list of medicinal materials, Pomona threw it aside like a hot hand.

"Don't be shy, Pomona, I'm glad Severus is a normal person, he's with you, it's better than the Dark Lord always thinking about how to kill people, or sending my husband and son on dangerous missions." Nancy Samalfo sighed exhaustedly, "He doesn't need to rest at all, except when he is with my sister."

"Sissy, I know I shouldn't ask this, but did the Dark Lord really have a child with Bella?"

"I have never seen any signs of her pregnancy, and I don't know where the rumors came from?" Narcissa took another sip of champagne, "She is different from you. Although you have no marks on your neck this time, you She’s dressed as baggy as she was for pregnancy, she’s wearing tight black cocktail dresses, she’s taller than you and she’s wearing high heels.”

Pomona heard the irritability in Narcissa's tone, just like when she complained that Arthur Weasley called "Molly Tickle".

A little disgusting, a little envious, all in all very annoying.

"I am not of the same type as her." Pomona put the paper away and stuffed it into the lining of her bra. "She is black, and I am white."

Bellatrix used the Killing Curse at will. What she indulged was her desire to kill. What she enjoyed in the process of torture and killing was happiness. Killing was a game for her.

Pomona herself is indulging in lust, and she also enjoys the joy of love. Although it is not as evil as killing, it is still an original sin.

Dumbledore controlled his desires. He was not with the dark wizard Grindelwald. He trusted the priest's daughter, Minerva McGonagall, more than her. He always made the right choice, so he used earth magic The gargoyle's spell was handed over to Minerva, whose biggest mistake in his life was trying to wear the ring with the resurrection stone, and ended up playing with his own life.

Arianna's epitaph reads: Where the treasure is, so is the heart.

This sentence comes from the Gospel of Matthew, and it is to persuade the disciples not to live only for food, wealth, and fame in the world, but to love their neighbors and help brothers in need.

At the same time, there is a parable in the Gospel of Matthew, whoever has it will be given to make him superfluous, and what he has will be taken away from him. An eminent scholar usually gets more prestige than an unknown researcher, even though nearly all the work is done by his students.

Dumbledore wants to take everything from Severus is very simple, because everything is given by him, just like a father gave life to his son, it was Dumbledore who avoided Severus Snape in Azkaban Wasting life.

The biggest difference between wizards and Muggles is the sense of crisis besides magic power. Wizards are on the brink of war at any time. In the Muggle Studies class, wizards should be taught how Muggles live in a world without magic power. In Muggle schools It doesn't teach students how to live in a world without electricity.

Once the power is cut off, the Muggle world will return to darkness, and their proud civilization will return to the Industrial Revolution and even the Middle Ages.

At that time, Muggles needed a scapegoat, someone who turned off the electricity, just like someone needed to take the blame during the spread of the Black Death.

"Why is it so easy for a Muggle to have a baby?" Pomona complained.

"Just like mice, the weaker they are, the more they will be born." Narcissa said with disgust on her face, "I hope Draco can make Astonia give up the idea of ​​peaceful coexistence with Muggles, that girl is pretty good in everything else, It's just so naive."

"And what if Draco is changed?"

Narcissa looked at Pomona with weird eyes, "This is not a good assumption, I can't accept that kind of daughter-in-law, what have you heard?"

"No, I haven't heard anything." Pomona stuffed her mouth with roasted ham.

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