Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2560 Smoke and Mirror (26)

At many awards ceremonies, the winners will take the stage to give a speech to thank them. Most of them will say "Thank you for your family's support. Without their support, I would not be able to achieve what I am today" and so on.

As corny as it sounds, it's a shame not everyone has family support, at least Damocles Belby doesn't say thank you to his brother.

Pomona gnawed on an apple while basking in the summer morning sun, carrying a picnic basket and walking towards the Quidditch pitch. There was a bit of fog in the morning, covering everything in a peaceful soft light. The interns got up early in the morning and were busy in the camp.

According to the legal age, some of them are already 17 years old, and they are already adults. It is inappropriate to continue to call them "children".

She took another bite of the apple and thought of Barty Crouch Jr., and even though he was an adult, Pomona hadn't seen him do anything unexpected, the most surprising of which was perhaps Karkaroff throwing him in court. Confessions came out and participated in the torture of the Longbottoms.

He had no grievances with them, and he even knew them because of the old Barty Crouch. After all, the Auror Office was under the Ministry of Magic's Executive Department.

Why did he do that? Just to see his father's shocked expression?

As Pomona expected, old Barty was busy with work, and most of the education of the children was left to Mrs. Crouch. Many wizarding families were like this, including the Weasleys and the Malfoys, and their children did not turn into children. Like Barty Crouch, he looks so obedient on the surface.

Perhaps, it is precisely because everything is "natural", as the son of the future Minister of Magic, he should be excellent in all aspects, no one has noticed how much he has paid for this, and he has not yet been "recognized".

Pomona shook her head and took another bite of the apple. She was indeed negligent, she didn't notice him at all, and she didn't understand him at all, but she wasn't his dean at that time.

"Professor!" Neville spotted her and waved at her.

Pomona also waved and walked over.

Although Augusta said in the Howler letter that Neville had brought disgrace to the family, at least he hadn't been removed from the family tapestry, as Sirius' mother could have done.

"How's your 'summer homework' going?" Pomona asked.

"Writing." Neville showed her the notebook in his hand, and she remembered that Neville was in the third grade, and he had real summer homework to do, while the senior students basically didn't have to write, late at night Their tents were still brightly lit.

Then she remembered Neville's "cage" last time, and thought it best to take him out of this camp and put him somewhere else.

"Let's go," said Pomona, leading Neville to the big tent at camp, putting the picnic basket full of breakfast on the table, and off to Hogsmeade.

She wanted to visit Keltburn, who lived in Hogsmeade after retirement, and Neville could live with him temporarily. However, she saw an "acquaintance" there, Mundungus Fletcher actually appeared at the door of the Pig's Head Bar, and he was sneaky, and it was obvious that he was plotting something wrong.

"You go to the Three Broomsticks first," said Pomona, and went to the Hog's Head and looked in from the window.

There was no one in the bar during the day, only Aberforth was sweeping the floor. Mundungus and Aberforth said something and went upstairs.

She was just about to find a place to sneak in to find out, but almost tripped.

She lowered her head, and Fei Liwei was looking at the prints on the surface of her leather shoes with annoyed expression.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Felius, I didn't see you..." She quickly apologized, but felt that what she said was ambiguous, which was very similar to what some people said when teasing others about their height.

"Don't worry about it." Feliwei handed a letter to Pomona. "I also received it. Greta Kachilov invited us to the party."

"What party?" Pomona accepted the invitation.

"Dumbledore wants us to go." Felix said angrily.

"The two of us?" Pomona pointed at himself and Felius.

"Obviously, Severus has important things to do and he's not free, and my music doesn't matter." Felicity waved his hands angrily.

"I think socializing is important, too," Pomona thought, as if she could take Cedric there.

"No one's listening." Fei Liwei spread his hands, then turned and left.

Originally, she wanted to continue to peek inside, but Aberforth stood by the window and watched her.

"Good morning, Professor," said Aberforth icily.

"Good morning, Aberforth," Pomona replied.

"The three broomsticks are over there." Aberforth said, pointing in the direction Felix was walking.

"Oh~" She turned around and almost walked with her hands and feet.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence that Mongelston was only there to sell stolen goods.

She thought to herself, but at the next corner, she seemed to see Kingsley and Alastor Moody, and the pink-haired Tonks, who had been patrolling Hogsmeade not long ago, chasing the fugitive Sirius Black. .

Sirius nearly killed Peter Pedillo in a fit of rage, through Remus' memory, but Harry stopped him.

"We'll take him to the castle," said Harry, not to the Ministry of Magic, or to Azkaban, but to Hogwarts Castle.

If nothing else happens, Peter will be brought before Albus, can the headmaster declare Peter guilty like a judge?

Harry didn't let Sirius do it, not only because he wanted to prove Sirius' innocence, but also because "he is not worth it".

The greater the crime, the greater the price to pay, and it is not worth using the Unforgivable Curse for Peter Pedilou.

During the First Wizarding War, werewolves were also fishing in troubled waters. They would enter homes attacked by Death Eaters, search them, or eat the corpses inside. Later, the mysterious man simply let them join him, just like bringing a dog Same. After the wizard took the human life, the werewolf ate the corpse and destroyed it, leaving only some wreckage at the scene.

They used to eat corpses in the cemetery. Although they were rotten, they didn't taste as good as fresh ones. At that time, their number was not large. Until Fenrir appeared, they seemed to see "hope" and bit people everywhere.

More and more werewolves were locked up, so Damocles Belby received this "task" to invent a potion to either control them or kill them. Anyway, these werewolves are going to be executed. It doesn't matter whether the dementors execute or the potions execute.

After a lot of experiments, Belby sorted out a body area formula that matched his potion formula. With it, it was only necessary to measure the height and weight of the werewolf before transforming to determine the weight of the aconite.

That is to say, this formula is piled up with human lives. Severus' improved version of Wolfsbane potion is not so accurate. He prepares a big pot for Remus every time. Remus drinks it regularly at first, but then he feels When he got better, he reduced the dosage. Unexpectedly, he transformed that night and lost his reason.

Even if the improved version of Wolfsbane passed the nomination, it still needs to continue to improve. It is not so easy to stand on the podium and give an acceptance speech.

As friends, we need to help each other. Didn't they cooperate well in the last Chamber of Secrets incident?

She thought sourly, and pushed open the door of the Three Broomsticks.

==================================================== ========

Although beer is a reliable source of water, brewing needs food, and doing so when food is scarce will cause public outrage, but clean water is equally important, so she thought of the method of alum to purify water.

This is not a new thing. Occasionally, the Muggle water is not so clear when the tap is turned on, but milky white. Mr. Evans explained to her what was going on, and he was still surprised that there are still children who don't know this. common sense.

Cokeworth is not a big city, and the tap water cannot be drunk directly, it needs to be boiled to drink. She still prefers to drink drinks like "Coke" in the refrigerator.

Abundant food can be stored at low temperature in the refrigerator, which is not as difficult to preserve as it was in the 18th century. Although the temperature in this era was very low, it cannot be compared with the refrigerator.

Georgiana was shocked when she heard Jim say that there is no observatory in Belgium, because Hooke, the inventor of the microscope, is from the Low Countries, and he also discovered microorganisms.

It may be that the altitude is low, and it is shrouded in dark clouds all the year round. It is difficult to observe after the observatory is repaired.

But Paris also has an observatory, and in the process of building the observatory, they can enhance exchanges with each other.

She wanted to regard it as the seventh bill. Originally, she didn't believe that the number "7" had magical powers, but because the mysterious man believed it, she wanted to prove Albus wrong.

If You-Know-Who doesn't know that Harry is the seventh Horcrux, he'll make one more to make up the seven.

If he knew that Harry had created the Horcrux by accident, he wouldn't have killed Harry to destroy his Horcrux.

Although the mysterious man is crazy, he still has logic. If he can't distinguish such a simple thing, this kind of "resurrection" is not an amazing "achievement".

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Georgiana stopped talking to Jim.

"Please come in."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bertin came in. She brought two seamstresses and said to Jim, "Madame is about to change clothes, please go out."

Her attitude was so firm that Jim had to go out, and Bertin looked at Georgiana when he had gone and closed the door.

"Do you want to make the same mistake as Josephine?" Bertin said.

"Of course not," said Georgiana, laughing.

"How can you let someone like that..."

"Running errands," Georgiana went on. "Don't worry, I've got my measure."

Bertin disagreed.

However, she asked the tailors to help Georgiana change into a new dress, which was made of silver satin, and the headdress was made of filigree flower crown. The person in front of him is connected with the Hufflepuff girl wearing a yellow scarf.

Fu Rong was complaining that the food at Hogwarts was too greasy. Obviously, even a mixed-race Veela didn't have the mysterious physique of not gaining weight no matter how much she ate. What an amazing "talent" this is.

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