Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2572 Cheese Trap (8)

After the Renaissance, Muggle paintings often used the "perspective" effect, which is based on the increased distance between objects and the observer.

When the object is far away from the observer, it looks small, and as it moves closer, it gradually becomes larger. When the distance is far enough, a star is no more than the size of the tip of a needle, and when the distance is close enough, even a real needle will appear larger than it.

Pomona and Felius walked together in the Forbidden Forest with one foot deep and the other shallow. In front of them was the human Snape. His steps were too big for the two of them to keep up.

Due to the perspective effect, there seems to be a world behind the portrait. When Bill solved the spell, he thought that the Death Eaters had used an advanced expansion spell on the painting, which made him take a lot of detours.

With the development of Muggle technology, the form of their recording pictures has changed, and portraits have been replaced by photographs. Wizards are also using them, but the photos of wizards are dynamic, constantly looping and "playing" this repeated picture, such as dancing in a forest full of fallen leaves in autumn, or constantly showing passers-by his award-winning image like Lockhart smile.

These photos will not interact with people outside like portraits, although there seems to be another world inside.

"So Phoebe was blind at the time, and it wasn't because her eyes were also transformed into 'pigments'?" Pomona asked Felicity.

"Human body deformation is diverse." Felix tugged on his cloak that was hooked by the bushes. "I thought you, as Principal Dumbledore's student, knew more than I did."

If she doesn't spend too much energy and time on practicing gourmet magic.

Pomona thought to himself, then looked at Snape's dark back in front of him.

Although human body transformation is more difficult than ordinary transformation, it is not a taboo, at least it is quite "common" compared with artificial humans and time experiments.

Minerva once showed the second grade students how to transform an animal into a crystal cup, which is to turn organic matter into inorganic matter. When it was Ron's turn, it was unsuccessful. At first Minerva thought it was because Ron's wand broke. up.

Human Transfiguration with the same transfiguration spells that work on animals, at least not fully, and no one has yet tried to turn a human into a crystal goblet.

The reason why crystal is called transparent is because it is not like a mountain, it will not hinder the transmission of light, the light will be refracted through it, and part of it will be reflected, just like a clear lake.

It didn't take long for them to come to the lakeside. It was not as cold as before. In midsummer, the grass grew and warblers flew, and a butterfly even flapped its wings lightly across the mirror-like water.

"From a height, it's black," said Snape. "Like the Black Lake."

"Would you like to eat lunch first or investigate first?" Pomona asked.

Felicity and Snape began to investigate around the lake, while Pomona sat down on a rock.

The reason why people can see things is to see the visible light reflected by objects. If the light does not exist, then even if the eyes have the ability to perceive light, they are still "blind". Gold cannot emit light, it can only reflect light, because it is at least one of the substances produced after the explosion of stars.

In that book about time and space, it is said that matter and antimatter collide and annihilate after producing light, just like yourself shaking hands with anti-yourself, but it's fine if you don't shake hands.

The time travel rule "You can't be seen" that Minerva told Hermione means that Hermione can't see herself, other people see her, isn't it okay for Ron and Harry to go to class with her?

Pomona looked across the lake, where Harry Potter from the "future" summoned a physical Patronus, which shone brighter than a Patronus should have.

Harry in the "past" firmly believed that James Potter saved him, and Harry in the "future" understood that he was the one who saved him. Although they were still the same person, they were completely different.

It's not like looking in a mirror, it's more like pros and cons, but they didn't "shake hands" directly, but said "hello" through the patron saint.

"Past" Harry only spewed white gas, and as soon as his side went out, the other side lit up.

"Could it be a 'collision'?" Pomona said suddenly, and Felius and Severus looked at her together.

"Like matter and antimatter..."

"Then I think we should worry about whether this planet still exists." Felius said.

Pomona looked at Severus, hoping he would support her.

"The elemental of water," Severus said stubbornly, "is like the 'ink' of the pen of acceptance."

"That's not 'ink'!" Pomona corrected.

"But it has something to do with magic."

"Only the water element? What about the other elements?" Pomona asked immediately.

Feliwei also looked at him.

Snape was quite sensible, knowing that he couldn't cause public outrage at this time, so he continued to search in silence.

There is also an eye disease curse among the curses, which can hinder the opponent's vision, which is a great disturbance to humans who mainly rely on vision to obtain external information.

For a baby born blind, it is difficult for him to imagine what a "red apple" looks like. He has never seen either the red color or the shape of an apple.

And for those acquired blindness, even if they can still imagine what the "red apple" looks like at the beginning, as the blindness gets longer and longer, the image will become blurred, just like people with sound eyesight. The world has lost contact, and instead relies on hearing and touch to perceive.

Even if she has become a little blind because of love, she can't speak well for "darkness" in the incident of the oil painting curse. Not to mention children who are already afraid of the dark, even adults might find it difficult to bear it. This is no longer a prank like the Soft Knee Curse that can be perfunctory.

And Roger Malone, and the other juniors who were bullied by Draco Malfoy, Pomona would rather appease the bullied than to punish the little bastard, because Draco was his godson.

This is not the right thing to do, you should do the right thing.

But she thought of the soundless bird again, it was just a clue in the game, does it need to sacrifice a life?

The Death Eaters treated killing like a game, and Severus had learned all the good and the bad there, and it was her time to correct him rather than pamper him.

What you should "defend" is to resist the darkness like calling out the guardian, not to accept the darkness.

Or maybe you just made an excuse for yourself, and you also agree that power brings happiness.

If you are also a fragile bird, you will be slaughtered like the Jueyin bird, and you will not be able to make your own howl even when you are dying.

She touched her lips lightly, unable to imagine what it would be like to kiss a dementor, but there seemed to be a dark shadow in front of her eyes.

Instead of rubbing her eyes, she took out her wand, and a transparent swan flew out from the end of the wand, knocking the shadow away.

Felix and Severus watched her together.

"I want to see what it feels like," she said to the two of them, as the Patronus swan glides across the lake.

The deer-shaped patron saint didn't fly, and all the flying in the sky were dementors.

It feels amazing.

"How is it?" Fei Liwei walked over with short legs and asked.

Pomona looked at Severus, the memory she used just now was what she saw in the Mirror of Erised, and she knew it was her hallucination.

She turned her gaze away, ignoring the two of them for the time being, she needed to find a place to be alone for a while.

==================================================== ==========

If time doesn't stack up, then is it okay for her to stay here now and think through some issues before going out?

After all, she is no longer a little girl holding a plush toy.

Georgiana leaned against the wall and sat on the ground. The entire corridor was lit with oil lamps, as if she didn't have to worry about the darkness. But if two mirrors are placed facing each other with an oil lamp in between, it will also form a similar corridor. You only need to blow out one of the lamps, and darkness will come.

Vulnerability and vulnerability will not help you solve any difficulties, it will even become your weakness and be attacked by others.

But after a brief "resistance", she remembered those joys under the cover of darkness, some explored in the castle when she was a child, and some took risks regardless of the consequences when she grew up.

She actually went to the Slytherin dungeons in the Invisibility Cloak when the kids were back at school from their holidays.

Draco wanted to get a soft-clawed land prawn for "good luck" with Harry who was participating in the Triwizard Tournament, so he went into his godfather's office blatantly, and then he noticed that the door to the bedroom was open, and he Walked by just in time to see a woman taking off the hood of her cloak.

"You should go before it's too late," said Draco's godfather.

She didn't remember what she said herself, except that the "darkness" tasted so delicious, like sweet poison.

The Muggle-born Hufflepuff girl trapped inside the painting might not actually be crazy, but rather overcome the fear of the dark and see its benefits.

As if in a flash of inspiration, she remembered what she said at the time.

'You can do whatever you want. ’ she said to him, as if to herself, that the bondage was broken and they were all free.

She was convinced then that there were some things Lily couldn't give him, because she was dead, her body buried, her flesh turned to dust, including those lake-green eyes, and maybe the red hair, because it wasn't so easily decomposed.

So, she, the living, won, right?

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