Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 258 Death of the Swan

As long as the Dark Mark was hot and painful, Karkaroff would fly away like a canary, and he made a deal with old Barty Crouch for his life, saying many people's names in public.

Severus was much smarter, knowing that only Dumbledore, the president of the International Federation of Wizards, could really protect him.

In order to make him believe that he really defected, he can tell any lie, but he does not need to tell some lies, for example, he admitted that he betrayed Emmeline Vance, but denied that he betrayed Marlene McKinnon, Because of that photo taken by a generation of members of the Order of the Phoenix, there are many well-hidden people who have been found and murdered by Death Eaters. People who live in the shadows should not go to the sun, but Lily belongs to the sun. After experiencing the abuse of the Dursleys, Harry still maintains innocence and kindness. This is the most similar to Lily except for his eyes The place.

Only those who are confident like to take pictures, and Pomona wants to avoid any camera that can record her own image. She is the most insignificant of the deans of the four courtyards. In the battle, all Hufflepuff members are present, and they also use plant magic to participate in the battle.

There are many conditions that restrict the growth of plants, but as long as the conditions are right, they can produce infinite power. Dumbledore didn't teach her how to use the gargoyle's spell, but she used the devil's net to entangle the giant.

The more the plant struggles, the tighter it becomes, and it will slowly loosen when it relaxes and no longer struggles. With the continuous support of magic power, the vines she created with the growth-stimulating spell are as thick as arms, and they curl up like snakes. The giant that entangled it, that clump of crab claw orchids, looked just as beautiful, only it was as much a death-trap as a spider spins a web to catch its prey.

The emerald ivy bracelet on her wrist is from Black's family. It is the last line of defense for her. It looks very fragile, as if it will break with a light touch, like a privately connected Floo network, which only needs a spell You can disconnect the two. Now the basilisks are as cautious as spiders, Arthur Weasley is their prey, a war hero caught in a scandal of black magic and corruption, it is conceivable to cause a sensation, the cause of this commotion But it was just a small thing. Harry Potter was going to buy books in Diagon Alley, but he accidentally pronounced Knockturn Alley when using Floo powder, and then he appeared in Bojinbok.

In order to support their families, men sometimes do some unconscionable things. Women know that after they make mistakes, they should not sue them for doing illegal things like judges. Molly is a person who has experienced brutal wars. She can clearly distinguish between primary and secondary . It was wise for her to let Hermione have the baby before she went out to work, it was dangerous to fight wits with those beasts while pregnant.

Dumbledore is only a man after all, he doesn't know the feeling of blood connection between mother and child, he is sure that Harry is a Horcrux because of some external reasons, such as the spiritual connection between Voldemort and him, and Harry can say Parsel This language can be learned, and Ron has learned it from listening to Harry talking in his sleep.

His assumption should be overturned after his death, there is a bloody little monster lying under the chair in that white place, that is Voldemort's eighth soul shard, Harry Potter's scar and the final shard not related.

There is a wonderful connection between the twins, Fred and George often play you say the last sentence and I will follow the next sentence, like they know what the other is thinking, Voldemort's new body uses Harry's blood, and they will Like twins, Pomona wondered if Tom's broken soul would feel burned when he met Harry's complete soul, because he was as bright as his mother.

Sunshine and nature are the natural enemies of the devil's net. Pomona Sprout is not as optimistic and sympathetic as she looks on the outside. She just abides by the college rules and is a Mrs. Hufflepuff.

If you hide for too long, you will become timid and fearful. Dumbledore knows the theory of Animagus Island but dare not really transform. It’s just that he and Pomona have different reasons, because his patron saint is a phoenix. Saying that the Animagus and the Patronus are one animal, magical creature transfiguration would have unintended consequences. Her patron saint is a swan, there is no such restriction, she can actually try, but it is easy to become a swan, but it is not so simple to change back, she must firmly remember who she is, at least she wants to die before she dies. Try it once, even if you can't change back, you will die like a swan.

In addition to Swan Lake, the Royal Opera House will also perform other ballets, including a ballet solo. Under the quiet moonlight, a swan fluttered its wings sadly, wandering on the lake, and the cello played a melancholy melody, as if mourning for its death.

Life calls for it to struggle with death, and she miraculously flies at last, and the brilliance of life flashes again, but due to exhaustion, she finally bends down to the ground and gradually closes her eyes.

It was a beautiful way to die, but it was too heavy for the two girls who came to see "Carnival of the Animals", but Pomona felt the inspiration and rhythm of the poem, which symbolized the unremitting resistance of human beings to fate With the spirit, even if you fail, you are still on the way to fight against fate.

"I want to go to Malfoy's house, Draco, Lucius, Narcissa are not unrelated people." Sitting on the kitchen floor, she asked the human dark wizard lying on her lap.

"You shouldn't have asked." He looked at a point in the void, looking more unhappy than usual.

"Do you want to hide this secret until you can't hide it?" She said angrily, "Bella is the one who cursed me, and I have the right to know."

"He begged me to help him relieve the pain and humiliation of an old man, but he didn't tell you that he begged me to kill him. He disgusted me. That's what he said in front of me. I think I'll help him finish it Even if he wishes, he still hates me, Sirius Black is his favorite."

"If he really liked Sirius that much, he wouldn't let him stay in Azkaban for twelve years!"

"Who knows what he thinks, he is the old king, even the Minister of Magic has to listen to him, Fudge thought his wings were stiff and wanted to disobey his orders, but you see how badly he fell, if it wasn't because he didn't The heir Dumbledore will be literally royal, like Muggle royalty forever above Parliament."

"So my prince, you have inherited everything from him, and you are the new king?" Pomona said incredulously.

"There are too many opinions and opinions in the meetings of the Order of the Phoenix. In the end, arguing and arguing waste time. Democracy will only bring differences during the war. The wizard council has no term of office. Unlike the Muggle government, which will change its leader after a few years, I just If you want to be efficient, don't always do things in a muddy way because you are afraid of hurting your 'feelings'."

"I like talking to you because you have a nice voice, can you talk to me more often?"

His eyes became two long tunnels again, but instead of using spiritual magic, she saw a cluster of soul fire, shining a very beautiful blue light.

"I read a letter from Lily to Sirius Black, she said 'stop being friends with Grindelwald, I think she must be crazy', that 'she' was talking about you ?"

"I never met Grindelwald, he was locked up when I was born."

"So how did Lily know about Grindelwald?" he said with a smile. "She never left England."

"Where did you find that letter?"

"Stupid dog in the bedroom of the old Black house, with pictures of Harry and James."

"Severus, Sirius hasn't stepped into that room since he left home at the age of sixteen. He couldn't have slipped the letter into that bedroom." Pomona thought with a face full of horror, could Grindel Waugh's spies infiltrating the Order of the Phoenix?

He laughed out loud.

"That's interesting, will you make friends with Grindelwald, Pomona?"

She wanted to simply say no, but she couldn't.

"He's a pure-blood. Do you think he'll accept our mixed race?"

"You will definitely be incinerated by his fire magic. I don't know for sure. He will be very interested in my spiritual magic."

"So you're going to be friends with him?"

"I don't like to hide myself, but I like to keep my distance from Muggles. I have no interest in ruling Muggles."

"Just like when we lived in seclusion, do whatever we want without disturbing others, right?"

"That's right, that's it." She kissed his forehead, "You're so smart."

"The rebound spell, do you think it is possible that Grindelwald taught her." He said in a whimsical way, "The Dark Lord is gone, Grindelwald can come back to play games again."

"Why doesn't he do it himself?"

"Grindelwald is not the opponent of the Dark Lord. He is the strongest wizard among all living wizards. Grindelwald was still alive 98 years ago."

"So he taught Lily Potter, a Muggle girl, to deflect spells, and then used her to kill the Dark Lord?" Pomona reached for a piece of French toast, chewing and thinking.

"Sounds like him." Severus took a bite out of his toast with her hand.

"Why do I think it sounds ridiculous? He was in prison at the time." Pomona said with teeth and claws.

"He can escape from prison. He was caught once in New York before. He escaped from prison while the International Federation of Wizards was escorting him, and he was not in prison at all."

"Oh, I hate the old man!" Pomona complained angrily.

"But Grindelwald is much more interesting than Dumbledore." He smiled. "I've grown to like him."

"Are you starting to like men, Severus?" Pomona asked deadpan.

Immediately, he laughed even more happily, almost like a demon king.

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