Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2595 potions market

Pomona saw an ad in the Daily Prophet: Miraculous Potion to Get Rid of Cellulite Forever, Guaranteed to Work or Your Original Price Returned.

She looked down at her waist, and then at the newspaper.

"That's a lie." The Potions Professor flipped through another copy of the Daily Prophet. "If you buy it, you're just buying back a bunch of useless snake oil."

"That's a big company," Pomona argued.

The corner of the master curled his mouth, teasing, "Do you think that they develop many types of potions and have many employees, so they are big companies?"

"if not?"

"They're just good at lying. Do you really think that if you bought their weight-loss pills and it didn't work, they'll give you your money back?"

Pomona looked anxiously at the paper again.

"You're not fat, Pomona, it's just the Polyjuice Potion," he said softly. "You should focus on other things."

"I'm not interested in Quidditch either." She put aside the newspaper full of Quidditch, and continued to concentrate on how to arrange the maze.

The Potions Master continued to read the newspaper on the sofa in her office.


In the United Kingdom and the United States, there is a trading system for the potion stock market. Although it is somewhat similar to the Muggle stock market, it is not the same.

Scamander's amnestic potion had worked very well in New York, and he had spread it by rain, which was more convenient and safer than a large amnestic spell. If he put that potion on the market, it would rise very quickly in the era when Grindelwald created so many magical disasters, but in peacetime, it would be of little value.

To make this kind of potion, you need the venom of the winged bat. Scamander is "freshly squeezed". If the forgetting effect of the venom will weaken over time, then it has no possibility of hoarding, which will cause the price to fluctuate violently. Once there is a large occasion that needs to be forgotten, the venom of the winged bat will rise, but it is of little value in normal times unless other uses are developed.

Some potion manufacturers will make semi-finished products to "fix" the amnesia effect of the bat venom, or store them for a longer period of time, but they are not the amnesia potions they sell, but the basic materials similar to snake oil.

Fluctuations in the prices of these basic potions and medicinal materials will affect the finished potion, and the reasons that affect the potion and medicinal materials may have nothing to do with magical disasters, such as a wildfire destroying the habitat of a certain animal or plant, or because of trade caused by the ban.

Medicinal materials and potions are also divided into classes. For example, Rem Bull's Blood is at the top, followed by Dragon's Blood. In terms of the difficulty of obtaining it, Rem Bull is not as aggressive as Dragon, but Rem Bull is stronger than Dragon's Blood. Much harder to find, they don't have protected areas like dragons in Romania.

As for the low-level medicinal materials and potions, each country can produce them by itself, following the market rules of Muggles to a certain extent. However, at the end of 1925, because of the sudden ban by the French Ministry of Magic, it indirectly affected the export of low-level potions in the United States, causing many people to be affected. loss.

No one knows the reason why the French did this, but if the date is calculated, the birthday of the mysterious man is December 31, 1926, at least 10 months before that, just shortly after the promulgation of the ban, that is to say, Merope Isn't the love potion for Muggle Tom Riddle not made in France?

This is not necessarily the case, because the effect of the love potion will become more and more effective as time goes by, but because the ban has caused such a big disturbance, no one will link the birth of the mysterious man with the French love potion, on the contrary It is because there is no supervision on the love potion, and the United Kingdom, where Merope's hometown is located, is even more suspicious.

Because the mysterious man heard the prophecy, he went to find Harry Potter, the boy born at the end of July. The prophecy can be believed or not. The French Minister of Magic banned the sale of love potions in order to prevent the second Dark Lord from appearing? Assuming that the French Minister of Magic did not issue a ban, Grindelwald would still go to Paris to lobby, and the results would not be visible to people in this world.

There are also rumors about the seven-times-married Mrs. Zabini who drugged the men who gave her everything, and Mrs. Zabini grew richer from marriage to marriage.

But Mrs. Zabini is also a very beautiful and charming woman. Who knows if those people who surrendered under her skirt really lost their minds because of the love potion.

There are many conditions for the listing of potions. Not all potions are eligible to go public, but potion companies can go public for financing, such as the slimming potion company that Pomona wanted to buy before, but the diluent they developed was rejected by Sri Lanka. Nepe said it was ineffective snake oil.

It's certainly against the rules, but it's not Pomona's concern at the moment. She kind of understood why Albus had let Pomona and Felix out and had Snape "locked up".

No matter how profit-oriented Slytherin is, he will not kill the pet of the "Snake King" and sell it by dismemberment. Felicity and Pomona are different. A dead basilisk will rot slowly in the secret room. It's better to use the useful parts of it.

There will always be one or two "antiques" passed down from generation to generation in noble families, such as armor made by goblins, or leather armor made of magical animal skins. No wonder it counts as one of them.

Singleton's self-stirring cauldron is useful for low-level potions, who doesn't have acne or something. However, it is completely useless for high-level potions. If Felicity Elixir can be mass-produced, there won't be so many unlucky people.

With the "potion material" of the basilisk, the people Singleton will contact will be more advanced. If you want to be in the history of magic in your 30s, and get a chocolate frog card, instead of going to St. Mungo's mental hospital like Lockhart, of course it would be different. Singleton won at least one afternoon tea with Pomona Opportunity.


She had just parted with Singleton when Ludo Bagman yelled.

He opened his arms in front of so many people, and she couldn't hide, when Cedric rushed forward and stood in front of her.

"It's an honor to meet you, sir." Cedric held out his hand to Bagman.

"Who are you, kid?" Bagman looked at Cedric without reaching out.

"Seeker from Hufflepuff College." Pomona walked around to Cedric's side and looked at Bagman. "Maybe you can teach him two hands."

"I heard that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts," Bagman said.

"That's right, the third game will be on the Quidditch pitch," said Pomona.

"Let's talk about it next time we meet." Bagman patted Cedric on the cheek, and walked away after the others shouted.

Cedric looked at Bagman's back with some annoyance.

"Thank you for helping me out." Pomona patted Cedric on the arm. "Let's find your dad."

"You're welcome, Dean," said Cedric, who was tall and protected Pomona by his side as he weaved through the crowd.

They soon found Amos Digory, eating at the buffet table.

Seeing him eat so well, Pomona was hungry, so the three of them, Hufflepuff, ate and drank like no one else.

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During the French Revolution, the exiles probably fled in two directions. One was to go east, to Switzerland, Austria, and Italy, and the other was to go west, to England or the United States. A few people would choose to go north or south. , to the Low Countries and Spain.

Prussia replaced Austria because of Frederick the Great, the Seven Years War and other reasons, and formed a strong enemy with France. The success of the "diplomatic revolution" arranged by Marquis Schwarser was also due to Prussia, and today the Holy Roman Empire has existed in name only. There is often a marriage relationship between the nobles, and relatives come to live in their own house for a few days, so it is not easy to drive them away. If the relationship is good, it will not only give money, but also help to recover the relatives' property.

If she was right, the messenger for Berlin should have already left, and she walked to a map of Europe. This time they traveled all the way to the west, first to Normandy, then to the north, to Ostende, then to the east, to Antwerp, Mechelen, Brussels, and then going south to northern France .

This area is the grain-producing area of ​​France, and it was also an important industrial area in the 20th century. Pomona also thought to himself that Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette fled to the north because there was enough food there.

The west was originally closer to the Atlantic Ocean, that is, the United States, the raw material of cotton, and the United Kingdom, the supplier of yarn, but lost this advantage because of tariff barriers.

It is impossible for France to restore the 1786 trade treaty, and Britain also knows that cheese, milk, and cider will replace cotton products as the main commodities in Normandy?

Justin's grandfather once heard from former comrades-in-arms that farmers in Normandy planted apple trees like a maze, which almost interfered with the actions of the Allied forces.

If she remembers correctly, Marie Arené, who was commemorated by the French Cheese Association, should still be alive. It is possible that Georgiana has seen her. Unfortunately, there were too many people at that time, and the women bosses of the textile industry stood in front , she forgot to ask if it was milk from the cheese maker.

Moldy cheese smells bad, but it won’t kill people. If you really can’t eat it, you can try cheese potion. It is said that it is not much different from the toffee used to make butter beer. How big is the difference between butter and cheese?

In fact, she knows that low-temperature sterilization can be used to keep milk fresh, but the most important thing at the moment is not this issue.

Cheap cotton and yarn can be imported from the "neutral countries" in the north. In this way, the northern inland of France, which does not have geographical advantages, will have more advantages in developing the cotton textile industry than the coast, provided that there is cotton to sell.

Looking at the blank space on the west side of the map, she remembered some "past events".

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