Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2602 Daisy's World (Part 2)

Newt Scamander's boggart is a desk for whom office work is the scariest thing.

However "unfortunately" when he returned to England to start working at the Ministry of Magic, it was all office work.

"Poor little thing," said Pomona sympathetically.

"I knew you would think so." Tina said strangely, taking a sip of the wine in the glass.

"Why?" Pomona asked.

Tina sighed, "He said I have eyes like a salamander."

"What?" Pomona couldn't help calling out.

"I know he's complimenting me, he's tried." Tina took another sip of her drink, "but I don't think other people would like his compliments."

Pomona looked up at the sky for a moment, then said.

"Others say that Newt Scamander doesn't socialize because he wants to remain a mystery."

Tina laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Pomona asked.

"Do you know how he will answer?" Tina cleared her throat and said in the same tone as Newt said, "You know, the ancient Egyptians would paint or emboss on the box. The content of the embossment is what is in the box. On the murals, the box is painted as "transparent" so as to show the contents inside. This does not mean that the ancient Egyptians could not express the spatial relationship between the objects and the box through painting, but only by depicting the items in the box truthfully. Items are magically made to have physicality in the afterlife."

"What?" Pomona asked confused.

"You just said the sense of mystery, which is the sense of mystery to him." Tina shook her head and said, "Newt is not a mysterious person."

"And what do you think he's like?" Pomona asked.

"Let's go, we should go back." Tina shook her empty wine glass, "Let's see what else we have to drink."


It wasn't Tina who drove to pick up Wei, or it wasn't Tina who drove the car herself, but a staff member of the Department for the Protection of Fantastic Beasts.

When Pomona emerged from the Quidditch pitch, he was negotiating with Epimetheus Smith while Tina looked around.

"Hi, Tina." Pomona greeted her from afar.

"Nothing has changed here," Tina said when Pomona got closer. "It's the same as the last time I was here."

"Want to take a tour?" Pomona asked.

"Come on," Tina said, and they walked together toward the castle.

Pomona expected to meet Snape on the way, but he seemed to have left the school, and the Quidditch pitch was not far from the school gate.

Once inside the castle, the house-elves were so busy scrubbing with Mrs. Skoll's All-Purpose Cleaner that she and Tina got in the way wherever they went.

"We're going to have a Triwizard Tournament next school year," Pomona said.

"I heard about it, can I go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom?" Tina asked.

Pomona smiled. "Why would you want to see it?"

"I think you know." Tina laughed too. "I heard that position is cursed."

Pomona remained silent. It was an indisputable "fact" to change the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor every year.

They walked to the third floor and came to the room decorated with dragon skeletons.

Hogwarts motto: Never disturb the sleeping dragon.

According to legend, a group of Muggle children wanted to see the dragon wake up. Salazar Slytherin, who was still a child at the time, did so. The Muggle child died instantly, and Salazar Slytherin's mother died protecting him.

The dragon broke out of the dungeon where it was held, ran into the Black Lake, and then Slytherin's father killed the dragon while it was asleep.

Pomona didn't quite believe that the dragon skeleton hanging from the ceiling was the one in the legend, it was too small.

"What's this?"

Tina walked to a stone sculpture and asked.

"This was brought by the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Pomona looked at the giant stone hand and said, "Our professors like to arrange the classroom according to their own preferences."

"What is it for?" Tina said, looking at the giant hand.

"I don't know, it's been at Borginburg for a few years," Pomona said.

Tina fell silent suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Pomona asked.

"This relief..."

Pomona leaned over and looked. It was a "pretty typical" demon, with pair of goat-like horns and a skull-like face, or was it somewhat dragon-like?

"What happened to the cameo?" Pomona asked.

"I've seen it," said Tina, looking at the relief. "In Paris."

Pomona took another look at it, wondering if it was an illusion, she thought the demon cameo's eyes had turned blue.

She subconsciously took a step back.

"What's wrong?" Tina asked.

"It's nothing." Pomona rubbed the bridge of her nose, "Maybe it's because I've practiced too much magic recently."

It's because I drank too much black vine water.

she thought.

"Rita Lestrange, she used to be Newt's good friend, and she was also at the Pere Lachaise Cemetery at the time." Tina said, "She couldn't escape the magical flame."

"I've heard of her," Pomona said.

"She's still Theseus' fiancée." Tina looked at Pomona. "Theseus is the owner of the tie you mentioned."

Pomona didn't answer.

"We went to Paris later. It's a romantic city. I don't want to stay in the jungle anymore." Tina turned her head to look at the relief. "We saw its sculpture in a fountain."

"Which fountain?"

"The Fountain of Saint-Michel."

"Michelle...is that the Archangel Michelle?" Pomona asked.

"Newt said it was just a coincidence," Tina said.

Pomona was thinking of something else.

Although black wizards can't use the call of the gods to protect and summon the patron saint, it doesn't mean that they don't have defensive magic.

protego diabolica

Since it is a summoned devil's bodyguard, it is not surprising that the devil is attached to the magic flame.

"Maybe San Michele really protects that city." Pomona said with a smile. "Come on, let's go somewhere else."

"Are you going to keep it?" Tina asked.

"No... I'll give it back to Borginbock sometime," Pomona said. "Let's hope the previous professor didn't spend his meager salary on such nonsense."

So Pomona and Tina left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom together.

==================================================== ==========

With a "crack", the firewood in the fireplace made a crisp sound.

Georgiana's thoughts also came back again. She only remembered the water dragon. How could she forget that there is also the Seine River in Paris? She only needs to introduce the water of the Seine River into a specific place, and she can also extinguish the Fiercefire that has lost its curse.

She looked at the fire in the fireplace and seemed to see a phantom. A girl with red hair and green eyes walked to the high chair and sat down. Minerva put the sorting hat on her head.

Although Mother Nature and mother's nature are similar in spelling, they have completely different meanings. Nature is not a merciful Mother. Sometimes she can be cruel and difficult to face.

Lily will protect Severus and stop the hijackers from bullying him. This is what her sense of justice and friendship as a Gryffindor let her do, but the boy will grow up one day, and he will not has been hiding behind the girl.

But at that time, he was not strong enough to deal with the crowd of hijackers. Not only was he hung upside down, but his anger and powerlessness made him "distort", not the distortion of his body.

Only power can bring happiness, and if black magic can give him power, he doesn't mind going to a "new partner".

In fact, Lily can continue to practice magic at home. Even if she does not practice dangerous spells like Pandora Loufgood, the wealth of the Potter family is enough for her to continue practicing her favorite potions. She will be remembered as a "witch", Instead of "Harry Potter's mother".

It is not his ability that determines a person's fate, but his choice.

Even though he knew it was dangerous, Harry chose to "continue" instead of crying and saying "I won't play anymore".

Draco Malfoy has the same talent as Harry, not only Quidditch, he even repaired the disappearing cabinet by himself.

But he had a stubborn mother, Narcissa would not allow Draco to engage in dangerous Quidditch after the third grade.

But Naxisha is not afraid to take any risks. When Harry was hit by the Avada Kedavra Curse and no one dared to step forward to check his life and death, Naxisha walked over and said in front of everyone lied.

"Harry Potter is dead."

But she clearly heard him say that Draco was still alive, in a voice within earshot of both of them.

Did she really hear Harry speaking through his throat, or did she use Legilimency like Queenie, and hear his inner voice?

After all, Harry was so angry at that time that he didn't even dare to breathe too obviously, lest people would see him playing dead.

Georgiana touched the back of her neck. It was not like the umbilical cord, but it was the link of life.

"Can you hear me?" she asked looking into the void.

Naturally no one spoke.

But she had a feeling, as if a force was pulling her back.

Just when she was about to "shove" hard, a hand covered in asphalt grabbed her.

"You don't want to read that book?" said the shadow.

"Those are my pomegranate seeds?" Pomona asked.

The black shadow didn't speak, but withdrew his hand. With the "crack" of the flame, the flame trembled, and the light and shadow were distorted. The black shadow also disappeared into the shadow of the sofa.

She looked down at her hand and saw a black handprint.

She didn't think it was dirty, but pinched it on her finger and looked carefully, except for the color was a little different, it was not much different from the ectoplasm.

With her wand, she threw it into the fire, and the flames suddenly got out of control, as if a dragon roared in the fire.

When a dragon hatches its own egg, it also breathes fire towards it, but unlike a bird, a dragon needs to change its breathing method after breaking its shell.

Is the fire hot enough to hatch dragon eggs?

As soon as this idea occurred, the fire in the fireplace returned to normal, as if nothing had happened just now.

Everything is just her hallucinations and imaginations.

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