Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2610 partake (2)

Although wizards have become accustomed to wands, wand science is still an ancient, complex and mysterious branch of magic. The magical power of wands has been tested and explored for a long time. According to Ollivander, even the most familiar with wands. way to fully understand it.

But like so many other mysteries in the world, each one has brilliant minds to explore, and over time, it is further understood. In the Pere Lachaise Cemetery, Nick Flamel asked everyone to point their wands at the ground, and then an orange flame formed in the "circle", which is the "purifying fire" used by Nick Flamel's alchemy , after it fought with Grindelwald's Fire Shield, the "Demon Fire" was weakened before being sent underground.

Nick Flamel has lived for so many years, and his magic power is indeed stronger than that of the young people around him. However, the Philosopher's Stone can only prevent him from dying, but cannot prevent him from aging. His bones are almost broken when he is crushed. He has not done so in two hundred years. The battle is over.

He borrowed the power of the young people, and at the same time made their wands have the same ability to control magical flames as he did, even though they didn't know what flame spell Nick Flamel used.

And this is also the new "task" that Albus Dumbledore wants to teach Pomona, how she can make the interns easily arrange the maze. Just like the wand scale has complex structures and devices, but for those who have passed the security inspection, they only need to put the wand on the balance of the wand scale, wait for a short while, and wait for it to take the note Spit it out, and you can walk away with your wand.

Because the interns have signed a magic contract, not only will they not be traced, but they must also undertake the obligation of confidentiality. If the secret is leaked, they will not only be punished by the contract, but will also lose their qualifications to work in the Ministry of Magic. Even Scamander once held menial jobs at the Ministry of Magic after being expelled, until he received an invitation from Obscure Press to write a pamphlet on Fantastic Beasts.

Most of the people who stayed in school planned to enter the Ministry of Magic, but they were very young, not to mention that they would involve some outside temptations. Ludo Bagman will definitely find a way to get the news of the last level, as long as the "champion" he bet on can get the trophy first, just like getting the Golden Snitch, the first two levels are just to get points and get "champions" The sequence of entering the maze, as long as he takes the only correct path from the beginning, then he wins. He promised to give some "rewards" to those young people. If it was too rich to refuse, someone might leak the blueprint of the maze to him.

The Unbreakable Vow is a fire spell that creates lines of fire that leave scars on the hands of the swearer. Tina will also give each wand a serial number when she is in charge of wand registration. Of course, it cannot be engraved on the wizard's wand.

Flashback spells only need the same kind of core, so that damn machine just records the length of the wand and the core. In short, after being "tortured" for an afternoon, Pomona returned to his office in the greenhouse, transplanted the fire bushes preserved with the quenching spell into potted plants, and was just about to relax when Slytherin's old bat appeared It was obvious that the anger he had received from Albus just now was still there.

"Why don't you help me?" he demanded.

She didn't ask silly questions like "why should I help you?"

"Why do you want to make contact with an Auror? Are you crazy?" she countered. "Don't forget you almost..."

He was so irritable that he walked up and down in front of her.

At this time, she was not in the mood to care about him, she was very dizzy, although this time she was only looking at the memory in the Pensieve, and did not drink the flame whiskey and ayahuasca like last time.

After a while, apart from being dizzy, she was still out of breath, and then a "miraculous" scene happened. This time, the compound decoction expired before the prescribed time.

She watched her hands go from fat to slender in horror, and then she looked at Severus to see that he was also looking at her in surprise.

"What's going on?" She asked helplessly.

"The Polyjuice Potion has failed." He said blankly.

"How many times is this?" She said anxiously, "Why do you..."

"I analyzed the reason why you lost the efficacy of the medicine at the entrance of the secret room last time. You thought it was the werewolf transformation 'curse' that lifted the efficacy of the compound decoction, but I don't think so." Pick it when the moon is full, which happens to be the full moon."

Pomona listened quietly.

"What did you do before you went to the bathroom?" Severus asked.

"I visited patients," Pomona said.

"What else?" he asked.

She looked at the memory of Remus Lupine in the Pensieve, and was unfortunate enough to see through Remus' eyes that he panicked and subconsciously protected the children.

He didn't look like a dark wizard at all, and it was better to use some black magic than to use his own body as a "shield" at this time.

"I asked you something!" He said bluntly.

"I... I read Remus' memory." She stammered.

"What did you see?" he said coldly.

At this time, he certainly wouldn't want to hear himself making a fool of himself. Doesn't "Snotlite" hate Longbottom so much because he put his Boggart...

"What did you see?" he said dangerously, placing his hands on her desk.

In the morning, a visitor once told her that the production of love is the stimulation of the human brain by the appearance, sound, smell, and behavior of a specific person, which secretes chemical substances, which makes people feel romantic, happy, happy, and relaxed.

Now she doesn't feel happy and relaxed at all. Instead, she feels fear and her heart is beating fast.

you are not normal.

She thought sadly, wanting to escape from this place.

But when she stood up, before she could take two steps, her arm was grabbed.

"What did you see!" He said angrily, his hands were so hard that she hurt her.

"Don't hurt me," she begged. "Please."

He was stunned for a moment, then regained consciousness, staggered and took two steps backwards, leaning against the table to stand still.

She stood where she was, maintaining a defensive stance, looking as if she was about to experience violence.

"I won't hurt you." Severus swore, looking at the ground, "I won't be like him."

She knew he was talking about his father, Tobias Snape, but Tobias hadn't hit Irene with his hands, he had only verbally attacked her.

"I don't see anything," said Pomona calmly. "He hasn't had enough medicine to be rational."

"The old fool let you see such memories?" He said angrily with hatred.

"Not much doesn't mean nothing at all. After Remus was attacked by Buckbeak, he ran into the Forbidden Forest instead of going to the school. He still didn't want to hurt anyone, but although the Forbidden Forest prohibits students from entering, there are still people who will Sneak in and we'll find out if he hurt anyone else during this time."

He seems to be a little convinced.

"So, it's not because of the 'curse' that my compound decoction's effect is lifted, but because the sap plant has lost its effect?" Pomona took the opportunity to ask, "Why did it wait until daytime, and it didn't happen until after hearing Parseltongue? "

"There is also the skin of the African tree snake in the Polyjuice Potion." Severus rubbed the bridge of his nose. "It can change color. Both deformation and color change are invalid. Even if your connection with the transformed object is still there, the Polyjuice Potion does not." Useful."

"I thought it was dead like that," Pomona said.

"The faucet doesn't look like it's alive, and not all woodsnake skin can be used as a potion." Severus said, looking away.

"You watch me talk." She said suspiciously.

He didn't do what she asked.

"Why don't you dare to look at me?" She continued to ask, "Are you lying again?"

"No, why do you think that?"

She still didn't believe that bloodthirsty people had Patronuses, and even the hunter's elk Patronus would leave him when he'd killed too many game.

"I don't believe in the joy of killing," she said quietly. "Tell me, who else among the Death Eaters has a Patronus?"

He didn't answer the question.

But he turned his gaze to her.

That look was empty, he was using brain defense on her.

"I didn't torture you, why bother." She said softly.

"You better do the same." Snape suddenly looked behind her.

She raised her wand immediately.

The scene changed rapidly, and she came to the hotel in Brussels again.

The person she pointed her wand at was Lila Brick, a "vampire" who looked a lot like Sirius Black and was likely to be the father of the first Black family member.

"How did you get into my room?" She gritted her teeth and said viciously.

"I don't think you're asleep, so come in and take a look." Brick said relaxedly, "You are my savior."

"You also use Legilimency for your savior?" Georgiana asked.

Brick was silent for a moment, then smiled and said "I just want to know what you're thinking?"

"You don't even deny it?" She also said with a smile.

"You don't like liars, do you?" Brick said firmly. "Your magic worked that night because he broke your heart."

Georgiana stopped smiling.

"Poor Muggle," Brick said hypocritically, "he dropped his wand and picked up a branch."

"Maybe others don't think so, but he owns a whole forest." She said coldly.

Brick laughed.

"What's so funny?" she said angrily.

"No wonder he says that when he curses." Brick looked at Georgiana. "I hope you marry a cold-blooded Englishwoman."

Her wand hand trembled.

"Who is the 'he' you speak of?"

"Who else?" Brick said clearly, "Napoleon."

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