Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2690 The Lamb and the Banner (Part 2)

Remus "sleeped" after drinking the wolfsbane potion prepared by Damocles Belby, but Pomona felt that he seemed to be dead, only his chest was still heaving slightly.

No one cared about the life and death of a werewolf, even himself, but Pomona felt that she couldn't do nothing.

So she left the waiting room where the prisoners were held, and went to find the only person who could help her. At this time, the corridor outside the Ministry of Magic's trial court was full of potion masters who came to observe, although compared to yesterday, it was much less .

"You know what that means, Snape."

As Pomona turned a corner, she heard a voice say.

She stepped back quickly, poking her head around to look forward, and found that it was Severus, and standing in front of him was a woman in black.

"Don't get too excited, Laura," Severus said, "given you and your family's 'history'."

Lola suddenly spoke German.

"After all these years, you still haven't improved." Severus smiled teasingly.

"And what about you? After staying by Dumbledore's side for so many years, what have you found?" Laura asked.

Severus didn't seem to want to continue talking with her, and just about to leave, the woman quickly blocked her way, and it was only then that Pomona realized that she appeared in the "audience seat".

"I've noticed that he has done a lot of tricks since he became the principal." Lola sneered. "It makes people wonder how much loyalty you still have to the Dark Lord?"

"My loyalty requires no judgment from you," Severus said.

"Everyone is there for all to see." Laura said viciously.

"Seeing is not believing." Severus drew out the tone. "Especially you, keep your eyes open and continue looking for the sword."

"If you'd like to help me..."

"Is this the attitude you ask for?"

"You didn't really want to help at all."

"You are no longer from Hogwarts, and you need a reasonable reason to appear at the school."

"Do you think this will help?"

"Otherwise you can become the headmaster like Kakarov."

It didn't take long for Pomona to hear footsteps, and she quickly hid further away.

==================================================== =============

Later, Pomona learned that Laura Schneider had studied at Hogwarts, was two years older than Severus, married to Germany during the First Wizarding War, and returned to England while taking advantage of the Quidditch World Cup. She was in the Department of Mysteries during Voldemort's second reign, and she worked on the Time-Turner.

Before learning Occlumency, Harry really leaked a lot of secrets. Later, Voldemort "died" for the second time, and no one knew where Lola went.

In fact, Albus has always had a guess. He thought that the mysterious man was looking for the sword of Gryffindor in order to turn it into his Horcrux, and he originally wanted to use the basilisk in the chamber of secrets, but he soon found that he couldn't do it. Up to this point, the Basilisk was replaced by Nagini.

The book that introduced "The Darkest Secret of Magic" was once kept in the Hogwarts library, and then it was placed in the headmaster's office. After Severus became the headmaster, the book disappeared.

According to the book, the horcrux is essentially the opposite of a person. The container of a person's soul, that is, the body, can be destroyed without causing any harm to the soul, while the soul fragments in the horcrux depend on If the container cup is destroyed, the soul fragments inside will also be destroyed, and destroying a Horcrux requires the object containing the soul fragments to be damaged beyond repair by any magic.

Harry killed the basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor in the Chamber of Secrets, was also injured by the basilisk's venom, and was later saved by the tears of the phoenix. He was not completely destroyed like Nagini.

As long as students in the sixth grade have taken history classes seriously, they will have been exposed to the wizarding financial bubble in the 14th century and the subsequent establishment of Gringotts, a goblin bank. There is no relevant record in wizarding historical records.

The original destination of the time traveler from 1899 back to 1402 was to see what happened in 1378. Unfortunately, her time converter went wrong, and not only her own body suffered irreversible damage , but also formed 25 people "unborn".

A person's life path (life path) is fixed. For some "causes", their "effects" must happen. The prophets can see the "effects" and then make predictions.

But the magic of interfering with time may change the trajectory of some people's lives, resulting in a huge change in the original flow of history.

People can't be too greedy, the originally indestructible soul can be destroyed because of human's longing for eternal life. In order to hide his half-blood identity, Tom Riddle made up the name Voldemort. He tried to abandon his past self, but in the end he didn't want to resurrect with the bones of his Muggle father.

If he came back again, this time without old Tom Riddle's bones, what would he use to resurrect him?

He is not a good leader, he can even be described as a tyrant, but he also has people who treat him well. Severus is a talent, which is recognized by both Albus and the Dark Lord.

If it weren't for the Elder Wand, if it weren't for his swaying, unpredictable attitude, maybe the Dark Lord would still use him. It's a pity that the Dark Lord is not an old fool after all, he is impatient and finally decides to "dispose of" this "useful traitor".

It is much better to be a useful person than to have no value and be forgotten.

But not everyone agrees with her point of view and is willing to make free "dedication".

Just like the Venetians kept the secret of making glass for generations and gained huge wealth. That's actually not a big secret, it's just a plant alkaloid made from plant ash.

The glassmakers who mastered this technique managed to leave the island of Venice, and by doing so, they would not only be free, but also rich.

But once the secret spreads, everyone can make cheap, high-purity glass, and glass becomes worthless.

There are many things, to put it bluntly, there is no sense of mystery.

Because of the mystery, it is fun to pursue. Even if she is not a stunning beauty, she becomes full of charm and fascination.

Albus said that even if people all over the world despise him, misunderstand him, and ridicule him, as long as there is one person who understands and approves him, he will not give up in despair. If a woman makes a man lose confidence, he will alienate her. A woman fills him with self-confidence, and he will fall in love with her unconsciously, even if her appearance is not the most beautiful.

Dominique said she thought differently from him, was that the reason?

She was too ordinary and ordinary, not at all as amazingly charming as he imagined, so he was disappointed.

There is a gap between reality and imagination, and the French who went on an expedition to Egypt were also very disappointed after seeing the ancient cities that are famous in history.

If Lily had lived, she would have aged like Petunia, not the perpetually red-haired, green-eyed girl Severus remembered.

Reality always loses out, no matter how good the original idea is.

"You think it's going to work?" Dominique asked.

"I don't know, I just made full use of the government's national policy." Georgiana replied, "They issued a lot of patents."

Dominic was lost in thought.

"This method is what I learned from the English. They gave Watt and Soho the exclusive right to operate steam engines. He can send people to use his machinery to collect a part of the patent fee every year in a 'reasonable' way."

"That's what the British do."

"You can also do what the Italians do. I need 26 million francs."

"You want us to be evil tax collectors?" asked Dominique.

"Using the patent tax to mortgage 26 million francs, will you take this job?" Georgiana asked.

Dominic smiled.

"Deal." He held out his hand to her, his hands were clean, obviously cared for, not yellowed by potions like Severus's.

Even though France sold all the teaching property, she managed to find something to sell.

So she also reached out and shook him, even with a false smile on her face.

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